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Tehran: Iranian TV praises Jewish MP's stance condemning

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  • Tehran: Iranian TV praises Jewish MP's stance condemning

    Iranian TV praises Jewish MP's stance condemning "Zionist regime's" behaviour

    Fars News Agency web site
    17 Apr 05


    IRIB [Iranian state radio and TV] in response to the deputy of the
    Jewish community in the Majlis [Morris Mo'tamed] has announced: In the
    beginning of his statements, while referring to the inappropriate
    behaviour of the Zionist regime, he condemns such a behaviour by
    Iranian Jews. He and our Jewish fellow countrymen should therefore be
    praised for believing in the fight against Zionism and defending
    Iran's stance in this respect.

    The letter continues: The policies of the national media [IRIB], as Mr
    Mo'tamed is aware, is based on the constitution, as well as the
    supreme leader's guidelines and the approved legal frameworks.
    Concerning religious minorities, it should be reminded that the main
    policy of the national media is to observe minorities' rights and
    respecting their beliefs. The programme made on the life of Martyr
    Araglian, which was praised by the Armenian community in Iran, is an
    example in this regard.

    The letter then explains: The objective behind preparation and
    broadcast of televised programmes, which are based on research and
    documents, are to enlighten people on different phenomena and
    problems; So that the audience can have a sound evaluation of
    issues. In such televised programmes, there is no intention to insult
    any social group or individual. Therefore, positive and negative
    figures may be portrayed next to each other. Undoubtedly, the final
    objective is to express the realities and not to highlight certain

    In the film entitled "Conspiracy and great escape" the positive and
    negative Jewish characters were both involved. If we have a realistic
    assessment, we will see that positive characters were highlighted
    further. Undoubtedly, such an outlook by IRIB to deal with realities
    will be true for all religions with positive and negative

    In continuation, the letter indicates that some active IRIB artists
    and programme-makers are religious minorities themselves. [Passage
    omitted: on artists creativity]

    As a conclusion, the letter refers to the meeting of the Jewish
    religious figures with the head of IRIB which was held in an
    atmosphere of friendship and respect at the presence of the Jewish
    Majlis deputy, which led to a satisfactory result. It reminded: In the
    year of national solidarity [this Iranian calendar year starting from
    21 March] we are attempting to align the national media policies with
    desires of all our fellow countrymen including religious
    minorities. We therefore hope to benefit from their advice in this