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Turkish Dams Violate EU Standards and Human Rights

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  • Turkish Dams Violate EU Standards and Human Rights

    Turkish Dams Violate EU Standards and Human Rights

    Assyrian International News Agency
    April 21 2005

    Plans for large dams in southeast Turkey including the discredited
    Ilisu dam project may yet go ahead in spite of adverse impacts on
    cultural and environmental rights, according to a new report by the
    National University of Ireland, Galway and the Kurdish Human Rights

    The report provides new evidence from hydroelectric dam projects
    planned for the Munzur, Tigris and Greater Zap rivers.

    The study, a report of a fact-finding mission to the region carried
    out by Maggie Ronayne, Lecturer in Archaeology at the National
    University of Ireland, Galway, demonstrates how archaeology in
    particular supports the case of thousands of villagers adversely
    affected by these projects, most of whom do not appear to have been
    consulted at all about the dams and many of whom want to return to
    reservoir areas, having already been displaced by the recent conflict
    in the region....

    The overwhelming response in particular from women and their
    organisations is one of opposition to the negative impact on them and
    those in their care; yet women have been the least consulted sector.

    The reservoirs would submerge evidence for hundreds and potentially
    thousands of ancient sites of international importance, including
    evidence of our earliest origins as a species, the beginnings of
    agriculture, and the remains of empires including those of Rome and

    The heritage of Kurds, Armenians, Assyrians and others from the last
    few hundred years and holy places from several traditions within the
    Muslim and Christian faiths, many still used in religious practices
    today and some dating from over 1000 years ago, will go under the
    reservoir waters.

    According to report author Maggie Ronayne: 'The GAP development
    project of which these dams are part is destroying a heritage which
    belongs to the whole of humanity and contravenes the most basic
    professional standards. Governments and companies involved with these
    projects are ignoring its serious implications: the destruction of
    such diverse cultural and religious heritage in a State with a
    history of severe cultural repression. Turkey's progress on cultural
    rights for the Kurds and others has been an object of scrutiny in
    recent years; the EU must consider cultural destruction on this scale
    in that context.'

    One of the major findings of the report is that there is a new
    consortium of companies coming together to build the discredited
    Ilisu Dam which would displace up to 78,000 mostly Kurdish people,
    and would also potentially cut off downstream flows of water to Syria
    and Iraq.

    The ancient town of Hasankeyf, culturally important to many Kurdish
    people and of international archaeological significance, will not be
    saved by new plans to build the dam despite the promises of the
    Turkish prime minister and the would-be dam builders.

    In any case, the cultural impacts of Ilisu are much greater than this
    one very important town.

    >>From 2000 to 2002, campaigners, human rights and environmental groups
    and affected communities successfully exposed fundamental flaws in
    project documents and plans for Ilisu, which contributed to the
    collapse of the last consortium of companies planning to build it.
    But the basis for the project this time remains essentially the same.

    Kerim Yildiz, Executive Director of the Kurdish Human Rights Project
    commented: 'It seems that the Turkish State has not learned the
    lessons of Ilisu: the report finds that a range of international laws
    and standards are not being adhered to. EU standards in particular
    are met by none of the projects. The study also shows that while
    there have been some improvements and legal reforms, torture remains
    an administrative practice of the State. If this is the climate in
    which people are to be consulted about the dams, then we can only
    conclude that any fair outcome for the public appears most unlikely.
    The GAP development project examined in this study raises serious
    questions regarding Turkey's process of accession to the EU.'


    Maggie Ronayne, Department of Archaeology, National University of
    Ireland, Galway, Ireland. Tel: 00 353 91 512298 or 00 353 (0) 87
    7838688 (mobile) Email: [email protected]

    Kerim Yildiz / Rochelle Harris, Kurdish Human Rights Project, London,
    Tel: +44 (0)207 287-2772. Email: [email protected]