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Armenians Launch Nationwide Genocide Ad Campaign

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  • Armenians Launch Nationwide Genocide Ad Campaign

    Armenians Launch Nationwide Genocide Ad Campaign

    LOS ANGELES, April 20 /PRNewswire/ -- Armenians have taken their
    message to an unprecedented level this week with a nationwide
    advertising campaign raising awareness about the Armenian Genocide.

    The 30-second commercials coincide with an official letter to the
    March For Humanity received from Senator Bob Dole. "From 1915 to
    1923, 1.5 million Armenians perished through a policy of deportation,
    torture, starvation, and massacre," reads the letter signed Bob Dole.
    "Despite the vast numbers of victims, many people remain unaware of
    this significant tragedy."

    "Americans have been kept in the dark about the Armenian Genocide and
    the subsequent horrors experienced by its 1.5 million victims," said
    Vicken Sosikian director of the March For Humanity. "Our ad campaign
    aims to educate the public about this crime against all humanity."

    The March For Humanity is a 215-mile walk from Fresno, Calif. to
    Sacramento. Started on April 2, the 19-day trek will conclude on April
    21 with a rally at 11 a.m. on the steps of the state capitol building.
    The Rally For Humanity will feature many elected officials including
    California State Assembly Majority Leader Assemblyman Dario Frommer
    and Speaker Pro-tem Assembly member Leland Yee.

    "The March For Humanity brings people together in spirit of remembrance
    for all those who suffered. The more we spread awareness of such
    atrocities, the better prepared we are to prevent them in the future,"
    wrote Senator Dole. "Thanks for all you do to educate our nation
    about this genocide."

    On April 24 Armenians worldwide will mark the 90th anniversary of the
    Armenian Genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire, seeking official
    recognition and reparations from the Turkish government.

    More information about the Armenian Genocide, the March For Humanity,
    and the Rally For Humanity are available at

    SOURCE March For Humanity

    04/20/2005 02:12 ET