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Assistance to patients at end of life and detentions in=?UNKNOWN?Q?G

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  • Assistance to patients at end of life and detentions in=?UNKNOWN?Q?G

    Assistance to patients at end of life and detentions in Guantánamo
    Bay to be debated at PACE Spring session

    Strasbourg, 19.04.2005 - Debates on assistance to patients at end of
    life and the lawfulness of detentions by the United States in
    Guantánamo Bay as well as the freedom of the press and the working
    conditions of journalists in risk zones (*) are among highlights of
    the Spring Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of
    Europe (PACE), which takes place in Strasbourg from 25 to 29 April

    There have also been requests for a current affairs debate on the
    European constitutional treaty and an urgent debate on the
    constitutional reform process in Armenia.

    Luxembourg Prime Minister and EU Council President Jean-Claude
    Juncker, Serbia and Montenegro President Svetozar Marovic and Spanish
    Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos are due to address the

    Other subjects for debate include the need for an international
    response to Iran's nuclear programme, discrimination against women in
    the workforce and the workplace and discrimination against women and
    girls in sport, which will take place in the presence of Paralympic
    swimming champion Béatrice Hess. There will also be a joint debate on
    Europe's growing energy vulnerability and on energy systems and the
    environment, with the participation of the Executive Director of the
    International Energy Agency Claude Mandil.

    Polish Foreign Affairs Minister Adam Daniel Rotfeld, who chairs the
    Committee of Ministers, will present the Communication from the
    Committee of Ministers to the Assembly.

    * * * * *

    The following is a provisional order of business with proposed
    modifications. The Assembly itself will decide its final order of
    business on the first day of the session.



    (*) A request has been made for an urgent debate on this subject,
    which must be approved by the Assembly at the opening of the session.

    Monday 25 April
    * Election of Vice-Presidents of the Assembly with respect to Moldova
    and Russia
    * The rights of children in institutions: follow-up to Recommendation
    1601 (2003) of the Parliamentary Assembly

    Tuesday 26 April
    * Statement by Miguel Angel Moratinos, Minister for Foreign Affairs
    and Co-operation of Spain
    * Lawfulness of detentions by the United States in Guantánamo Bay
    * Address by Svetozar Marovic, President of Serbia and Montenegro
    * Joint debate: Europe's growing energy vulnerability and energy
    systems and the environment; statement by Claude Mandil, Executive
    Director of the International Energy Agency

    * Iran's nuclear programme: need for international response

    Wednesday 27 April
    * Election of a judge to the European Court of Human Rights with
    respect to Latvia
    * Assistance to patients at end of life
    * Address by Jean-Claude Juncker, Prime Minister of Luxembourg and
    President of the Council of the European Union
    * Discrimination against women in the workforce and the workplace
    * Discrimination against women and girls in sport
    * Migration and integration: a challenge and an opportunity for

    Thursday 28 April
    * Possible urgent debate
    * Communication from the Committee of Ministers to the Parliamentary
    Assembly presented by Adam Daniel Rotfeld, Minister for Foreign
    Affairs of Poland and Chairperson of the Committee of Ministers

    * Possible current affairs debate
    * Protection and assistance for separated children seeking asylum

    Friday 29 April
    * Referendums: towards good practices in Europe
    * Sea pollution

    Practical information

    René van der Linden, President of the Parliamentary Assembly, will
    give a press conference on Monday 25 April at 11 a.m. (Room 1). Other
    press conferences will be announced on the spot.

    See the Assembly's website,, for further

    Additional information may also be found on the Council of Europe web

    Communication Unit of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
    Tel. +33 3 88 41 31 93 Fax +33 3 90 21 41 34; e-mail:
    [email protected]

    Press Release
    Parliamentary Assembly Communication Unit
    Ref: 205a05
    Tel: +33 3 88 41 31 93
    Fax :+33 3 90 21 41 34
    [email protected]

    The Parliamentary Assembly brings together 630 members from the
    national parliaments of the 46 member states.
    President: René van der Linden (Netherlands, EPP/CD); Secretary
    General of the Assembly: Bruno Haller.
    Political Groups: SOC (Socialist Group); EPP/CD (Group of the
    European People's Party); LDR (Liberal, Democratic and Reformers'

    EDG (European Democratic Group); UEL (Group of the Unified European
