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Yerevan is our home

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  • Yerevan is our home

    Yerevan is our home
    Yervand Zakharian, Yerevan Mayor

    Dear readers,

    Between April 4 and 11, 2005, you had an opportunity to address your
    questions on the Yerkir's website to YERVAND ZAKHARIAN, Yerevan Mayor.

    Below are the answers to your questions. See the full version of the
    interview in Armenian.

    Thank you for your active participation: Spartak Seyranian,
    editor-in-chief of "Yerkir" Weekly.

    Onnik Krikorian - As a British citizen now living in Yerevan and working
    for Edik Baghdasarian I have been shocked by the amount of environmental
    destruction unleashed on the city. Although the Mayor's Office continues
    to talk of fighting illegal construction in the capital, we all know
    that it is doing nothing to combat construction when it is undertaken by
    senior officials and their relatives. When will the Mayor's Office
    finally start to do its job properly in this regard. At the same time,
    while the courts have recently ruled in favor of Edik Baghdasarian, when
    will you finally provide Hetq Online with full details of the decisions
    by your office that resulted in the desecration of the park around the
    Opera? Failure to do this is just a continuation of the disregard for
    the law that many accuse your office of showing. Thank you, Onnik
    Krikorian, Hetq Online

    Yervand Zakharian - In its time, the municipality has presented a
    complete report containing the details of the bases on which these lands
    were allocated. The report also mentioned that the constructions were
    carried out private by companies. The Yerevan mayor has no authority to
    publicize data about property of a legal person (business) without the
    latter's consent.

    Let's be frank. I would prefer to be held accountable for my period in
    office. But we all are concerned about today's situation. Many of these
    structures certainly do not correspond to the environment, but I am sure
    they will be removed eventually. Those structures have been built in
    different times when the control and the awareness of the issue were not
    as acute. Significant investments have been made in these constructions
    and they have been legalized. One official cannot simply overturn this.
    The legislation should be improved, let's work here. You must have
    noticed too that the state control has been strengthening; what could be
    easily done before is not possible now. We are planning to find
    compensation money to remove those structures, but it should be done
    gradually, in the course of time as the overall economic conditions

    Vatche - Mr. Zakharian, when are you going to solve all the issues
    related to public transportation, making sure the routes are clearly
    organized (ie not all traffic going through Mashtots and stopping
    wherever they feel like it, thus causing traffic) and the buses are safe
    ? Also, the notorious "traffic cops" give a bad image to our city. Do we
    really need these corrupt people?

    Yervand Zakharian - Presently a new transportation routes network for
    Yerevan aimed at reducing the traffic in the central streets and
    optimization of the routes in operation is being elaborated. After the
    new routes plan is approved, we are planning to carry out a program
    aimed at marking the bus stops clearly and making sure that buses do not
    make stops outside these bus stops. The preparatory works are already
    under way. A tender for a project of designing bus stops has been
    announced by the municipality, and based on its results, the we will
    start to repair, construct and equip bus stops.

    As for the safety concerns, I must note that according to the tender
    requirements, vehicles manufactured before 1988 will no more be allowed
    to take part in the tenders, and only "fresh" and technically fit
    vehicles will be allowed to operate.

    In regard with the traffic cops: the Yerevan municipality is engaged
    only in joint control and monitoring of public transportation. Other
    than that, it is the Armenian Police that is in charge of traffic cops
    (state automobile inspectors).

    Hasmik Ghazaryan - Yerevan is not only confined to the center right?
    Then when are there going to be placed litter-bins everywhere else?

    Yervand Zakharian - Bins are placed not only in the center; simply, the
    situation with bins is better in the center. The Yerevan municipality
    has recommended the district heads to place more bins in their
    communities by April 16, 2005. Though, about 5,000 large and 3,500 small
    bins have been placed in the city, this number does not meet the demand.
    1,000 more bins will be placed by April 16; this is not a satisfactory
    number either but would improve the sanitary situation in the capital.
    Those works will be a continuous process.

    Vatche - Mr. Zakharian, when I look all the beautiful Armenian
    architecture-inspired buildings of Yerevan, I cannot but also see all
    the "ugly" additions made to them, all the neglect, all the "ugly"
    rooftops which make our beloved city look more like a "camp" than a
    beautiful city. What are the plans of the municipality to bring order to
    urban development and to urban revival?

    Yervand Zakharian - To be really frank, we should admit that each of us
    is to blame for such ugly additions. In many cases, these are results of
    unjustifiable permissions; in other cases, those structures were built
    without authorization and with lack of elementary care for --as you put
    it -- "our beloved city's" image. Hereafter, the municipality will grant
    such permissions only in well-established cases and only if such
    permissions do not contradict with the overall architectural image of
    the building, and provided that the building has a single project.
    In general, the problem of roofs, and especially their architecture, is
    among the unsolved issues.