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Hysterics, blackmail, threats - means to press upon those...

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  • Hysterics, blackmail, threats - means to press upon those...


    Pan Armenian News
    21.04.2005 03:20

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ "There are dates in the history of each people,
    which have a uniting power and determine its fate for many decades
    and even centuries forward. Armenians - no matter where they live:
    in Armenia, Artsakh, Russia, US, France, Lebanon and other parts of
    the planet - have a common tragic date. It is the commemoration day
    of the victims of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire. Each
    year in all Armenian families spread around the world candles are
    lighted to commemorate the innocent victims," President of the Nagorno
    Karabakh Republic Arkady Ghukassian stated at the Ultimate Crime,
    Ultimate Challenge: Human Rights and Genocide international conference
    in Yerevan. His statement noted, "People, who know the history of
    our people, will never ask the question why so many Armenians live
    outside their historical fatherland. The history has answered that
    question long ago - 90 and more years ago. However, unfortunately
    the state, which has perpetrated the first monstrous genocide in the
    21-st century and is now stating it abides by European and common
    human values has not confessed for the crime. Moreover, it makes
    cynical attempts to incline other countries to withdraw the issue of
    recognition of the Armenian Genocide from the agenda. All those states,
    which have recognized the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire at
    any level, inevitably encountered official Ankara response. Thus they
    had an opportunity to make sure in practice which values the Turkish
    society is dominated by. These are the way that all countries, who have
    fulfilled their human duty, automatically become part of the range of
    evil-wishers of the Turkish people. The hysterics, explicit blackmail,
    threats to break relations - these represent the incomplete list of
    tools for political pressure upon those, who have acknowledged or are
    going to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide. Unfortunately, Ankara
    efforts in this respect often do have the outcomes it desires. The
    position of politicians, including Western ones, who state as if the
    UN Genocide Convention 1948 does not have an retroactive effect and
    cannot be applied to the tragic events in Western Armenia 90 years ago,
    aiming to prevent worsening of relations with contemporary Turkey, is
    cynical. Such a stand is an example of political hypocrisy, however
    it forms ground for new such crimes, by the way, often by the same
    state, which has already committed the genocide once."