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Good News From Armentel

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  • Good News From Armentel



    | 18:33:10 | 19-04-2005 | Social |

    Today, when the lovers of cellular communication are impatiently
    waiting for the second operator to proceed to work, ArmenTel is going
    to issue cards for IP-telephony.

    General Director of the company Vasilis Fetsis rendered a press
    conference today to inform that it will be soon possible to communicate
    with relatives and friends living abroad at rather low prices. It is
    the most civilized way of IP-telephony. The subscriber establishes
    communication with foreign countries not through a telephonist but by
    dialing 0 800 01111 or 8000 and then the codes of the state, city and
    the phone number respectively. The cards with 2500, 5000 and 10000,
    where each unit is equal to 1 dram will be issued.

    Mr. Fetsis apologized to the people that this kind of communication
    has not been implemented in Armenia before. To note, Russia practices
    the card for over a decade, not to mention the developed states.

    He also apologies for not proper fulfillment of company's obligations
    and assured that new purpose of the new leadership is to provide
    the population with cheap and qualitative communications. With the
    ArmenTel cards a minute conversation with Russia will cost 83 drams,
    with US - 69 drams, with France - 73 drams and with Greece - 110 drams.