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Realities and Roots of Pro-Israeli Harassment at Columbia University

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  • Realities and Roots of Pro-Israeli Harassment at Columbia University

    ZNet, MA
    April 16 2005

    Realities and Roots of Pro-Israeli Harassment at Columbia University

    by Mark Roberts April 16, 2005
    and M. Junaid Alam

    Introduction by M. Junaid Alam

    Readers who have been following the attacks on Arab professors at
    Columbia University may have read my recent investigative article on
    the subject. The piece elicited many positive responses, including
    from Columbia staff and students. One such respondent was a recent
    European graduate who shared some startling revelations about the
    university's real atmosphere. Relating his experience below, and
    using the pseudonym "Mark Roberts" to avoid the kind of vicious
    attacks Zionist groups are notorious for, he describes how Zionist
    students have attacked Muslims inside and outside the classroom, and
    exposes the heavily pro-Israel nature of Columbia Law School. He then
    explains in detail how this comprises merely one part of a broader
    campaign of attacks on intellectual freedom and Palestinian rights on
    campuses across the country. In fact, the broad outlines of his
    account have been confirmed by Columbia's Ad Hoc Grievenace
    Committee. Tasked with investigating the claims of anti-Semitism in
    the department, the panel found the claims untrue - but noted several
    instances of harassment in the University mounted by Zionist students


    Before studying at Columbia University, I hadn't thought much about
    the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Coming from Europe, I had no
    specific links to the area. But after finishing my undergraduate
    degree in Europe and enrolling at Columbia as a graduate student, I
    was struck by how fanatically pro-Israel Columbia was.

    After being at Columbia for a while it occurred to me that
    international organisations and the UN, on the one hand and Columbia
    and New York, on the other, functioned in parallel universes. At
    international fora and assemblies, which I followed for my studies,
    Israeli repression was condemned, and countless resolutions
    requesting Israel to abide by international law were blocked by the
    US. At Columbia, arguments were concocted to defend Israel. I have
    been to many universities in many different countries and I have to
    say that, by far, I have never attended a more closed-minded campus
    than Columbia. And I am not saying this merely on account of the
    density of Israeli army T-shirts that can be regularly observed

    By fall 2000 at the beginning of the second intifada, fanatical
    supporters of Israel sought to violently repress anybody defending
    the Palestinians. Students belonging to the Middle Eastern group at
    the Law School were practically spat upon, their tables overturned -
    occurrences that in Europe would be inconceivable. On the other hand,
    maybe due to international condemnation of Israeli policies, a debate
    was finally opening up on campus. Because they no longer dominate one
    hundred percent of public discussion, fanatical supporters of Israel
    on campus now claim that their voices are "stifled" and that they are
    "unwelcome" and "silenced."

    Consider these recent incidents, which I personally witnessed. When
    Palestinian students on the main campus distributed flyers by spring
    2002 to commemorate the 1948 "nekhba" (disaster), a crowd of Hillel
    fanatics approached them shouting "terrorists." Had they said that to
    me or to any other person and had I been in the Palestinian students'
    shoes, it would have ended up in a fistfight. But it was the
    Palestinian students and not the Hillel provocateurs who showed
    extreme restraint.

    When Dr Mustafa Barghouti (who just finished second in the recent
    Palestinian elections) came to Columbia to give a talk in November
    2003, two Hillel fanatics began to harass him during the Q&A session,
    heaping ridicule on his presentation as "this wonderful display of
    propaganda" and charging that "you Palestinians feel like victims,
    but how about all the weapons you get from Syria, Iran, and
    Hezbollah?" They then demonized Arabs in the rudest form that I have
    ever seen. "Thank you for the compliment about my propaganda,"
    Barghouti replied, "but actually we are still learning about this -
    from you know who."

    When Barghouti mentioned the 4,000 Palestinians killed, one of the
    Hillel fanatics laughed. A lady stood up and very angrily told them
    at least not to show their scorn for the victims publicly. When they
    continued to laugh, a professor told them to shut up. I wonder if
    that is what is meant by "silencing students who offer opposing
    views" - that is, rightly telling them to show a little bit of
    respect towards the keynote speaker and victims of the conflict, just
    as Israelis expect respect to be shown for their 1,000 dead since
    2000. No such vulgarity was on display every time Benjamin Netanyahu
    came to the Business School to give a talk during the previous years.

