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Berlin to tell Turkey "take responsibility" for Armenian massacres

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  • Berlin to tell Turkey "take responsibility" for Armenian massacres

    Deutsche Presse-Agentur
    April 21, 2005, Thursday
    13:59:42 Central European Time

    Berlin to tell Turkey "take responsibility" for Armenian massacres


    All parties in the German parliament have agreed key points of a
    resolution which will tell Turkey to "take historic responsibility"
    for the 1915 Armenian genocide, a senior member of Chancellor Gerhard
    Schroeder's Social Democrats said Thursday.

    Gernot Erler, the Social Democratic (SPD) deputy foreign affairs
    spokesman in the Bundestag, said the resolution due to win final
    approval in the coming months would have three "goals."

    First, Germany's parliament will recognise a limited German role in
    massacre of 1.2 million to 1.5 million Armenians by the Ottoman Turks
    during the First World War, said Erler in a statement.

    Germany was Ottoman Turkey's main ally in the War and "partly through
    approval and through failure to take effective preventive measures
    there was a German co-responsibility for this genocide."

    "The (Bundestag) asks the Armenian people for their forgiveness,"
    said Erler's statement.

    Second, the Berlin parliament will call on Turkey "to halt its up
    until now overwhelming suppression, to take historic responsibility
    for the massacre of the Armenians by the Young Turk regime and to ask
    for forgiveness from the descendants of the victims."

    Turkey's government has always insisted that there was no Armenian
    genocide and says a far smaller number of Armenians died during
    Ottoman deportations which it argues took place under war conditions
    and were due to an Armenian rebellion.

    Turkey's ambassador to Germany, Mehmet Ali Irtemcelik, has denounced
    the planned Bundestag resolution as containing "countless factual
    errors" and being written "in agreement with propaganda efforts of
    fanatic Armenians...."

    "Its goal is to defame Turkish history... and poison ties between
    Turkey and the European Union," said the ambassador.

    Finally, the German parliament's resolution will underline Berlin's
    efforts to help normalise relations between Turkey and Armenia.

    Germany, which has about 2.5 million resident Turks, has up until now
    been wary about addressing the Armenian genocide.

    A member of the opposition Christian Democratic alliance (CDU/CSU),
    Erwin Marschewski, said in a statement that the value system of the
    European Union (E.U.) insisted that countries "shine a spotlight on
    the dark pages of their history."

    "Recognition by Turkey to the Armenian genocide of 1915 and 1916 is
    important," said Marschewski.

    Turkey is due to start membership negotiations with the E.U. in
    October but E.U. leaders say accession talks - if successful - will
    take up to 15 years.

    Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder is a staunch backer of Turkish E.U.
    membership and will visit Ankara and Istanbul for talks with Turkish
    political and business leaders on May 3 and 4.

    The draft resolution being debated in Germany's parliament does not
    use the word "genocide" but rather refers to the "expulsion and
    massacres" of Armenians under the Ottoman Turks in 1915 as part of
    ceremonies marking the 90th anniversary of the killings.

    "We purposely left out the ... term genocide," said Christoph
    Bergner, an opposition Christian Democrat, in a speech to parliament.

    The declaration says between 1.2 and 1.5 million Christian Armenians
    died or were killed by the Moslem Turks during "planned" deportations
    during the First World War.

    Armenians all over the world will on April 24 mark the 90th
    anniversary of the start of what most international historians
    describe as a genocide lasting from 1915 to 1923 which left up to 1.5
    million people dead. dpa lm sc