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Both Advantages and Drawbacks Were Pointed Out

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  • Both Advantages and Drawbacks Were Pointed Out


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]
    16 April 05

    Nevertheless, summing up the work of the City Hall in the first quarter
    of the year, the mayor of Stepanakert Edward Aghabekian evaluated it as
    positive During the press conference on April 12 the mayor presented
    the work of the City Hall. He promised to remain faithful to the
    tradition and publish the work done and to do not forgetting about the
    drawbacks. During the press conference Edward Aghabekian dwelled upon
    a series of important problems. COMMUNITY BUDGET According to him,
    there was a decline in the community budget revenues from disposal
    of inventory. In the first quarter of the past year the revenues of
    the community budget from disposal of inventory totaled 3 million
    drams; this year the revenues decreased by 50 per cent. Nevertheless,
    according to the mayor, this is not a low rate and does not impact
    the community budget receipts. According to Mr. Aghabekian, those
    spheres where disposal of inventory results in improvement of work
    efficiency should absolutely be privatized. In reference to the
    community budget adoption and execution Edward Aghabekian informed
    that the growth of community owned receipts is estimated by 23.4 per
    cent against 2004, which will total 27.2 million drams on a yearly
    basis. The mayor of Stepanakert noticed that this volume of growth
    is estimated for the first time in the last 3-4 years. As to the
    results of the last quarter, there was a 6.2 per cent growth in the
    community-owned receipts. At the same time he said that three months
    is not a long period to make far-reaching estimations but it is enough
    to make estimations of certain things. TAX REVENUES One of the major
    problems is that the institution of cadastre is not fully formed.
    According to the mayor, if in 2004 the tax service collected 605
    thousand drams from natural persons, this year more than 3 million
    drams of tax revenues is estimated. He added that this year the tax
    on property was not heavy for anyone. As to the public taxes, in the
    first quarter of 2004 public tax collection totaled 4.3 million drams,
    whereas in the same period of the current year collected public taxes
    totaled 2.9 million. In the same period the payments of land rental
    was 1.312 million drams against 340 thousand in the first quarter
    of the past year. DECISIONS In the past three months the City Hall
    adopted 14 decisions. He singled out the decision that every year
    since 2005 at 12 o'clock on April 24 two minutes of silence will be
    kept in the community in the memory of the victims of genocide in
    1915. The mayor of Stepanakert also mentioned that as distinct from
    other spheres funding of cultural events was funded by 100 per cent.