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RFE/RL Russian Political Weekly - 04/14/2005

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  • RFE/RL Russian Political Weekly - 04/14/2005

    _________________________________________ ____________________
    RFE/RL Russian Political Weekly
    Vol. 5, No. 15, 14 April 2005

    A Weekly Review of News and Analysis of Russian Domestic Politics

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    By Victor Yasmann

    The 10-month trial of former Yukos CEO Mikhail Khodorkovskii,
    Menatep Chairman Platon Lebedev, and former Volna General Director
    Andrei Krainov came to a close on 11 April, with Khodorkovskii giving
    his final statement to the court. A verdict will be announced on 27
    April, Russian media reported.
    In his closing remarks, Khodorkovskii said that he
    "didn't make a good oligarch," and that he had not fled Russia
    despite being repeatedly advised to do so. He said that Yukos was the
    target of "greedy bureaucrats" and that he was imprisoned to prevent
    them from ransacking the oil giant. Khodorkovskii maintained his
    innocence on all charges. "I sincerely tried to work for the good of
    my country, and not for my own pocket," Khodorkovskii said. "All that
    I have left is an awareness that I was right, my business reputation,
    and the power of my will."
    In the prosecution's concluding statement on 29 March,
    prosecutor Dmitrii Shokhin asked the court to convict Khodorkovskii
    and Lebedev and to sentence them to 10 years' imprisonment on
    fraud, embezzlement, and tax-evasion charges, reported.
    Shokhin told the court the defendants "deserve" severe punishment
    because they have refused to admit their guilt. He charged that
    Lebedev "repeatedly demonstrated his disrespect to the court" and
    that Khodorkovskii deserved particular severity because he had
    "organized a criminal group." Shokhin also asked the court to
    confiscate the assets of Khodorkovskii and Lebedev that have already
    been frozen, including a 60 percent stake in Yukos and a 30 percent
    stake in Sibneft that belong to Menatep, "to compensate for harm they
    caused the state." He also asked the court to make the men ineligible
    to hold senior public or managerial posts.
    Shokhin asked the court to give Krainov a 5 1/2-year
    suspended sentence because of his "repentance and partial admission
    of guilt."
    Defense lawyers asked the court to acquit their clients on
    all charges. Lebedev's lawyer, Yevgenii Baru, said that "enough
    evidence has been presented for any competent, independent court to
    acquit Lebedev," reported on 6 April. Khodorkovskii lawyer
    Genrikh Padva said Khodorkovskii not only did not commit the crimes
    ascribed to him but that "no crimes were committed at all." In his
    statement, Padva meticulously went over all the prosecution's
    arguments in an effort to demonstrate that there is no evidence of
    "the slightest signs of criminal activity."
    Padva paid particular attention to the charge that
    Khodorkovskii and Lebedev had formed a criminal group. He denied the
    existence of any such group, saying that the prosecution had not
    shown "what the composition of the group was or what were the roles
    of its members, and so on." "The joint maintenance of a business
    cannot be proof of a 'criminal group,'" Padva told the court
    on 7 April.
    "I hope that on the day the verdict is pronounced, the iron
    gates will swing open and the watchmen will release Khodorkovskii
    into freedom," Padva said.
    Another Khodorkovskii lawyer, Yurii Shmidt, told RFE/RL on 10
    April that prosecutors and the public continue to view Khodorkovskii
    and other rich Russians as "criminals by definition." In the case of
    Khodorkovskii, he added, they are ignoring the fact that he owes his
    fortune not only to his hard work and managerial skills, but also to
    the fact that he invested his money into the loss-making Yukos in
