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Genocide: Crime Against Humanity Intl Scientific Conf Held In Moscow

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  • Genocide: Crime Against Humanity Intl Scientific Conf Held In Moscow

    Pan Armenian News


    14.04.2005 02:40

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Today, on April 13 Genocide - a Crime against Humanity
    International Scientific Conference, dedicated to the 90-th anniversary of
    the Armenian tragedy, was held at the Institute of Scientific Information on
    Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISISS of RAS), Regnum
    news agency reported. The conference was organized by the National Academy
    of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, ISISS of RAS, the Russian-Armenian
    Commonwealth and the Union of the Armenians of Russia. Corresponding Member
    of the RAS, professor, director of ISISS of RAS Yuri Pivovarov, director of
    the Armenian Institute of International Law and Political Science, professor
    Yuri Barseghov, deputy of the Russian State Duma, president of the
    Urban-Ecological Association, member of the Serbian Scientific Society Vasil
    Mancic, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical
    Education, co-chair of the Federation of Jewish communities of Russia Roman
    Spektor, President of the World Peace-Making Organization Vadim Izhevsky, as
    well as representatives of the leading scientific and research centers,
    non-governmental and political organizations, legislative and executive
    bodies, the media, foreign embassies. All those addressing the conference
    noted the fact that being organized by Turks in 1915 the Genocide of the
    Armenian people resulted in 1.5 million Armenian victims and is not
    acknowledged by the Turkish Government yet. The Kurdish representatives all
    those, who suffered from genocide by Turkey, `to unite to resist to the
    enemies.' In the opinion of FJCR chairman Roman Spektor, Turkey is also
    responsible for `the genocide of Slavonic peoples in the Balkans in
    1994-1995, of Armenians in Nagorno Karabakh, Baku and Sumgait in 1988-90 and
    the constant genocide of Kurds in their territory.' In Spektor's opinion the
    actions of Turkey regarding Kurds are qualified as genocide according to the
    UN Charter definition. `Any states implicated in genocide practice should be
    withdrawn from the UN and be totally boycotted,' he stated in his speech.
    Professor E. Margarian in his turn noted that `resulting from the
    Soviet-Turkish agreements in 1920 and the Lausanne Peace Treaty genuinely
    Armenian territories, never possessed by Turkey before, were included in the
    Ottoman Empire.' In the conclusion the conference its participants signed a
    statement on the Commemoration Day of the victims of the Armenian Genocide
    in 1915-23 that will be marked on April 24. The statement says that due to
    political reasons and resulting from double standards policy, the fact of
    the Genocide of the Armenian people has not been legally recognized by the
    international community and the Government of Turkey. In the opinion of the
    authors of the statement, as a result the fact that this was not punished
    entailed the Jewish Holocaust during World War II and other genocides.
    Establishment of good neighborly relations and peaceful coexistence
    impossible unless Turkey recognizes the fact of the Armenian Genocide and
    takes measures to eliminate its consequences.