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ANCA: Houston Commemorates Armenian Genocide

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  • ANCA: Houston Commemorates Armenian Genocide

    Armenian National Committee of America
    888 17th St., NW, Suite 904
    Washington, DC 20006
    Tel: (202) 775-1918
    Fax: (202) 775-5648
    E-mail: [email protected]


    April 20, 2005
    Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
    Tel: (202) 775-1918


    -- Major Texas City Joins Growing Lone Star State
    Movement toward Armenian Genocide Recognition

    WASHINGTON, DC - Houston Mayor Bill White has shared a proclamation
    commemorating the Armenian Genocide with leaders of the Lone Star
    State's growing Armenian American community, delivering a powerful
    pro-human rights message in the home state of President George W.
    Bush and in the backyard of House Majority Leader Tom Delay,
    reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

    Armenian Americans in Houston, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio,
    Galveston, El Paso and throughout the state are coordinating their
    efforts through the Texas Joint Committee for the 90th Anniversary
    of the Armenian Genocide.

    "We want to thank Mayor White for his leadership and to express our
    appreciation to all those that made this proclamation possible,
    including City Controller Anise Parker, community activist and
    local attorney Phil Kanayan, and the Texas Joint Committee for the
    90th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide," said Aram Hamparian,
    Executive Director of the ANCA. "This proclamation, which, of
    course, holds great meaning for Armenians living in the Houston
    area, has national significance as well, coming, as it does, in the
    home state of a President who has, for four straight years, broken
    his pledge to properly recognize the Armenian Genocide, and in the
    backyard of a Congressional leader who has consistently blocked
    legislation commemorating this crime against humanity."

    Among the major steps taken this year by the Texas Armenian
    community were the hosting of an Armenian Genocide exhibit at the
    Holocaust Museum of Houston, the Mayor of Galveston's Armenian
    Genocide proclamation, and the signatures of three Texas
    legislators - Reps. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX), Gene Green (D-TX), and
    Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) - on the Congressional letter urging
    President Bush to properly recognize the Armenian Genocide. On May
    26th, at 6:30pm, Bill Parsons, Chief of Staff of the U.S. Holocaust
    Museum will be giving a talk on genocide and "Remembering for the
    Sake of the Future" at the Holocaust Museum of Houston. The Joint
    Committee for the 90th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide will
    cosponsor the event.

    In January of last year, ANCA staff from Washington, DC and Los
    Angeles conducted a ten day fieldtrip throughout Texas, meeting
    with local leaders, briefing members of Congress and other elected
    officials, and offering support to the community's advocacy

    "We are tremendously proud of the increasingly active, vocal, and
    effective Armenian community of Texas, and are committed to making
    our unique contribution to, once and for all, ending U.S.
    complicity in Turkey's shameful campaign of genocide denial," added
    ANC-Texas representative Vatche Hovsepian.



    Armenian Martyrs Day

    WHEREAS, on April 24, 2005, Armenians around the world will
    commemorate the 90th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide; during
    the First World War, the Turkish Empire in an effort of general
    extermination and elimination of all traces of a thriving and noble
    civilization over 3,000 years old; of the Armenian population in
    Eastern Turkey, massacred approximately 1.5 million men, women, and
    children in the twentieth century's first genocides; and

    WHEREAS, although the survivors of this massacre were scattered to
    all parts of the world, they have maintained their identity and
    unity through their church, passing along to each generation not
    only a strong Christian faith but a knowledge of their language,
    history and culture; and

    WHEREAS, the survivors and descendents of this genocide which drove
    them from their homeland, recall and commemorate April 24, 1915 as
    Armenian Martyr's Day; and

    WHEREAS, the heroic struggles of the Armenian people inspire and
    challenge us to cherish and preserve the freedom that is ours; and

    WHEREAS, on April 24, 2005, City of Houston residents will be
    called together to commemorate the 90th Anniversary of the Armenian
    Genocide of 1915; and

    WHEREAS, this commemoration will serve as an appropriate time for
    the people of the City of Houston and others to remember the 1.5
    Armenian men, women and children who lost their lives; and

    Therefore, I, Bill White, Mayor of the City of Houston, hereby
    proclaim April 24, 2005, as Armenian Martyrs Day in Houston, Texas.