    1996 when oil was selling for about $8.50 a barrel.
    Shmidt added that it will not be easy for the court to
    deliver the verdict that the Kremlin expects. He noted that Deputy
    Prosecutor-General Vladimir Kolesnikov said in October 2003, well
    before the trial began, that Khodorkovskii should be sentenced to 10
    years in prison, the very term that prosecutors at the trial are
    seeking. However, Shmidt said, it will be difficult for the court to
    convict without violating the law.
    Karina Moskalenko, another Khodorkovskii lawyer, said on 7
    April, according to "This case will not be decided in the
    court, or the Moscow Municipal Court, or the Supreme Court, or the
    European courts. It will be decided in the court of history, and the
    court of history will be harsh with all of us."
    Throughout the trial, the Kremlin and the state-controlled
    media did a lot to boost the perception that Khodorkovskii and his
    colleagues are criminals. The arrests of Lebedev and Khodorkovskii in
    July and October 2003, respectively, came in the wake of a scandalous
    report by the National Strategy Council that asserted that the
    oligarchs were plotting a quiet coup in Russia.
    In September 2004, just as prosecutors began presenting their
    case in court, NTV screened a documentary called "A Terrorist Act,
    Paid In Advance," which charged that Khodorkovskii used profits from
    the sale of Siberian oil to provide material aid to Chechen
    "terrorists." The film included references to some events that
    happened as early as 1995, before Khodorkovskii took over Yukos.
    On 30 March, NTV showed a documentary called "Brigade From
    Yukos," in which Menatep shareholder and former Yukos executive
    Leonid Nevzlin was directly accused of organizing paid killings and
    Khodorkovskii was implied to have been involved. The film linked
    Khodorkovskii to former Yukos security chief Aleksei Pichugin, who
    was convicted of murder and attempted murder on 25 March. The
    documentary included footage of Khodorkovskii, Nevzlin, and Pichugin
    shooting rifles during a hunting trip or similar outing. The
    information in this documentary was repeated on state-owned RTR the
    same evening.
    Moscow human rights activists have long argued that the case
    against Pichugin, a former Federal Security Service (FSB) officer,
    was manufactured to pressure him into revealing compromising
    information against Khodorkovskii. The first jury in the Pichugin
    case was released after it asked the court to dismiss the charges
    against him, and a second jury was later convened, which convicted
    The cases against Yukos and Khodorkovskii are a pivotal
    moment in the history of post-Soviet Russia. When Khodorkovskii was
    arrested by the Alfa special-forces unit in Novosibirsk on 25 October
    2003, Russia was a different country. Mikhail Kasyanov was the prime
    minister and Aleksandr Voloshin was the head of the presidential
    administration. Both were viewed as oligarch-friendly holdovers from
    the regime of former President Boris Yeltsin. Many in Russia and the
    West continued to believe cautiously that President Vladimir Putin
    was leading Russia gradually but perceptibly toward a more democratic
    future. Some believed that Putin was sincere in his desire to combat
    Putin's policies in the ensuing period have cast such
    claims in serious doubt. Many of those who believed Putin was
    combating corrupt oligarchs have come to believe now that he was
    merely fighting his political opponents and those who financed them.
    Many of the old oligarchs have not only kept their properties, but
    have seen their fortunes increase steadily during Putin's
    administration. At the same time, new oligarchs have emerged from the
    bureaucracy and the secret services. As a result, Russia had the
    second-largest number of billionaires (27) on the "Forbes" magazine
    list of global billionaires that was released in March.


