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ANKARA: Armenian lobbying in US mounts up prior to April 24

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  • ANKARA: Armenian lobbying in US mounts up prior to April 24

    Armenian lobbying in US mounts up prior to April 24

    Wednesday, April 20, 2005


    Armenian Diaspora places an advertisement in a US magazine allegorizing
    alleged Armenian genocide to Sudan's conflict in the Darfur region

    ANKARA - Turkish Daily News

    The influential Armenian diaspora in the United States has taken
    another step for recognition of an alleged genocide via a full-page
    advertisement in a U.S. news magazine, as April 24, the 90th
    anniversary of the alleged genocide, approaches.

    The Armenian lobby has stepped up a campaign for the international
    recognition of the alleged genocide at the hands of the late Ottoman
    Empire at the beginning of the last century, placing a full-page
    advertisement in the latest issue of the U.S. News and World Report
    magazine accompanied by a photograph of a person who was alleged to
    have escaped the genocide. 

    The advertisement, prepared by the International Institute for Genocide
    and Human Rights Studies, a division of the Zoryan Institute of Canada,
    was sponsored by an Armenian whose ancestors had escaped the alleged
    genocide and who doesn't want to be identified, the Anatolia news
    agency reported according to information from the Zoryan Institute.

    Referring to the conflict in Darfur, Sudan, which is described
    by the U.S. Congress as amounting to genocide committed by the
    Sudanese government and its militia allies against non-Arab groups,
    the advertisement, by use of the phrase "Déjà vu?" implies
    that a new genocide is being experienced in Darfur today. 

    According to Ross Vartian, a spokesman for the Armenian diaspora in
    the United States and executive chairman of the Armenian Assembly of
    America, a resolution upholding Armenian allegations is to be presented
    today to the U.S. Congress. A similar resolution was pushed forward
    in the House of Representatives in 2000 but was withdrawn after the
    Bill Clinton administration intervened.
