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F18News: NK - Beating and 12 day imprisonment for Baptist soldier

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  • F18News: NK - Beating and 12 day imprisonment for Baptist soldier

    FORUM 18 NEWS SERVICE, Oslo, Norway

    The right to believe, to worship and witness
    The right to change one's belief or religion
    The right to join together and express one's belief

    Friday 15 April 2005

    Forum 18 News Service has been unable to reach V. Davidov, commanding
    officer of the unit in Hadrut of the army of the unrecognised
    Nagorno-Karabakh republic where Baptist conscript Gagik Mirzoyan was
    beaten and detained for more than ten days in early April before being
    transferred to an unknown location. Mirzoyan "is being persecuted for
    preaching the Gospel and because they found several Christian calendars in
    his possession," his relatives and friends told Forum 18 after
    meeting him at the unit just before his transfer. Mirzoyan has been
    threatened with a two year prison sentence.


    By Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service

    Baptist conscript Gagik Mirzoyan - who is conducting unarmed service
    in the army of the unrecognised Nagorno-Karabakh republic - has been beaten
    and punished with more than ten days in detention since the beginning of
    April for sharing his faith with other soldiers and possessing several
    Christian calendars, his relatives and friends told Forum 18 News Service
    from Nagorno-Karabakh on 14 April. Before being transferred to an unknown
    location, he was threatened with a prison sentence of two years.

    Forum 18 has been unable to reach V. Davidov, commanding officer of
    Mirzoyan's former unit in Nagorno-Karabakh's south-eastern Hadrut region,
    to find out why he ordered or allowed one of his troops to be beaten and
    detained merely for expressing his faith and possessing religious

    Forum 18 also tried to find out from the defence ministry why Mirzoyan has
    been punished, but an official at the ministry told Forum 18 from the
    capital Stepanakert on 15 April that the minister, General Seyran Ohanyan,
    was out of the office and that no-one else was immediately available.
    Telephones also went unanswered at Nagorno-Karabakh's foreign ministry.

    On 11 April relatives and friends went to military unit 42009 in Hadrut to
    see Mirzoyan after hearing that he had been beaten and given ten days'
    detention at the guardhouse. "When we got there he had already been
    held under arrest for twelve days but still had not been freed," they
    told Forum 18. They reported that when they were able to see Mirzoyan the
    "results of beatings" were visible on his face. Military
    personnel at the base told the visitors that Mirzoyan would be freed the
    following day, 12 April, and they would then be able to talk to him.

    Despite these promises, Mirzoyan continued to be detained and during the
    day was threatened by the head of the unit's political department and by
    an official of the prosecutor's office that a case against him would be
    drawn up, handed to the prosecutor's office and he would be sentenced to
    two years' imprisonment. Forum 18 has been unable to discover what charges
    are being or might be levelled against Mirzoyan.

    "Through the grace of God we were later able to have a ten-minute
    meeting with brother Gagik and discovered that he is being persecuted for
    preaching the Gospel and because they found several Christian calendars in
    his possession," his relatives and friends told Forum 18. "Now he
    has been taken away to an unknown destination and they are not saying where
    he is and what has happened to him."

    Mirzoyan was called up in December 2004. After refusing to serve with
    weapons and swear the military oath because of his faith he was beaten and
    pressured by the commander of the unit to which he was transferred and Fr
    Petros Yezegyan, the unit's Armenian Apostolic military chaplain. Both the
    defence minister, General Ohanyan, and Fr Yezegyan emphatically denied to
    Forum 18 that Mirzoyan had been beaten.

    The army later agreed that Mirzoyan could serve in a non-combat role and
    he was transferred to the unit in Hadrut region.

    Nagorno-Karabakh has no provision for alternative service for those who
    have religious or other conscientious objections to participating in the
    armed forces. On 16 February a court in Stepanakert handed down a
    four-year prison term to Areg Hovhanesyan, a Jehovah's Witness who had
    refused to serve because of his faith but had expressed a willingness to
    perform an alternative civilian service (see F18News 22 February 2005

    A printer-friendly map of the disputed enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh is
    available at ;Rootmap=azerba
    within the map titled 'Azerbaijan'.

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