    It also bears comparing the "silencing" to what the late Professor
    Said had to deal with at Columbia. His life was constantly
    threatened, so much so that he was put under police surveillance. But
    this silencing wasn't meant to stifle discussion, didn't lead to any
    public investigation and wasn't a cause of concern by New York

    Then there's the "stifling" of dissenting voices by fanatical Zionist
    professors at the Law School. Some of them seem to spend all of their
    waking hours concocting legal alibis in defense of Mother Israel,
    much like Communist Party hacks did for Mother Russia in the 1930s.
    For example, at the height of the Israeli incursions of 2002,
    Professor George Fletcher put forth the long discredited notion that
    UN Resolution 242 "did not compel Israel to leave all territories."
    This masterful piece was published in the New York Times as some kind
    of intellectual breakthrough. Never mind that 242 emphasizes "the
    inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war." Other law
    school professors are avid proponents of Israel exceptionalism - that
    is, human rights protections like the prohibition on torture must be
    afforded to everyone except victims of Israeli policy.

    And, while it is perfectly legitimate to write a paper on the
    injustices committed against the Palestinian population for a
    specific class on Human Rights (at the student's risk with respect to
    the grade), those wishing to conduct more thorough research on the
    topic after the J.D. degree, for which the assistance of a professor
    is necessary, have been told that "while the subject may be
    worth-while, there is no current interest among the faculty."

    After September 11, fanatical Zionists began enrolling in Middle East
    classes at Columbia. Those dealing with Iran have been a favourite. I
    vividly remember one of these classes where the presentation of a
    pro-Israel student supposedly on Iran turned into a defense of Israel
    and an attack on Palestinians. In fact, Iran was not even mentioned
    once in the presentation. In Europe this could not have happened. The
    professor would have politely told the student that Israel was not
    the topic of the class. But not at Columbia, where terrified
    professors allow these poor "silenced" and "stifled" students go on
    interminably (and boringly) about Mother Israel.

    In this same class during another session the (foreign-born)
    professor's uncontroversial, at any rate in the real world, assertion
    that "Palestinians are oppressed" was met by the fanatics' outrage.
    The professor, no doubt fearing reprisals, did not dwell on the issue
    and barely defended himself while the "silenced" students angrily
    protested. That European students came to the professor's rescue and
    initiated a debate after class would seem to suggest that it is not
    Israel's supporters students but its critics who are "silenced" and
    "stifled.." The European students were then accused by their
    pro-Israeli counterparts of being - surprise, surprise -

    Indeed, one wonders why these fanatics feel it necessary to defend
    Israel in class. Isn't such defense redundant when these same
    "silenced" students offer their partisan views in the school's
    newspaper on a weekly basis? And, truly the anti-Semitic oppression
    weighs heavily at the Law School, where only a handful of Arab and
    Muslim students gain admission while more than half of the accepted
    candidates in the S.J.D program every single year are Israelis, a
    country of 6 million people in a world with 6 billion inhabitants. It
    might also be mentioned that the few Arab and Muslim students often
    contemplate leaving or long for the last term there because of the
    fanaticism of those "silenced" and stifled" apologists for Israel.

    The truth is that Columbia has been a refuge for Zealots for Zion. It
    is precisely when the ideological walls protecting this haven began
    to crumble that they started shouting about "silenced" and "stifled"
    voices and anti-Semitism. One doesn't hear this nonsense on European
    campuses, because the zealots know the battle has been lost there:
    the truth is out about what Israel has done to the Palestinians. But
    here in the U.S. the hope is that by whipping up enough hysteria they
    can still win here. If they do, it won't be because what they're
    saying is true but because the rest of us were, yet again, "silenced"
    and "stifled."

    It is precisely when their area of ideological "safety" was being
    eroded by more students coming to terms with reality that these
    pro-Israeli students (and those outside front groups behind them)
    started running out of arguments, felt increasingly cornered and had
    to turn to the ultimate argument: "stifling of voices", and
    invariably, "anti-Semitism".

    The ADL has contributed decisively to this travesty. That the ADL
    intervened in the matter and solicited "punishment" against
    professors offering different views not in accordance Zionist
    mythology suggests that these students were not that "silenced" or
    "discriminated". The production of a video by the Boston-based
    pro-Israel group, the David Project, shows that these students have
    decided to take recourse to outside sources to vent their
    frustrations. These outside sources possess considerable resources in
    their campaign to smear Columbia University.

