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Chief of Staff signals crisis with Greece

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  • Chief of Staff signals crisis with Greece

    KurdishMedia, UK
    April 21 2005

    Chief of Staff signals crisis with Greece


    Chief of Staff Gen. Özkök in his annual evaluation signals soaring
    relations with Greece. Özkök also indirectly rebuffs the U.S.
    depictions of Turkey as a "model Islamic country". "Turkey is a
    secular republic" Özkök says.

    BIA (Istanbul) - Turkish Chief of Staff General Hilmi Özkök calls for
    an official apology from Greece regarding a recent 'flag crisis',
    during his annual evaluation speech at the Military Academy alongside
    striking statements on such topics as democracy and Islam, Iraq,
    relations with Armenia, the Cyprus issue, the Kurdish armed insurgent
    group PKK and the European Union

    Recently, a diplomatic crisis erupted between Turkey and Greece when
    visiting military students from Turkey found torn ot Turkish flags in
    their dormitories where they were officially hosted. The students
    were immediately ordered to return. Özkök, insisted to hear an
    official apology from Greece "Or," he said "our relations will
    inevitably be revised".

    In his speech, Özkök also reacted against recent depictions
    particularly by the successive U. S. Secrataries of State Colin
    Powell and Condoleeza Rice of Turkey as a "model Islamic country"
    merging democracy and "moderate Islam".

    "We are neither an Islamic country nor an Islamic state," told Özkök.
    "We are a secular democratic republic."

    The other major issues voiced by General Özkök in his speech were

    * The Aegean: Greece's defense expenditures raise doubts.

    * Iraq: Kirkuk is ready to erupt.

    * The Kurdish question and the PKK: The US is not sensitive enough
    for Turkish demands.

    * Armenia: Their attitude is dubious.

    * The European Union: Membership is not a blessing.

    Gen. Özkök started his speech by discussing Turkey's presumed role in
    the Washington sponsored Greater Middle East Project. He said that
    albeit it is being viewed as a "model of moderate Islam" within the
    framework of this project, "Turkey is neither an Islamic state, nor
    an Islamic nation". Özkök stated that even though "almost the 99.9 %
    of the population" are Muslims Turkey is a "secular, lawful state".

    The Chief of Staff added that secularism and laicism are inseparable
    parts of the history of Turkish Republic, and they are the catalysts
    in building, as well as maintaining, democracy in Turkey. Therefore,
    Özkök affirmed, "it is a mistake to believe that any country with a
    predominantly Muslim population can follow Turkey's path and become

    The head man of the Turkish Army believes that there can even be a
    "national rebellion" if Turkey's experience is imposed upon another

    Greece must issue an official apology

    Özkök also spoke about the 'flag crisis' that Turkish military
    students faced in Greece. He said that "confidence building measures
    were taken between the two countries,", but the damaged flags
    incident in Greece "requires an official apology". Özkök underlined
    that if an apology is omitted, "the relations between the two
    countries can be revised."

    According to Özkök, Greece's defense expenditures top the military
    expenses list among the European Union countries, and that the Aegean
    Islands are still being heavily armed. The Chief of Staff said that
    Turkey allots 154 dollars of its gross national income per capita for
    military expenses, whereas this figure is 709 dollars in Greece.
    Despite his criticisms towards Greece, Özkök affirmed that they
    regard ameliorating the relations between two countries as a


    Gen. Özkök also spoke about the relations with Armenia, an issue that
    tops the agenda of Turkey recently. They desire to "normalize" the
    affairs between Turkey and Armenia, he told. However, he assessed
    "obedience to fundamental principles of international law and
    execution of the requirements of friendly neighborhood" on Armenia's
    behalf is necessary for achieving this result.

    Özkök also touched upon the issue of the claims of "Armenian
    Genocide". The Chief of Staff stated that "many Turkish and Armenian
    citizens of the Ottoman Empire were killed in the events 1915
    incidents", but the Republic of Turkey is not liable for any of the
    events, and this era was closed by the 1924 Lausanne Peace Treaty
    what imposes no responsibility on Turkey in that respect. Further,
    "most of the deaths on the side of the Armenians were not by
    intention, but as a result of the mass deportation; hence, genocide
    did not take place," he argued.

    Cyprus is still strategically important

    During his annual evaluation speech Özkök spoke about the Cyprus
    issue, as well. According to the Chief of Staff, Cyprus is still
    important for Turkey's security and thus, "is a necessity" for the

    The Chief of Staff pointed out that Turkish Cypriots signaled their
    intention of unity in the Island with the votes they cast in the
    referendum for the "Annan Peace Plan". "So", Özkök said "new gestures
    should not be expected from Turkey".

    The US gives the cold shoulder about the PKK

    Saying that the US did not take the necessary steps to combat Kurdish
    armed insurgent group PKK based in Northern Iraq, Özkök confirmed
    that the situation remains tense in the region with the "surging
    attacks on the Turkish military".

    The EU membership is not vital

    According to the Chief Staff, the EU membership should not be viewed
    as a "blessing". Özkök says that in the relations with the EU,
    "mutual benefits are at stake", but "it is not the end of the world"
    if Turkey cannot become a member of the EU. (EK/SAÖ/EK/YE)

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