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Diaspora Armenians flourish as they remember events of 1915

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  • Diaspora Armenians flourish as they remember events of 1915

    Associated Press Worldstream
    April 14, 2005 Thursday 8:37 PM Eastern Time

    Diaspora Armenians flourish as they remember events of 1915 With
    Helping Hand

    by JOSEPH PANOSSIAN; Associated Press Writer

    ANJAR, Lebanon

    As the Ottoman Turkish army was driving Armenians from their homes
    during World War I, people from six villages along the Mediterranean
    coast fled to the Musa Dagh peak and - with a few hundred rifles and
    provisions they dragged up the mountain - held off attacks by the
    Turks for more than 40 days.

    Finally, surrounded by thousands of troops, the Armenians managed to
    flee in September 1915 by getting word to a French warship below.
    Their story, recounted in the popular novel "The Forty Days of Musa
    Dagh" by Austrian writer Franz Werfel, became a symbol of resistance
    by the Ottoman Empire's Christian Armenian minority.

    Ninety years later, many of the descendants of that epic defense live
    in the village of Anjar in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley near the Syrian
    border. They are among an estimated 5 million to 6 million in a
    worldwide Armenian diaspora that resulted largely from the expulsions
    and massacres by Turks during World War I.

    In Anjar, Vartouhi Sannakian, who was 7 when she fled Musa Dagh,
    remembers trekking down the steep slopes of the 1,335-meter (nearly
    5,000-foot) mountain to a rocky bay, joining thousands of other
    villagers sailing into the Armenian diaspora.

    Now bedridden, she speaks in short spurts of her escape from the
    mountain in southern Turkey called Musa Ler, or the Mount of Moses,
    in Armenian.

    "We were hungry ... we were thirsty. French soldiers came and carried
    us and said, 'Don't be afraid, don't be afraid,"' she said. French
    warships took the fleeing Armenians to Egypt to wait out the war, and
    later the French returned them home. But when a 1939 partition put
    Musa Dagh in Turkish territory, France again stepped in, taking the
    villagers to Lebanon.

    Around the world, diaspora Armenians have flourished in business,
    politics and the arts. Luminaries include former California Gov.
    George Deukmejian, American author William Saroyan, painter Arshile
    Gorky, Argentinian financier Eduardo Eurnekian, French singer Charles
    Aznavour, former French Prime Minister Edouard Balladur, and
    singer-actress Cherylyn Sarkissian, known to the world as Cher.

    Though many have melted into their adopted lands, diaspora Armenians
    say they still want modern Turkey to recognize atrocities committed
    by its Ottoman predecessors. Armenians estimate 1.5 million people
    died in massacres or forced marches.

    "Acknowledgment of truth in totality is the first concrete step
    toward a new beginning (with Turkey). Healing is generated primarily
    through truth-telling," Catholicos Aram I of the House Of Cilicia,
    the spiritual head of about 2 million Armenian Orthodox in the
    diaspora, said from his seat at Antelias just north of Beirut.

    Anjar in the early 1900s was a stretch of arid land surrounding
    Roman, Byzantine and Omayyad Muslim Ruins. Now it is the only
    all-Armenian town outside the Republic of Armenia.

    Most language in the town of 3,000 - from street signs to store ads -
    is in Armenian, and the people speak a dialect few other Armenians
    understand. All three Armenian religious denominations - Orthodox,
    Catholic and Evangelical - have their own churches, schools and

    In the summer, Anjar's population more than doubles, with people
    returning for family reunions and ceremonies at a memorial for the 18
    villagers killed in the 1915 fighting, according to Hagop Ainteblian
    of Anjar's municipal council. Visitors share traditional herissa
    wheat and mutton soup - along with arak, an anise-flavored liquor.

    The Armenian community throughout Lebanon once numbered 350,000, but
    it's shrunk to about 80,000-100,000 after emigration during the
    country's 1975-90 civil war. Among the largest Armenian communities
    worldwide are the 2 million living in Russia and former Soviet

    North America's Armenian community, about 750,000 - nearly half in
    southern California - is the largest in the West. It also is the most
    active in demanding Turkey recognize the events 90 years ago as

    Today, many Armenians see dialogue as a way to finally overcome
    Turkey's long rejection of the genocide accusation.

    "We must find a common language with the Turks. They are stronger and
    more numerous than us," 66-year-old retiree Antranig Chokeklian said
    in the Beirut Armenian neighborhood of Bourj Hammoud.