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UNICEF praises Armenian progress towards a Protective Environment

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  • UNICEF praises Armenian progress towards a Protective Environment

    I-NewsWire Press Release
    April 14 2005

    UNICEF praises Armenian progress towards a protective environment for
    all children

    UNICEF has hailed Armenia's ratification of the Optional Protocol to
    the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Involvement of
    Children in Armed Conflict and ILO Convention 182 on the Worst Forms
    of Child Labour. Both were signed by President Kocharyan today after
    being cleared by the Armenian National Assembly on 21 March 2005.

    i-Newswire, 2005-04-14 - `The ratification of these two international
    instruments paves the way for the implementation of the country's
    ten-year National Plan of Action for Children. It is a key step in
    ensuring a `protective environment' for Armenia's children,' says
    Sheldon Yett, UNICEF Representative in Armenia.

    The Optional Protocol on the Involvement of Children in Armed
    Conflict raises the minimum age for direct participation in
    hostilities to 18 years from the minimum age of 15 years specified in
    the Convention on the Rights of the Child. It also raises the age of
    mandatory recruitment to the armed forces from 15 to 18 and the
    minimum age for voluntary recruitment to 15 years.

    'Hundreds of thousands of children are being exploited in conflicts
    throughout the world,' says Yett. `Through the ratification of this
    protocol, Armenia pledges to ensure that children in this country
    will never have to face the prospect of actively participating in
    hostilities, consequently spending the rest of their lives scarred by

    The Optional Protocol on Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict
    has been ratified by 89 countries, including Armenia.

    ILO Convention 182 calls on the parties to the Convention to take
    immediate actions to remove all children below 18 from labour that is
    detrimental to their health and dignity.

    UNICEF estimates that 250 million children worldwide are engaged in
    child labour. Many are working in horrific conditions, working in
    mines, working with chemicals and pesticides and working with
    dangerous machinery.

    `They are everywhere, but they are invisible,' says Yett. `They are
    toiling as domestic servants in homes, labouring behind the walls of
    workshops and kneeling in the mud of the world's fields.

    `Child labour reinforces a cruel cycle of deprivation. On one hand it
    is symptomatic of widespread poverty. On the other hand, because
    child labour usually keeps children out of school, in poor health and
    exposes them to psychological and physical abuse, it reinforces this
    poverty by keeping yet another generation from fulfilling its

    The new labour code of Armenia adopted earlier this year is largely
    consistent with ILO Convention 182 and other international
    instruments regulating child labor.

    `UNICEF is working with the Government of Armenia to ensure that all
    children have access to quality education,' says Yett. `But we also
    need to work actively at community level so that children and parents
    see school as a better immediate option than work.'

    Armenia is the 154th country to ratify ILO Convention 182.

    On 19 March 2005 the Government of Armenia ratified the Optional
    Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of
    children, child prostitution and child pornography.


    UNICEF established its presence in Armenia in 1994. UNICEF is
    mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the
    protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs and
    to expand their opportunities to meet their full potential.

    For further information, please contact:
    Emil Sahakyan, Communication Officer, UNICEF Armenia
    Tel: ( 374 1 ) 523-546, 566497,580-174
    E-mail: [email protected]