    By Jeremy Bransten

    At first glance, the scenario seems all too familiar.
    Following an audit, Russia's Federal Tax Service presents a major
    oil company with a bill for unpaid taxes dating back several years.
    The initial sum is relatively modest, but it gradually grows
    as the tax service uncovers more and more alleged arrears. That is
    what happened to Yukos, landing its chairman Mikhail Khodorkovskii in
    court and burying his company under $27 billion of tax debt.
    Now, TNK-BP, a Russian-British joint venture that is
    currently Russia's No. 2 oil producer, is being hit with similar
    claims. For now, the tax bill is much lower than it was for Yukos --
    but the sums being demanded have been growing exponentially in recent
    weeks, raising concerns among investors.
    TNK-BP initially received a revised tax bill for 2001
    amounting to 4 billion rubles ($144 million). This week, the company
    announced the tax authorities are now demanding an extra 22 billion
    rubles ($791 million), bringing the firm's total tax liability to
    nearly $1 billion. And that is just for the year 2001. Russia's
    Federal Tax Service says it cannot exclude the possibility that
    arrears for the following years will also be found.
    All this happened just days after Russian President Vladimir
    Putin flew to Hannover, Germany, where he tried to boost foreign
    investor confidence. Putin reiterated on 10 April that his government
    will limit prosecutors' ability to review privatizations and that
    the Kremlin does not intend to interfere with business.
    "Any allegations that Russia is preparing to revise the
    privatization results are groundless. On the contrary, we are
    currently considering reducing the statute of limitations on
    privatization deals from 10 to three years to stabilize ownership
    relations and not to allow any possibility of redistribution [of
    property]," Putin said.
    How should investors interpret this apparent mixed message?
    Dmitrii Loukashov, an oil analyst at Aton Capital, a Moscow-based
    brokerage house, believes there is no cause to worry at this time
    that another Yukos-style affair is in the making. Not all recent tax
    claims in Russia, he notes, have ended in victory for the tax
    "[People] probably forgot that there have been other outcomes
    in modern Russia -- different outcomes than in the Yukos case. As an
    example, everyone should remember the Vimpelcom charges, which
    amounted to $1 billion as well and were reduced to meaningless
    figures," Loukashov told RFE/RL.
    Indeed, to back Loukashov's point, there was news on 13
    April that a subsidiary of Japan Tobacco in Russia has won a court
    victory against the tax authorities for an arrears bill amounting to
    $79 million.
    But on the other hand, many foreign business leaders say the
    timing of the claims against TNK-BP is too coincidental for comfort.
    John Bamford, head of the International Business Management
    and Computer Consultancy that matches British investors with
    investment opportunities in Russia, noted that the announcement about
    the TNK-BP tax claims came in the middle of the Russian Business
    Forum in London. The forum is the leading annual gathering of
    politicians and entrepreneurs from both countries.
    Bamford said many participants at the forum could not help
    but think politics -- as in the Yukos affair -- may be playing a
    role. "It's quite extraordinary that this particular thing should
    come up exactly to make the headlines in the newspapers for
    discussion at the forum," he said. "Somebody's trying to make a
    point, I think, and I don't necessarily think it's the tax
    collectors. I think that the timing is probably a little more than
    just a nice innocent tax collector saying, 'We've found this
    Bamford also said the fact that the tax authorities are
    looking into arrears from the year 2001 also contradicts Putin's
    statement on 10 April that a three-year statute of limitations would
    be imposed on such investigations:
    "There was supposedly this line drawn under past taxes, which
    has been brought back from 10 years to three years, and one
    wasn't expecting this one -- which is to 2001, which is rather
    more than three years," Bamford said.
    It all adds up to some worried investors. Back in 2003, when
    the TNK-BP merger took place, the deal was one of the largest by a
    Western company in postcommunist Russia and seen as proof of the
    forward momentum of economic reforms. If the company is now under
    attack, investors fear the business climate in Russia could turn
    Loukashov said the worst-case scenario, which remains
    impossible to verify, is that members of President Putin's own
    administration are trying to undermine him -- using the tax service.
    The implications, he said, are too grim to contemplate -- especially
    if one sees Putin as a guarantor of economic stability.
    "What I'm afraid of is that these charges were not
    authorized by the president and the president's office, which
    could mean that the president is losing his grip," Loukashov said.
    For his part, the British head of TNK-BP, Robert Dudley, said
    on 12 April that he does not believe his company will find itself in
    a "Yukos situation." But he added that state authorities in Russia
    were gradually reasserting their influence over the economy --
    something he said should be a cause for concern.



