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ANKARA: 'Turkish Parliament should Make Armenian Issue National Poli

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  • ANKARA: 'Turkish Parliament should Make Armenian Issue National Poli

    'Turkish Parliament should Make Armenian Issue National Policy'
    By Anadolu News Agency (aa)

    Zaman, Turkey
    April 20 2005

    The Turkish Institute of History (TTK) President Professor
    Yusuf Halacoglu said in regard to the so-called Armenian genocide
    allegations that: "Parliament has to remove this issue from certain
    political discourses and make it a national policy. It has to think
    about the issue, every detail of it, along with the psychological
    dimension. Otherwise, nothing can be achieved."

    Professor Halacoglu gave a speech within the framework of a
    series of conferences titled "The Armenian Issue in the Light of
    Science" organized by Uludag University (UU) with the support of
    some non-government organizations (NGOs). Halacoglu expressed that
    the so-called Armenian genocide allegations have not appeared with
    the European Union (EU); however, there is an understanding almost
    forcing Turkey to accept the "Treaty of Sevres" that has started to
    dominate the EU process. The Professor urged that the best response
    against this sort of mentality is to provide detailed information
    to the entire Turkish society regarding the issue. He noted
    that insignificant studies were conducted regarding the so-called
    Armenian genocide allegations in Turkey until recent years and said:
    "Extremely serious studies have been undertaken in this field for
    the last four or five years. One of the main reasons for this are
    some of the problems that Turkey has been obliged to face. What are
    the reasons that the so-called Armenian genocide allegations are
    based upon? Did the so-called genocide that is suggested in these
    allegations really occur or what really did happen? We have tried to
    search for answers to these questions. What westerners and Armenians
    diasporas claim was that "Turkey wiped clean the Ottoman archives;
    therefore, these archives have no reliability. Documents that prove
    the genocide were either hidden or destroyed." The structure of the
    Ottoman archives; however, prevents this situation from occurring,
    because copies of a decision that was made at the center, that is
    the capital, were sent to the provinces during the Ottoman era."