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Eu-Armenia Commission Called To Refrain From Militaristic Statements

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  • Eu-Armenia Commission Called To Refrain From Militaristic Statements


    | 17:31:30 | 19-04-2005 | Politics |


    The 7-th session of the EU-Armenia Parliamentary Commission was held in
    Strasbourg April 13-14.

    Head of the Armenian parliamentary delegation, chairman of the
    commission for foreign affairs Armen Rustamyan informed that the
    delegates touched upon the political, economic and social situation
    in Armenia, democratic processes, relations with neighbors, the
    Karabakh problem, ecological problems and so on. The Commission issued
    a resolution, which says, in part, "the South Caucasian states
    should refrain from statements conflicting with the objectives of
    the European policy and impeding the involvement of these states in
    regional initiatives and projects.

    The Commission reaffirmed the opinion on the closing of the Armenian
    Nuclear Power Plant in case of launching alternative and safe energy
    sources, welcomed the construction of the Armenian sector of the
    Iran-Armenia gas pipeline, highlighted the regional cooperation and EU
    assistance in conflict settling, protection of fundamental rights and
    domination of law as well as the establishment of democratic values.

    The Commission called the states of the region not to view the
    Karabakh conflict settlement as a precondition for cooperation in
    other areas. The resolution issued by the Commission also says that
    the peaceful settlement of the Karabakh conflict should be achieved
    within the frames of the OSCE Minsk Group and via decisive steps
    by Armenia and Azerbaijan. At the same time the Commission called
    the parties to refrain from any statements, which could cause the
    resumption of hostilities.

    It should be noted that the Armenian Genocide issue was also discussed.
    Reminding of the resolution of the European parliament on the Armenian
    Genocide, the Commission called the Turkish leadership to take part
    in the international reconciliation process on the threshold of the
    90-th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.