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ARKA News Agency - 04/13/2005

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  • ARKA News Agency - 04/13/2005

    ARKA News Agency
    April 13 2005

    214 shares of 212 companies registered at Armenia's Securities
    Commission by Jan 1, 2005

    Steps to ensure equal competition made in Armenia

    RA Minister of Foreign Affairs: the issue of recognition the Armenian
    Genocide is important for Armenia from the standpoint of safety

    Armenia to celebrate Global Youth Service Day

    Government commission set for World War II Victory celebration
    preparation holds Wednesday a widened session

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    YEREVAN, April 13. /ARKA/. By January 1, 2005, the RA Securities
    Commission had registered 214 shares of 212 companies, against 225
    companies by January 1, 2004, Commission Chairman Eduard Muradyan
    told a press conference. He reported that in 2004 the RA Securities
    Commission registered two issue prospectuses, one of them being open
    issue, when shares worth a total of 633mln AMD were placed.
    In 2004, the Commission considered 36 declarations of registration of
    issuers (basic documents on the information on activities). After the
    Commission discussed them, 53 amendments were proposed. Muradyan
    reported that only 25 declarations were registered as a result. In
    2004, the Commission stopped registering the securities of 41
    issuers, which violated the country's legislation.
    In carrying out its supervisory activities in 2004, the RA Securities
    Commission received 1,716 reports of companies, organized hearings
    attended by the companies' representatives. To eliminate faults in
    the reports, the Commission issued 61 instructions.
    Muradyan also pointed out that in 2004 the Commission carried out
    work to consolidates the registers of shareholders of 20 emitters. As
    a result, 6,676 shareholders' accounts were consolidated.
    The Commission also conducted inspections of 44 emitters, including
    37 current checks, recording 1,708 violations. The Commission made
    relevant decisions and issued 190 instructions.
    In 2004, the Commission discussed complaints received from
    shareholders and registers 18 complaints about violations of
    corporate management requirements.
    In 2004, the RA Securities Commission initiated 123 actions on
    administrative violations, and in 177 cases relevant decisions have
    been made. A total of 16.76 AMD fines were to be paid. Legal
    proceedings were initiated against 23 entities, and claims for the
    payment of 10.6mln AMD have been made. A total of 6.2mln AMD were
    confiscated in favor of the state budget.
    The RA Securities Commission was formed in August 2000. It has five
    members appointed by the RA President for five years. The Commission
    is entitled to license, register, regulate and supervise the
    activities of broker companies, stock exchanges, RA Central
    Depositary, as well as other self-regulating organizations
    specializing in securities. P.T. -0--

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    YEREVAN, April 13. /ARKA/. Steps to ensure equal competition and put
    an end to `patronage' in business are being made in Armenia, RA
    President Robert Kocharyan stated at his meeting with the members of
    the newly elected Presidium of the Union of Manufacturers and
    Businessmen of Armenia (UMBA). The RA presidential press service
    reports that as an instance the RA President cited inspections of tax
    and customs sphere conducted by the Presidential Supervisory Service
    to ascertain interrelated persons in business. `The most simple and
    efficient means here is ensuring transparency, which reveal all
    deviations and makes struggle more effective,' Kocharyan said.He
    pointed out the importance of businessmen proposing mechanisms of
    accomplishing this task. The meeting participants also discussed
    problems of ensuring equal competition in business, encouraging local
    producers, especially their export activities, softening effects of
    exchange rate fluctuations.
    Addressing the problem of taxation of the import of production
    equipment, President Kocharyan pointed out that, considering the
    urgency of this issue, he issued relevant instructions to the
    establishment in charge of the economic sector. Kocharyan said that a
    package of proposals is currently under preparation, which envisages
    new solutions and is being discussed with international financial
    organizations. Kocharyan assured the businessmen that the
    possibilities of resolving all the problems raised at the meeting
    will be thoroughly discussed and most effective will be selected.
    President Kocharyan wished success to the businessmen, pointing out
    that simultaneously with developing their business they should pay
    more attention to their tax commitments. P.T. -0--