    By Claire Bigg

    The place where Bashkortostan's opposition chose to stage
    its demonstration in Moscow on 7 April had a certain significance.
    Protesters met on Lubyanka Square in front of Russia's Federal
    Security Service (FSB) building and near a monument to the victims of
    Stalin-era political repression.
    They were calling on the federal authorities to dismiss
    Murtaza Rakhimov from his post as president of Bashkortostan. The
    authoritarian Rakhimov has ruled the Muslim-majority republic in the
    South Ural mountains since 1993.
    One of the protesters held a placard reading "Rakhimov's
    regime is arbitrary, corrupt, and violent." A handful wore striped
    uniforms supposed to represent those worn by prisoners in Nazi
    concentration camps.
    Airat Dilmukhametov, leader of the Bashkir National Front,
    one of the republic's more radical opposition movements, told
    RFE/RL that Rakhimov has presided over a dictatorship where human
    rights are regularly violated.
    "Over the past 15 years there have been many cases of death,
    murder, poisoning, car crashes, torture, illegal punishment,"
    Dilmukhametov said. "A dictatorship has been established [in
    Bashkortostan]. This is why people are disappointed and many of them
    are scared."
    The Bashkir opposition also accuses Rakhimov of corruption.
    It charges that the oil companies controlled by Rakhimov's son,
    Ural, have mismanaged millions of dollars through tax evasion.
    The demands of the Bashkir opposition, however, are likely to
    fall on deaf ears. Dilmukhametov said he has little hope that
    Rakhimov, who was reelected president in 2003 with the support of
    Russian President Vladimir Putin, will be sacked. The Kremlin is
    widely regarded as turning a blind eye to Rakhimov's alleged
    abuses in return for his loyalty.
    Unrest in Bashkortostan has been growing since police
    detained and injured several hundred people in a violent sweep of the
    town of Blagoveshchensk in December 2004.
    Rights groups say more than 1,000 people were arrested and
    taken to police stations, where they were reportedly beaten and
    Dilmukhametov said he hopes the recent protest will draw
    Moscow's attention to the republic's problems in the face of
    growing unrest. "We are doing this [protesting] in order for our
    conscience to be clear in case the situation in Bashkortostan takes a
    different turn," Dilmukhametov said. "We are now warning the public
    and the federal leadership. This is one of our last warnings."
    Dilmukhametov told RFE/RL the opposition movement in his
    republic was inspired by the recent mass protests that recently
    toppled the government in Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan.
    Boris Kagarlitskii, a political analyst who heads
    Moscow's Institute for Globalization Studies, said he believes
    the Russian authorities will ignore the protest. But he argued that
    Bashkortostan's government is not viable and that the crisis
    could eventually destabilize the Kremlin.
    "If you don't sacrifice Rakhimov, if you do not react to
    the demands of the opposition, which I think is going to be the case,
    then the movement will radicalize," Kagarlitskii said. "From being a
    movement against a local leader it will become a movement against
    Moscow as well."
    According to the Bashkir opposition, Rakhimov's
    government has spared no effort to try to sabotage the protest.
    Opposition leaders were delayed for five hour on 8 April
    after additional security checks at the airport in Ufa, the capital
    of Bashkortostan. The oppositionists said the checks were ordered by
    the Bashkir government.
    They said airport officials also tried to confiscate boxes
    containing the lists of over 150,000 signatures in support of
    Rakhimov's dismissal. The boxes were later delivered to
    Putin's administration by the protesters in Moscow.
    The Bashkir government was swift to fend off the allegations
    and branded the protest an attempt at undermining it.



