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Eight New Energy Efficiency Pilot Projects Started

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  • Eight New Energy Efficiency Pilot Projects Started

    Advanced Engineering Associates International
    2 Proshyan Street
    Yerevan, Armenia
    Tel.: 374-1-221-969, 261-770
    Fax: 374-1- 275-491
    E-mail: [email protected]

    "Eight New Energy Efficiency Pilot Projects Started by AEAI Armenia in April 2005"

    In the framework of the USAID funded Energy Efficiency, Demand Side
    Management and Renewable Energy Program (EE, DSM, RE Program), in
    March - April 2005 Advanced Engineering Associates International has
    launched eight new pilot projects implemented by a number of Armenian
    energy service companies such as Anergo Two, Contact A, Technokom,
    Thermoservice and South Therm Ltd. All these initiatives are aimed
    at demonstration of advanced energy efficient technologies and their
    application in various sectors of Armenia. With major funding endowed
    by USAID Armenia the range of projects' cost sharing by beneficiaries
    makes up from 20% to 50% of the approved budgets. The projects will
    last six months on average and will involve different measures ensuring
    smooth and safe functioning of heating systems.

    The most part of the demonstrations' sites is concentrated in the
    capital; however a lot of repairing, weatherization and local gas-fired
    system rehabilitation works will also be performed in the Town Hospital
    of Sevan, Gegharkunik marz. For thirteen years the hospital building
    was only heated by electricity having left the previously run internal
    heating system in an extremely poor condition. Sizeable energy losses
    occurred due to cold air infiltration through numerous gaps in the old
    and improperly fixed windows and outside doors. The problem solution
    offered by AEAI Armenia includes renovation of the entire internal
    heating system as part of full construction of the local heating
    system with installation of a gas-fired boiler house. The indoor
    comfort level will be controlled by regulating valves. This option of
    using gas instead of electricity for space and water heating purposes
    considerably reduces future energy demands; it also decreases harmful
    emissions at the thermal power plant making the activity beneficial
    from the environmental viewpoint.

    Similar project has been started at the Maternity Care Research Center
    located in the center of Yerevan. With a 40-year old internal heating
    system which is currently depreciated completely after having stayed
    idle within the last 13 years, the Center's sole heating option
    was use of low-efficient and rather expensive electrical coils. In
    order to provide the patients and personnel of the Center with more
    comfortable, secure and affordable heating EE, DSM, RE Program has
    approved construction of a boiler house equipped with two gas-fired
    boilers, low pressure gas supply pipeline as well as renovation of
    the internal heating system with installed cast iron radiators and
    regulating valves for keeping desired temperature in the rooms. The
    economic analysis of this pilot displays its high financial feasibility
    as savings are three times more than investments and internal rate
    of return (IRR) makes 43 %.

    Another medical institution will benefit from AEAI initiatives
    by renovating its heating systems. Arabkir Joint Medical Center
    Institute of Child and Adolescent Health which for many years used
    ineffective electrical coils for space and water heating will now
    switch to gas-fired option running a newly constructed and highly
    efficient local heating system. In addition, the project involves
    isolation of heated zones from cold air as well as installation of
    flat plate solar collectors for water heating purpose.

    Solar water heating technology will also be applied at the Yerevan
    based Germes-Art LLC semiprecious stone processing company. The site
    has excellent solar irradiation and the use of solar energy here
    promises significant energy and funds savings. The solar water heating
    system at the site will be mounted with a back up of electricity,
    including flat plate solar collectors of 44 m2, a 2-ton storage tank
    and a system control component. Along with raising the process of
    production reliability the installation of solar water heating system
    will definitely reduce environmental emissions.

    Local gas-fired heating systems will be fully constructed at Armenfilm
    NCSO Film Studio and Physics Institute in Yerevan. Weatherization
    of windows and outside doors will be additionally performed at the
    both sites whereas the second one will also involve works on internal
    heating system renovation.

    The pilot projects launched at the Regional (Caucasus) Academy of
    Information Technologies and residential building located on Sayat-Nova
    33, Yerevan are practically follow-up activities aimed to enlarge
    the outcome of previously implemented AEAI demonstrations and use
    entire capacities of the already installed equipment. Thus, AEAI will
    construct the internal heating network of the Academy's Building #3
    and expand the external heat supply pipelines connecting the building
    to the local gas boiler house which is powerful enough to properly
    provide warmth to all the buildings of the institution. Similarly,
    5 residential building located in the nearby territory of the
    private boiler house on Sayat-Nova 33, will benefit from heat supply
    services. The boiler house presently uses about a half of its installed
    capacity making the level of this business profitability lower due to
    small number of consumers. Expansion of the existing external heating
    system to the neighboring buildings will solve the sales issue for
    the business and provide safe and comfortable heating to residents
    in winter season.

    These activities supplement the list of other 28 pilots accomplished
    within the EE, DSM, RE Program over the years 2002-2005. In 2005,
    AEAI, with funding from USAID, has initiated a series of various
    demonstration projects targeting energy efficiency and renewable
    energy issues.