    The attack on professors who criticise Israel and its policies also
    comes at a time when even the Israeli government has realized that
    the public relations battle has been lost. The Israeli government has
    thus repeatedly denounced the "inability of pro-Israel students to
    respond to the challenges on American campuses" as a reason behind
    the current failure. That they do not refer to campuses in Europe
    stems from the belief that the situation is irreversible in other
    locations. And it is with this understanding that several Israeli
    Ministries have been involved in an active campaign to "promote
    pro-Israel activism on American campuses."

    The Israeli Ministry for Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs, under the
    guidance of Natan Sharansky has been an instrumental player. Mr.
    Sharansky offered a tough critique of the "dismal state of Jewish
    campus activism in the United States" in the Forward magazine1 and
    decided to take the matter into his own hands. The Ministry
    celebrated "back to campus advocacy weekends" for foreign students
    enrolled in summer courses at Israeli universities, where
    participants from institutions all over Israel were happily recruited
    for a financially sponsored weekend near the beach. The students were
    welcome with the following statements: "lately pro-Palestinian
    students at U.S campuses have been very successful and some of you
    have not been active enough and could not confront them probably
    because you did have the right arguments. This weekend is designed to
    give you the tools to fight". And then students had to sign up for
    conferences where those tools were provided and discussed, and CD,
    CD-Roms and DVDs were distributed with statements like "settlements
    are not illegal under international law" or "Jerusalem is the
    undivided capital of the state of Israel" or "why do we have a claim
    to the whole land" as just some illustrative examples. Students were
    also told to confront "anti-Israeli" professors by all means.

    That Mr Sharansky, the erstwhile defender of Human Rights in the
    Soviet Union now turned into Bush's guru, has become, in Uri Avnery's
    words, "an uncompromising activist against the human (and any other)
    rights of the Palestinians in the occupied territories" is most
    intriguing.2 Mr Sharansky, from human rights defender to extreme
    right figure, "systematically enlarged the settlements on
    expropriated Arab land in the West Bank"3 as Israeli Housing Minister
    and now belongs to the group of Likud rebels that opposes the
    disengagement plan in Gaza, meaning that he is a partisan of the
    Greater Israel idea against any consideration for a negotiated
    settlement of the problem - or international law for that matter. Mr
    Sharansky himself abandoned the coalition his party of former
    immigrants of the Soviet Union formed with Barak's Labor Party for
    offering "too many concessions" to the Palestinians on the issue of

    Countless organizations and internet sites have been created to
    support Israel's cause on U.S campuses and media, and still, Israel's
    image does not improve. That must be the real cause of concern for
    those who claim to have been "silenced" and that is why they are
    resorting to outside guidance.4 Mitchell Bard, executive director of
    the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, and author of "Myths and
    Facts: A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict" maintained as early as
    June 2003 that "the prevalence of outspoken anti-Israeli professors
    remains the most insidious danger to Israel's standing on the

    Ronald S. Lauder, president of the Jewish National Fund, and Jay
    Schottenstein, a board member of Media Watch International, have
    argued that they found "Jewish students to be demoralized,
    intimidated and, worst of all, apathetic about their homeland (sic)",
    and decided to create the "Caravan for Democracy program" in 2002.
    That not all Jewish students identify with Israel's policies is
    unimportant, apparently. The existence of groups like "Jews Against
    the Occupation", "Jews for Peace and Palestine and Israel" presumably
    does not matter for these ideologues.

    Mr Lauder and Mr Schottenstein pointed out in an article that
    appeared in the November 2003 edition of Forward magazine that
    "Jewish students are confronting unprecedented anti-Israeli and
    anti-Semitic aggression (sic) at their schools."6 Affirming that "in
    this age of information, when our enemies (sic) have remarkably
    managed to loose their misleading slanders upon every university
    (sic)", they conclude that the solutions are twofold. The first
    response to the "current college crisis" should be to "bring top
    pro-Israel speakers to campuses from coast to coast". That would not
    constitute propaganda, I assume. But secondly, and more important,
    "effective dialogue (sic) with the Middle East studies faculties
    which are known for their anti-Israel orientations" must be promoted.
    By "effective dialogue" it is understood to "confront professors and those with the proper ability to respond", to "reshape
    the rhetorical landscape in these faculties...and biases and unbalanced
    curriculums (sic)" and to protest and apply " change them
    (referring to curriculums and hostile professors)".

