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Karabakh Conflict Must Be Settled Taking Into Account InternationalL

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  • Karabakh Conflict Must Be Settled Taking Into Account InternationalL


    YEREVAN, APRIL 19. ARMINFO. The Karabakh conflict must be settled
    only by means of strengthening of the status of Nagorny Karabakh and
    ensuring of even guarantees of security of the people of Nagorny
    Karabakh and bordering territories, as well as of refugees. It is
    said in the statement of the Commission on parliamentary cooperation
    Armenia-EU, made on April 14 in Strasbourg.

    In the document the Commission stresses the necessity of the
    participation of the people of Nagorny Karabakh in the negotiation
    process. The Commission also confirms its readiness to provide
    assistance in the peaceful settlement of the Karabakh conflict on the
    basis of international legal norms, including the principle of rights
    of peoples for self-determination. The Commission also stresses that
    the uncertainty of the issue on the status of Nagorny Karabakh must
    not hinder the international community to respect the main rights
    and freedoms of the people of Nagorny Karabakh. The authors of the
    statement also stress the necessity of the participation of the
    international community in the process of peaceful settlement of
    the Karabakh conflict. At the same time the commission thinks that
    the final settlement of the conflict may be reached only between the
    Armenian and Azerbaijani parties through the mediation of the OSCE
    Minsk Group.

    Taking into consideration the conclusion of the OSCE expert group
    for study of the situation in the territories bordering to Nagorny
    Karabakh, the commission welcomes the assistance of the authorities
    of Armenia and Nagorny Karabakh to the activity of the group. The
    commission calls on the conflicting parties to create conditions
    for safe repatriation of the refugees. The commission calls on the
    conflicting parties to abstain from allegations and actions, which may
    result in additional tension in the region or resumption of military
    operations. The commission considers inadmissible the settlement of
    the Karabakh problem by force.

    The commission calls on the conflicting parties for sooner settlement
    of the problem, which is an obstacle on the way of establishment of
    regional cooperation. The real pre-condition for reconciliation of the
    Armenian and Azerbaijani peoples, ensuring stability in the region
    of the South Caucasus is the establishment of Armenian-Azerbaijani
    trade-economic cooperation. The commission calls on other countries
    of the region not to create obstacles on the way of establishment
    of cooperation between the Armenian and Azerbaijani sides and
    not to put the issue of settlement of the Karabakh conflict as
    a preliminary condition for these relations. The establishment of
    regional cooperation between the countries of the South Caucasus is a
    pre-condition for their sooner integration into European structures,
    said in the document. The commission says that the growing involvement
    of EU in regional processes supposes activation of its efforts in
    settlement of conflicts in the South Caucasus and implementation of
    regional reforms.

    As Armenian Cochairman of the Commission, Head of parliamentary
    commission for foreign relations of Armenia Armen Roustamian pointed
    out during the news conference at National Assembly of Armenia
    Tuesday that the making of this statement required much efforts
    from the Armenian side, as European parliamentarians being members
    of the commission at the same time are members of the commission on
    cooperation Azerbaijan-EU. Armen Roustamian informed that the sitting
    of this commission is held in Baku now, and a statement regarding
    Azerbaijan will be made.