    By Robert Coalson

    Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandr Zhukov created something of a
    media sensation on 30 March when he appeared at a Moscow conference
    and acknowledged that the spread of HIV/AIDS in Russia has become a
    threat to the country's security and development. The theme of
    the conference was public-private initiatives to combat the epidemic
    and one of the main projects discussed was a $200 million,
    three-year, public-service campaign by Russian media to raise
    HIV/AIDS awareness.
    Gazprom-Media Chairman Aleksandr Dybal told the conference on
    30 March that his company and other media outlets, including REN-TV,
    Muz-TV, MTV, and the radio stations of Russian Media Group are
    donating $200 million in cash, airtime, and print space to the
    Gazprom-Media controls NTV, NTV-Plus, TNT, Ekho Moskvy, and
    other media properties and is wholly owned by the state-controlled
    natural-gas giant Gazprom. Gazprom played key roles in the de facto
    nationalization of the empires of former oligarchs Vladimir Gusinskii
    and Mikhail Khodorkovskii.
    Russian Media Group is controlled and headed by
    Kremlin-connected businessman Sergei Arkhipov. He told "The Moscow
    Times" on 18 March, "I do have friends in the Kremlin," although he
    denied that he discusses his business with them. In 2004, the company
    staged a free concert for people who could prove that they had voted
    in the presidential election, a move that was viewed as part of the
    Kremlin's effort to boost turnout in an election in which
    President Vladimir Putin faced minimal competition. The company's
    plans to turn its flagship station, Russkoye Radio II, to a largely
    news and information format has been viewed by analysts as part of a
    Kremlin effort to consolidate its control over the information sphere
    in the run-up to the 2007 and 2008 Duma and presidential elections,
    Despite Dybal's "announcement" of the public-service
    effort on the heels of Zhukov's speech, the campaign was actually
    launched at a 29 November press conference at state-owned
    RIA-Novosti, to considerable media fanfare in connection with the 1
    December World AIDS Day event. At that time, RIA-Novosti was also
    named as a participant, "Vechernyaya Moskva" reported on 9 December.
    Interfax reported on 29 November that the newspapers "Komsomolskaya
    pravda," "Izvestiya," and "Vedomosti" would also participate, but
    Dybal did not mention them in March.
    At that press conference, participants also announced that
    the "Stop AIDS" campaign would mostly include a new, locally produced
    series featuring people living with HIV. Dybal did not mention this
    project at the 30 March conference.
    In November, it was announced that "technical and financial"
    support would be provided by a number of Western foundations,
    including the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates
    Foundation. In addition, Dybal said at that time that he expected the
    state media to join the effort. "You might say that we consider this
    our patriotic, humanitarian duty," Dybal said, according to
    "Vechernyaya Moskva." "We have already signed up nearly 30 large
    companies and, of course, we certainly expect ORT and RTR to join our
    ranks -- [and we] hope that they will join our project. We are also
    talking to regional companies, whose support is very important to
    us." Dybal added that he expected the "active participation" of
    American actor Richard Gere in the campaign.
    The online newspaper reported on 2 December that the
    "Stop AIDS" campaign will include not only public-service
    announcements, but also the development of information resources and
    briefings for journalists.
    Zhukov's appearance at the AIDS conference and recent
    calls by President Putin and other administration officials for
    businesses to do more to help the country give some reason to believe
    that "Stop AIDS" might gain some traction now.