    Mr Lauder and Mr Schottenstein also complain that "one university
    which would have never been perceived as anti-Israel held a
    university authorized seminar on 'Why anti-Zionism is not
    antisemitism´". So apparently, anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are
    exact equivalents. All those attacking any measure carried out by
    Israel and defending the legitimate rights of the Palestinians
    emboldened in countless international resolutions are not driven by
    any concern for justice, they are all "anti-semites" - and that
    includes the Jewish groups mentioned previously among many others. It
    is further suggested that "Jewish students and their professors must
    be taught to effectively utilize their campus and local media to
    explain Israel's counter-arguments".

    As we can see, the smear campaign against Columbia professors who
    dare to criticize Mother Israel in the midst of a pro-Zionism campus
    is nothing new and is part of a well-orchestrated campaign stemming
    from a feeling of impotence. And since the students are not going to
    change, the target of pro-Israel students and all those considerable
    outside organizations providing support to them should be the
    professors who offer dissenting views.

    But intimidating measures will not work. Dean Bollinger should be
    criticised for succumbing to the pressure of a group well-known for
    carrying out a witch hunt against anybody daring to criticise Mother
    Israel in all circles and walks of life. Cancelling a class - as one
    professor has done or has been forced to do after the pressure of
    events - suggests that academic freedom and freedom of thought are at
    danger. Furthermore it constitutes a dangerous precedent. What if any
    other group did not like the contents of a class in which they were
    criticised ? Should that class be cancelled ? What if Turkish groups
    engaged in a campaign to protest against classes that mention the
    Armenian genocide ? Or what if Armenian groups pressured Mr Bollinger
    to protest lectures where the existence of an Armenian holocaust is
    put into question? Would he also cancel that class and punish the
    professors that teach it?

    What if a professor claims that the US sanctions on Iraq that killed
    nearly a million people were genocidal, should he or she be
    reprimanded? What if Palestinian students demanded that all classes
    where they are criticised and vilified (and there are many) be
    cancelled? Of course they do not possess similar backing and
    financial means from obscure outside sources so they could not
    produce a video.

    Muslims and Islam, especially after September 11th, have been
    vilified, insulted and defamed in the press and also in academic
    circles, including Columbia. For example at the Law School right
    after the attacks of September the 11th pro-Israel Law Students tried
    to present a movie by Steve Emerson, who has been notorious for
    waging jihad on the religion of Islam. Emerson, for example, was
    quick to blame Islamists for the Oklahoma bombings of 1995 and his
    thesis and opinions have been widely discredited. Had it not been for
    the protests of a few Muslim students at the Law School the video
    would have been projected in the failed attempt to identify
    Palestinian resistance to occupation with radical Islamic Al-Qaida
    terrorism which has been a long desired goal of the right-wing
    Israeli government and its defenders (including those at Columbia).
    September the 11th offered a great opportunity to discredit and
    delegitimize the Palestinian discontent against the occupation and
    pro-Israeli groups tried to take advantage, even if they failed

    That Columbia succumbed to outside pressure from a well-organized
    financially powerful pro-Israel group indicates that the freedom of
    academic institutions in the US is subordinated to financial and
    economic interests. The resources groups like the ADL possess in
    order to carry out their witch hunts are enormous. The ADL should
    serve to protect the memory of the Holocaust and real anti-Semitism.
    Instead, the ADL is one of the organisations that actively promotes
    the conflation of criticism of Israel with anti-semitism, which are
    completely different issues.

    The professors being criticized are, in fact, just the closest thing
    Columbia has to fostering a reasonable debate about the Middle East
    on campus and in New York as a whole. That is why they are being
    penalized. They are also reprimanded for expressing what the majority
    of the world already thinks. At a time when the gap between what the
    rest of the world thinks and what the U.S thinks has never been
    wider, especially on the Middle East, debate should be encouraged,
    not threatened.