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    YEREVAN, April 13. /ARKA/. The issue of recognition of the Armenian
    Genocide is important for Armenia from the standpoint of safety, as
    RA Minister of Foreign Affairs Vartan Oskanian stated at a press
    conference in Yerevan. `Without recognition of the Genocide and
    admitting the fault by Turkey, we cannot trust that neighbor, which
    from the military standpoint is quite powerful and definitely
    protects Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh issue', he said. According to
    him, with such a neighbor Armenia cannot feel safe. Oskanian
    emphasized that though 90 years later after the Genocide the fact of
    it hasn't been uniquely recognized by international community,
    Armenia should be consistent in its activity. The Minister noted that
    on the threshold of the 90th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
    Turkey not only fails to recognize it, but, on the contrary, pursues
    even more sever policy. `Instead of being more tolerant and
    understanding, Turkey chose contrary position, and today hearings are
    held in Turkish parliament on possible counteraction to the efforts
    of Armenia to achieve international recognition of the Armenian
    Genocide', he said. According to Oskanian, `this seriously undermines
    the authority of Turkey, and will return to Turkish authorities as a
    boomerang'. Oskanian emphasized that there are serious discrepancies
    between the Turkish authorities and the population regarding that
    issue, and Turkish intellectuals more actively discuss that issue and
    accept the mistake. `We in our turn ought not to forget bloody pages
    of the history, and should every year pay tribute to the victims of
    the Genocide to obtain justice', he said.
    No diplomatic relations have been established between Armenia and
    Turkey. The stumbling block between the two countries remains to be
    the event of 1915 in Ottoman Turkey. The fact of the Armenian
    Genocide in Ottoman Turkey in 1915, as a result of which over 1,5 mln
    people were massacred, is recognized by some states. A.H.-0--

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    YEREVAN, April 13. /ARKA/. Armenia will celebrate Global Youth
    Service Day on April 15-17, 2005. Programs of community service and
    special event will be carried out. As the Press Service of Prohect
    Harmony told ARKA News Agency, also, the events will include visits
    of schoolchildren to elderly houses in various marzes of Armenia,
    concert of young musicians of Swallow NGO, visits to veterans of
    Great Patriotic War in Vayots Dzor, Human Rights workshop for
    disabled children in Lori marz and visit to Gavar children's home.
    Orphan children from different orphanages in different regions of
    Armenia will visit the Internet Computer Centers of the Armenia
    School Connectivity Program network. In addition, cleaning works will
    be carried out in different regions of Armenia giving youths an
    opportunity to make contribution through the volunteerism. 303
    schools of Armenia School Connectivity Program network will
    participate in the cleaning works.
    Project Harmony Yerevan office holds this event 6th year running in
    Armenia in association with more than 100 organizations of different
    Global Youth Service Day (GYSD) is an annual global event organized
    by Youth Service America and the Global Youth Action Network,
    together with a consortium of 32 International Organizations,
    including the UN, Peace Corps, WB, Habitat for Humanity
    International, Jane Goodall Institute, Roots&Shoots program, etc.,
    and 150 National Coordinating Committees
    The Project Harmony opened its office in Armenia in 2000, when it
    launched the Armenia School Connectivity Program in the country.
    Armenia School Connectivity program is a program of the US Department
    of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs funded through
    the FREEDOM Support Act and implemented by the Yerevan office of the
    Project Harmony. The project budget is $12.5mln and envisages the
    opening of Internet computer centres in 330 Armenian schools, 300 of
    such centres actually functioning now. L.V.--0--

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    YEREVAN, April 13. /ARKA/. Government commission set for World War II
    Victory celebration preparation held Wednesday a widened session in
    Armenian Defence Ministry. According to Armenian Defence Ministry`s
    Spokesman Seyran Shahsuvaryan, the course of the preparatory work for
    the celebration was discussed at the Wednesday's session presided by
    Armenian Defence Minister Serge Sargsyan. The session participants
    came up with a number of proposals focused on proper holding a series
    of events connected with the Victory.
    Speaking on behalf of 9015 Armenian veterans of World War II,
    Major-General Rafik Karapetyan, the Chairman of Armenian Union of
    Labor Veterans, Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies, proposed
    to change the name of one of Yerevan's schools by naming it after
    General Safaryan. Yerevan Mayor Yervand Zakaryan said a decision on
    the issue will be made within a week.
    Alexan Harutyunyan, the Chair of the Council of Public TV and Radio
    Company of Armenia, presenting a lit of TV programs about the war
    broadcast on television and radio, said a series of films about
    Armenian soldiers buried in Europe are being shoot now by Yerevan
    Fadey Sargsyan, the President of National Academy of Science of
    Armenia, speaking on behalf of veterans, thanked Armenian President,
    Government and Defence Ministry for cordiality and willingness to
    organize festive events that is necessary not only for veterans , but
    also for young generation to implant patriotic ideas in the young.
    Armenian Defence Minister Serge Sargsyan said summarizing the session
    that `May 9 is the double holiday for our nation'. He said he
    convinced that `proper celebration of this glorious holiday depends
    on warm and cordial attitude of all of us toward it'. M.V. - 0--