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`Community and Right' NGO Against `Orinats Yerkir' Party

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  • `Community and Right' NGO Against `Orinats Yerkir' Party


    | 14-04-2005 | Politics |


    Non-governmental organization `Community and Right' flatly refuses to
    cooperate with «Orinats Yerkir» party. «We will not support a party that is
    a leader in electoral violations, spreading false statements and trying to
    mislead not only numerous members of our party, but also the society», said
    president of the `Community and Right' NGO Samvel Lazarian at the
    press-conference in `Pakagits' club today.

    The controversy between the parties was caused by the circumstance that
    according to the `Community and Right', `Orinats Yerkir' gambles on its
    political consultations and incorrectly presents the list of its

    In «Iravunk» weekly NA speaker Arthur Baghdasaryan called upon political and
    public organizations to unite so that the upcoming elections of local
    self-government bodies be free and fair. Later follow-up responses to
    Baghdasaryan's appeal were published in `Aravot' daily. However, after
    reading the published materials Samvel Lazarian, president of `Community
    and Right' NGO, reported: `Orinats Yerkir party published private
    conversations and individual opinions, thus transforming in particular the
    response of `Community and Right' which has nothing to do with the stand of
    our organisation. During the past years we have always supported fair and
    democratic elections, and never adhered to any political trend'.

    In fact, a representative of Orinats Yerkir had a telephone conversation
    with Anahit Ghahramanyan, vice-president of the said NGO (also an Orinats
    Yerkir member). She welcomed the idea on behalf of the president and called
    on other NGOs to join the process.In this regard Mr. Lazarian addressed the
    NA, spoke with members of Orinats Yerkir. The latters promised to make the
    necessary corrections, but nothing has been done so far.

    By the way, Samvel Lazarian is non-party and doesn't accept any of the
    functioning parties. Perhaps, `Community and Right' NGO will also enter the
    political field in the near future.