    Is the ADL going to persecute Jews and non-Jews alike who criticise
    the fact that the creation of the state of Israel was achieved
    through impure methods? Why would 3.5 million Palestinians be rotting
    in refugee camps in other countries, not being allowed to return to
    the places where they had some land, a house, an apartment, keys on
    hand? Many Israeli historians have taken the time to document the
    facts of Zionist ethnic cleansing. The hysterical response is that
    this represents questioning the "existence" of Israel and its right
    of exist, as if Israel is some kind of moribund patient in bed and
    not a powerful country. We should remember this is a country awash in
    billions of dollars form financial and military aid from the US, a
    sophisticated army, and methods of attack so powerful it led
    independent forces at the UN (not acting under US pressure as the
    rest of their peers) to suggest imposing an arms embargo on that
    country in May 2004.

    The witch hunt has also recently extended to Hebrew University, so
    Jews who dare to criticize Israel policies or history should be aware
    that they are not "immune" either as the ADL themselves have
    explicitly stated with that very same language.7

    Will the ADL succeed in eliminating intellectual discourse and
    research on those topics everywhere? What will it do with European
    universities which decided to eliminate or drastically reduce
    academic cooperation with Israeli institutions in 2002 because of
    that country's continuous violations of human rights? Is smearing
    them what the ADL was created for? Part of what characterizes
    totalitarianism and fascism is the elimination of dissent and the
    suppression of independent thought. In that respect what the ADL is
    doing falls clearly within the parameters of fascism. It could also
    be called intellectual terrorism. Taking a few quotes out of context
    in order to smear a particular professor or a group of professors
    that do not agree with your policies constitutes a method that only
    inquisition-type tribunals would apply.

    It could also very easily be used the other way around. We could take
    a few quotes from pro-Israeli or Zionist professors which as
    mentioned in some institutions comprise the majority of the faculty,
    and I am convinced that the results would be more "spectacular".
    Would these groups apply any pressure when professors on campus
    completely disregard or even show scorn for the Palestinians' right
    to existence ? Or for their right of safety? What will they do when
    pro-Israel students demonstrate rudeness and contempt, as they do
    quite often?

    Facts have to be shown precisely in class and taking recourse to
    outside forces is cowardly. But it is here when the pro-Israeli lobby
    and its students have failed. Because the reality is that the world
    and especially educated people at universities have started to come
    to terms with the Palestinians' suffering. Most Europeans, maybe
    because of the geographic proximity, or maybe because of the lesser
    influence of pro-Israeli groups on campus, or because of a far more
    balanced media8 , understood this long ago. I guess that I forgot
    that we Europeans are all anti-Semites and that includes also even
    those with Jewish roots.

    What has happened, quite simply, is that Israeli supporters have run
    out of arguments to justify the military occupation and all it
    entails. They are pushed into a corner out of which there is no exit.
    It remains extremely difficult to justify dispossession and injustice
    in the inter-connected world we live in nowadays. What is especially
    troubling for pro-Israeli supporters is that not only Arab or Middle
    Eastern students but also European students and increasingly American
    students have started to complain against Israeli violations on

    Caught off-guard ABD left without arguments, Zionist students have
    resorted to powerful outside groups and lobbies to come to the rescue
    with cries of "bias." But this ploy is merely a desperate reaction
    aimed at justifying the unjustifiable, and it will not succeed.

    "Mark Roberts" is the pseudonym for a recent European graduate of
    Columbia University.

    1."Tour of U.S. Schools Reveals Why Zionism is Flunking on Campus",
    article appeared on Forward magazine ( ), October 24th

    2."Natan Sharansky: Minister of Ignorance, Bush's Guru", by Uri
    Avnery, article appeared on , March 10th 2005.


    4.Let us just name a few. The Israel on Campus Coalition, a
    "partnership of the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation
    and Hillel" is committed to "promoting Israel education and advocacy
    on campus (sic) in cooperation with a network of national
    organizations". The "Israel on Campus Coalition" and "Israel Campus
    Beat" members include groups like the "American-Israel Cooperative
    Enterprise (AICE)", the notorious AIPAC, the ADL, the Committee for
    Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), Hillel, the
    Israel Program Center, the Israel University Consortium, MediaWatch
    International, or the USD/Hagshama of the
    World Zionist Organization.

    5.On Israel Campus Beat's website. Reference:

    6."Back to School for Israel Advocacy", by Ronald S. Lauder and Jay
    Schottenstein, article appeared on Forward magazine (,
    November 14th 2003

    7."When anti-Israeli sentiment comes from within", by Yair Sheleg,
    Haaretz newspaper, online edition, March 10th, 2005.

    8.Besides the ADL let us not forget the Inquisition represented by
    groups and websites like ,, or countless others.