    By Claire Bigg

    In 1943, German soldiers discovered a mass grave in the Katyn
    forest near Smolensk, in western Russia. The grave held the bodies of
    thousands of Polish soldiers, priests, doctors, and intellectuals
    killed three years earlier by the NKVD, the Stalin-era secret police.
    Human rights groups and historians believe up to 21,000
    people were murdered in what became known as the Katyn Forest
    Massacre. A Russian government investigation into the case has been
    ongoing since the early 1990s. However, the government closed the
    investigation on 11 March.
    Boris Belenkin is a historian who works for Russia's
    prominent human rights group Memorial. He says his organization on 7
    April sent a letter to the Russian authorities asking for the Katyn
    investigation to be reopened.
    "The reason behind this letter was the general military
    prosecutor's announcement about the closure of the Katyn case and
    his claim that the death of 1,800 people had been confirmed with
    absolute certainty, when we know that at least 14,000 have died,"
    Belenkin told RFE/RL.
    Belenkin said that the government has failed to provide any
    other official information as to why the investigation has been
    Russia has been reluctant to acknowledge that the killings
    constituted a war crime. It wasn't until 1990 that Soviet leader
    Mikhail Gorbachev admitted his country's involvement in the
    As a reconciliatory gesture, in 1992 the Russian government
    handed over to then-Polish President Lech Walesa previously secret
    documents testifying that Soviet dictator Josef Stalin had ordered
    the killings.
    Russia's recent decision to close the investigation,
    however, could face criticism ahead of the grand ceremonies planned
    for 9 May to mark the 60th anniversary of the end of the World War
    Estonia and Lithuania have also dealt a blow to Russia by
    turning down its invitation to attend the May celebrations in Moscow,
    after saying their countries were oppressed by the Soviet regime.
    Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga has accepted an invitation to
    attend the celebrations.
    The Katyn issue could further erode relations between Russia
    and Poland. Polish lawmakers last month renewed calls for Russia to
    classify the massacre as genocide and bring the remaining
    perpetrators to justice.
    Belenkin views Russia's decision to close the
    investigation as a sign of the growing patriotic and nationalist
    trend under the government of President Vladimir Putin.
    But Sergei Markov, director of the Institute for Political
    Studies in Moscow, said Moscow is mainly trying to protect its image.
    "Moscow is trying to minimize the damage done to its image by
    talk about the Katyn case. Katyn is one of the tragedies of the
    Second World War -- a tragedy that was not admitted for a long time
    by the Soviet Union, which did not want to hurt relations with its
    ally, socialist Poland," Markov said.
    Markov also speculated that Russia could be trying to avoid a
    potential series of damaging and costly lawsuits from descendents of
    victims if it fully admits to all the killings that took place.
    "One can isolate several concrete episodes in the Second
    World War, and if Russia admits its responsibility in every one of
    these cases it might be sued for all of them," Markov said. "There
    would be a lot of economic consequences. I think Russia doesn't
    want to create the possibility of such lawsuits taking place."
    Russian-Polish relations have been particularly strained over
    the past months, with Poland announcing in March that it planned to
    name a square in Warsaw after the slain Chechen separatist leader
    Djokhar Dudaev.
    Moscow responded by threatening to rename the street in which
    the Polish Embassy has its seat in Moscow after Mikhail Muravev, a
    Russian Army general nicknamed the "hangman" for his ruthless
    suppression of the Polish uprising of 1863.


    15 April: Duma expected to vote on second reading
    of amendments to the law on forming the State Duma that would
    introduce the proportional-representation system and eliminate the
    single-mandate districts.

    15 April: Russian spacecraft scheduled to launch new crew to
    the International Space Station from the Baikonur cosmodrome in

    16 April: Opposition in Bashkortostan planning a major
    demonstration calling for the resignation of republican President
    Murtaza Rakhimov.

    17 April: Krasnoyarsk Krai and Taimyr Autonomous Okrug to
    hold referendums on the question of merging.

    18 April: Moscow Arbitration Court to begin hearing case
    against Yukos regarding suspected tax arrears for 2003.

    27 April: Verdict expected to be announced in the case of
    former Yukos CEO Mikhail Khodorkovskii and Menatep Chairman Platon

    27-28 April: President Putin to visit Israel and the
    Palestinian Autonomy.

    9 May: Commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the end of
    World War II.

    10 May: Russia-EU summit to be held in Moscow.

    30-31 May: Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to visit Japan.

    19 June: Referendum in Samara on dismissing Mayor Georgii

    23 June: Yukos shareholders meeting.

    24 June: Gazprom shareholders meeting. Date by which merger
    of Gazprom and Rosneft to be completed, according to RBK.

    4 July: 750th anniversary of the founding of Kaliningrad.

    6-8 July: G-8 summit in Scotland.

    August: CIS summit to be held in Kazan.

    September: First-ever Sino-Russian military exercises to be
    held on the Shandong Peninsula.

    1 November: New Public Chamber expected to hold first

    2006: Russia to host a G-8 summit in St. Petersburg.

    1 January 2006: Date by which all political parties must
    conform to law on political parties, which requires at least 50,000
    members and branches in one-half of all federation subjects, or
    either reregister as public organizations or be dissolved.

    ************************************************** *******
    Copyright (c) 2005. RFE/RL, Inc. All rights reserved.

    The "RFE/RL Russian Political Weekly" is prepared by Robert Coalson
    on the basis of a variety of sources. It is distributed every

    Direct comments to Robert Coalson at [email protected].
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