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Eq. Guinea: Prisoners face death by starvation, says Amnesty Int'l

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  • Eq. Guinea: Prisoners face death by starvation, says Amnesty Int'l

    Reuters, UK
    April 15 2005

    EQUATORIAL GUINEA: Prisoners face death by starvation, says Amnesty
    15 Apr 2005 14:26:11 GMT

    Source: IRIN

    LIBREVILLE, 15 April (IRIN) - At least 70 prisoners being held in
    Equatorial Guinea's notorious Black Beach prison outside the capital
    Malabo are facing death by starvation, Amnesty International said in
    a report this week.

    President Teodoro Obiang Nguema went on air to deny the allegation,
    saying on national radio that "although there are many prisoners
    incarcerated at Black Beach, they are well treated."

    Amnesty said those most at risk in the former Spanish colony were
    dozens of political prisoners arrested last year who were being held
    without trial, and 15 foreign nationals who were deprived of contact
    with family and lawyers.

    Many were particularly at risk since they had been severely weakened
    by ill-treatment, torture and lack of adequate medical care for
    chronic illnesses, the London-based rights watchdog said in a

    Among the prisoners are six Armenians and five South Africans
    convicted last November of preparing the ground for a mercenary
    invasion to overthrow Obiang. The former army officer has ruled the
    tiny oil-rich nation with an iron hand since he deposed and killed
    his uncle in a 1979 coup.

    Four Nigerians have also been held at Black Beach prison for several
    months without charge or trial and without their embassy being
    notified, Amnesty said.

    Prison officials reduced the daily food ration for inmates in
    December from a cup of rice to one or two bread rolls, but since the
    end of February "provision of any prison food at all has been
    sporadic," the report said.

    "Unless immediate action is taken, many of those detained at Black
    Beach prison will die," said Kolawole Olaniyan, the director of
    Amnesty's Africa programme. "Such near starvation, lack of medical
    attention and appalling prison conditions represent a scandalous
    failure by the Equatorial Guinea authorities to fulfil their most
    basic responsibilities under international law."

    Both Amnesty and exiled opposition sources said prisoners often were
    dependent on food handed to prison guards by families.

    This made the situation all the more difficult for foreigners and for
    people from the mainland part of Equatorial Guinea, 200 km to the
    southeast, since they had no family nearby, Amnesty said.

    Black Beach is situated on Bioko, a mountainous volcanic island
    formally known as Fernando Poo, where the country's offshore oil
    industry is based.

    Amnesty said all prisoners were kept in their cells for 24 hours a
    day and that foreign detainees were held with their hands and legs
    cuffed at all times.

    The foreigners were handed sentences of between 14 and 34 years in
    jail in November for their alleged role in an abortive invasion by
    South African mercenaries. Their trial was slammed as unfair at the
    time by Amnesty and the London-based International Bar Association.

    Former South African soldier Nick du Toit, the alleged leader of the
    group, was the sole defendant to have initially confessed to a role
    in the conspiracy. He later said that his admission of guilt had been
    obtained by torture.

    Obiang, the present head of state, has been widely accused of
    corruption and human rights abuse during his 25-year rule of what
    used to be one of the world's poorest nations.

    Equatorial Guinea now produces 350,000 barrels per day of oil and has
    become Africa's third-biggest oil producer after Nigeria and Angola,
    but most of its 500,000 people still live in dire poverty.

    Although oil generates US $30,000 per year for every one of the
    Equatorial Guinea's 500,000 inhabitants - giving the country a gross
    domestic product per capita equivalent to that of Switzerland or
    Denmark - life expectancy remains low at 49 and less than half the
    population have access to clean drinking water, according the UN
    Human Development Index.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress