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Prisoners starving to death

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  • Prisoners starving to death

    999 Today, UK
    April 14 2005

    Prisoners starving to death

    Author: Rachel Sharp14 Apr 2005

    At least 70 prisoners held in Equatorial Guinea's Black Beach prison
    in Malabo are at imminent risk of starving to death, Amnesty
    International has claimed.

    It said 11 foreign nationals sentenced in an unfair trial in November
    2004 and dozens of Equatorial Guinean political detainees arrested
    throughout 2004 and held without charge or trial were among those at
    most risk.

    Amnesty International said conditions had drastically deteriorated
    with the authorities halting the provision of prison food and
    blocking all contact with families, lawyers and consular officials
    over the last six weeks.

    Many of those detained at Black Beach prison are already extremely
    weak because of the torture or ill-treatment they have suffered and
    because of chronic illnesses for which they have not received
    adequate medical treatment, it said.

    "Such near starvation, lack of medical attention and appalling prison
    conditions represent a scandalous failure by the Equatorial Guinea
    authorities to fulfil their most basic responsibilities under
    international law. Unless immediate action is taken, many of those
    detained at Black Beach prison will die," said the Director of
    Amnesty International's Africa Program Kolawole Olaniyan.

    It said the provision of food by the authorities was reportedly
    reduced from a cup of rice daily in December 2004, to one or two
    bread rolls, and since the end of February 2005, provision of any
    prison food at all has been sporadic.

    Prisoners and detainees are now dependent on food handed to prison
    guards by families. This means that the 11 foreign nationals and
    dozens of Equatorial Guinean political detainees arrested on the
    mainland are particularly at risk of starvation because they do not
    have families in Malabo to support them.

    All those incarcerated are kept inside their cells 24-hours-a-day and
    the foreign nationals are also kept with their hands and legs cuffed
    at all times.

    In addition to the six Armenians and five South Africans convicted
    last November, Amnesty International has also learnt that four
    Nigerian nationals have been held in Black Beach prison for several
    months without charge or trial and without their embassy being

    Two former Black Beach prisoners are now being held at Malabo's
    central police station. Convicted of attempting to overthrow the
    government in June 2002 after an unfair trial, Amnesty International
    considers them to be prisoners of conscience and is seriously
    concerned that they may now be tortured.

    Amnesty International is calling on the Equatorial Guinea authorities
    to immediately provide regular and adequate food, medical care to all
    who need it, remove any hand and leg cuffs, end all incommunicado
    detention, and grant international humanitarian organisations such as
    the International Red Cross Committee immediate access to all those

    But the Equatorial Guinea authorities have denied the allegations and
    said that prisoners were assured their basic rights.