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Armenia: Peer Education, not Fear Education

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  • Armenia: Peer Education, not Fear Education

    Armenia: Peer Education, not Fear Education
    By Onnik Krikorian / UNICEF Armenia

    © UNICEF/SWZK00304/Krikorian

    Future peer educators listen to useful tips from their mentor, Veronica.

    Any visitor to School No. 43 in the Armenian capital might easily
    mistake Veronica Seropyan for a teacher. Yet, standing in front of
    thirteen pupils aged between fourteen and sixteen, there is something
    different about her class. The ubiquitous red ribbons that adorn the
    children~Rs t-shirts perhaps provide the best clue.

    Seropyan isn~Rt a teacher but a member of the AIDS Prevention,
    Education and Care (APEC) NGO that has charged itself with the task of
    training 1,400 schoolchildren as peer educators by May 2005. Through
    interactive teaching methods, discussion and games, the children
    learn about the danger of infection from HIV / AIDS.

    "We talk about the history of the disease," says Seropyan, "and how
    it is spread, what effect it has on the immune system as well as the
    biological and psychological development of teenagers. Later, they will
    pass on that knowledge by talking with their friends and classmates."

    Fifteen year old Ophelia says she even tells her parents and other
    family members.

    In fact, peer education has been found to be an effective method in
    reaching a specific target group that might otherwise not listen to
    someone older or from a different social background. In the summer,
    120 of the most promising educators will attend a summer camp to
    expand their knowledge still further.

    And there is a reason why APEC has chosen to target this particular age
    group. Although Armenia is considered a country with a low prevalence
    of HIV / AIDS, the number of those infected is growing. Last December,
    the United Nations warned that the republic faces a "potential
    disaster" if nothing is done to stop its spread.

    Moreover, while only 56 of 304 officially registered cases of HIV /
    AIDS in Armenia were aged less than 24, surveys of young people, and
    especially students, indicated that although there is a high level
    of understanding regarding the importance of practicing safer sex,
    behavior can be just the opposite.

    © UNICEF/SWZK00305/ Krikorian Young peer educators at a training
    session at Secondary School No.43 in Yerevan.

    Survey reveals problems

    Because of this, UNICEF supported a pilot project implemented by APEC
    in Armenia~Rs southern-most Syunik region in 2001 to raise awareness
    of the danger of HIV / AIDS and drug abuse. Round-table discussions
    were held with school principals and representatives of the local
    authorities. It was also decided to conduct a survey of youth in the
    region. The results were alarming.

    While respondents knew of the dangers of HIV / AIDS, very few knew
    about preventive measures. Instead, most teenagers received their
    information from unreliable sources such as films or from friends
    who lacked a comprehensive understanding of the disease. The survey
    was repeated in 2003 and APEC decided to start training peer educators.

    Although the initial reason for engaging in AIDS education was to
    prevent new infections from occurring, there was also the need to
    reduce the stigma and discrimination that is often associated to
    any mention of the disease. In many countries, talk of HIV can often
    encourage resentment and hatred from those who consider themselves
    to be least at risk.

    "However, the reality is that HIV / AIDS affects everyone," says
    Emil Sahakyan, UNICEF~Rs Information and Communication Officer. "But,
    because many people think that it will not affect them, they don~Rt
    take precautions. At the same time, informing people in the wrong
    way creates fear, stigma and discrimination."

    As a result, on World AIDS day in 2003, UNICEF funded APEC~Rs campaign
    to raise awareness and promote tolerance through the mass media.
    Approximately 80,000 leaflets, 2,500 calendars and 4,500 red ribbons
    were distributed. A one-minute video clip was also shown on sixteen
    television stations in the republic.

    In 2004, UNICEF also funded a summer school organized by APEC to
    increase the capacity and knowledge of existing peer educators. In
    total, 96 students including 60 from secondary schools in the Armenian
    capital were involved. Participants received up-to-date information,
    booklets and leaflets and were awarded with certificates at the end
    of six training sessions.

    In 2005, UNICEF will also support the establishment of youth friendly
    health services throughout Armenia.

    Meanwhile, because APEC~Rs work has been so successful and is
    constantly being expanded, the NGO has now decided to concentrate
    solely on education and prevention activities among young people
    and drug users. An offshoot of the NGO, Real World " Real People,
    will concern itself with people living with HIV / AIDS.

    "I can~Rt say that Armenia is very open in discussing such issues,"
    says Artak Mushegyan, President of the NGO, "but the situation is
    changing. We need time to understand how important it is to speak
    about this problem and that is why we also stress the importance of
    educating parents and teachers as well."

    For more information: Emil Sahakyan, Communication Officer, UNICEF
    Armenia: (+ 374 1) 523 546, [email protected]



    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress