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Int'l mediators see new opportunity for Karabakh settlement

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  • Int'l mediators see new opportunity for Karabakh settlement

    EurasiaNet Organization
    April 18 2005

    Emil Danielyan 4/18/05

    French, Russian and US diplomats, acting under the aegis of the
    Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe's Minsk Group,
    are guardedly optimistic about the latest push to resolve the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Their optimism is reinforced by the
    Armenian government's apparent efforts in recent weeks to prepare
    public opinion for major concessions to Azerbaijan.

    Azerbaijan's Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov and his Armenian
    counterpart Vardan Oskanian held "proximity talks" with Minsk Group
    officials in London on April 15. The discussions sought to finalize
    details of a summit meeting between the Azerbaijani and Armenian
    presidents sometime in May. International mediators believe those talks
    could prove crucial in breaking the existing stalemate in the Karabakh
    peace process. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive].

    In a rare joint statement timed to coincide with London talks, the
    mediators declared that the protracted peace process has entered a
    "sensitive juncture, where a first step towards an agreement mediated
    by the [Minsk Group] Co-Chairs could be at hand in the framework of
    the discussions between the parties." At the same time, the Minsk
    Group co-chairs expressed concern about increased ceasefire violations
    along the Armenian-Azerbaijani frontline east of Karabakh, warning
    that renewed fighting would be "disastrous" for both South Caucasus
    neighbors. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive].

    Participants have remained tight-lipped, declining to speak about the
    substance of the discussions. The Armenian Foreign Ministry said only
    that they focused on preparations for the meeting between Presidents
    Robert Kocharian of Armenia and Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan. It
    is expected to take place in mid-May. Mammadyarov told Radio Free
    Europe-Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) that the talks were "productive," adding
    that more discussions were needed "to bring the positions of the two
    countries closer together." Armenian and Azerbaijani diplomats are
    expected to hold another round of discussions in Frankfurt on April 27.

    Yuri Merzlyakov, the Russian co-chair of the Minsk Group, said earlier
    that the two foreign ministers would be presented with new peace
    proposals drawn up by the mediating troika. He indicated that Aliyev
    and Kocharian should personally discuss and pass judgment on those
    proposals. "The co-chairs believe that there needs to be a political
    decision at the highest level," Merzlyakov told RFE/RL.

    This might explain why the Minsk Group statement urged the
    conflicting parties to "prepare their populations for a balanced
    negotiated agreement that will require compromise on both sides."
    Official Yerevan appears to be doing just that, with Defense Minister
    Serge Sarkisian, Kocharian's most powerful lieutenant, taking center
    stage in the effort.

    "The conflict's resolution will indeed be painful for both the Armenian
    and Azerbaijani peoples because mutual compromise means giving up
    some of what you have," he told parliamentary hearings on Karabakh
    on March 30. Speaking to journalists a few days later, Sarkisian,
    who commanded Karabakh Armenian forces during their victorious war
    with Azerbaijan, derided hard-line nationalist groups opposed to any
    compromise with Azerbaijan. "Do we want another war?" he asked. "Did
    we lose few of our boys, our comrades [during the first war]?"

    Kocharian likewise publicly stated on April 13 that Armenian
    concessions on Karabakh are "inevitable." One of those concessions is
    his administration's obvious retreat from its demands for a so-called
    "package" peace accord that would settle all contentious issues at
    once. During the Karabakh conflict's "hot" phase - from 1992-94 -
    Armenian forces occupied broad swaths of Azerbaijani territory that
    surround the enclave. Yerevan, along with Karabakh Armenian leaders,
    have for years insisted that the return of the Armenian-occupied land
    is impossible without a determination of Karabakh's status -- the main
    bone of contention. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive].

    Azerbaijan, meanwhile, wants a step-by-step solution to the territorial
    dispute, in which a determination on Karabakh's status would be
    indefinitely postponed until after the return of occupied Azerbaijani
    lands, the restoration of economic ties between Armenia and Azerbaijan,
    as well as other confidence-building measures.

    Armenian leaders indicate that they are now ready to accept
    the step-by-step formula so long as they get other international
    guarantees of continued Armenian control over Karabakh. Sarkisian
    noted in his parliamentary testimony that this could include a
    formal pledge by the international community to hold a referendum
    of independence in Karabakh. It also could include an international
    guarantee that Azerbaijan would refrain from undertaking offensive
    military operations.

    Speaking in Yerevan on April 6, Russia's former chief Karabakh
    negotiator and a staunch advocate of the gradual settlement, Vladimir
    Kazimirov, said: "Whereas in the past the Armenians were saying,
    'Package, package and nothing other than package,' it looks as though
    they are now considering a phased options as well."

    The new peace proposals are thus widely thought to be based on the
    phased strategy of conflict resolution which was embraced by Armenia's
    former president, Levon Ter-Petrosian. He was forced to resign in
    February 1998 after publicly advocating a step-by-step Minsk Group
    plan rejected by key members of his government, including then Prime
    Minister Kocharian.

    Ter-Petrosian allies now say time has proved the ex-president right.
    "They (the current Armenian leadership) have already abandoned their
    'victorious' policies and ... reverted to our concept of conflict
    resolution without shying away from repeating our arguments," one of
    them, former parliament speaker Babken Ararktsian, told the Yerevan
    daily "Haykakan Zhamanak" on April 12.

    Negotiators have come close to striking a deal on Karabakh on several
    past occasions, most recently during the Key West peace conference
    in April 2001. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive]. But
    last-minute disagreements and other snags always scuttled the signing
    of a formal treaty. Observers therefore caution that, despite the
    building optimism, the discussions could collapse yet again.

    Oskanian, the Armenian Foreign Minister, guarded against excessive
    expectations from the latest push for Karabakh peace as he met
    reporters ahead of the London talks. The conflicting parties, he said,
    have reached general understandings about the course of the peace
    process. "But when we go into details, we see that our positions are
    still very far apart," he said.

    Editor's Note: Emil Danielyan is a Yerevan-based journalist and
    political analyst.