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Ten years later

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  • Ten years later

    AZG Armenian Daily #072, 22/04/2005

    Armenian Genocide


    Levon Ter-Petrosian: The Armenian Genocide Was a Mere Political
    Program Dictated by Concrete Interests of the Ottoman Empire

    Robert Kocharian: We Became Victims of World War I

    "Ultimate Crime, Ultimate Challenges. Human Rights and Genocide"
    international conference opened in Yerevan, on April 20. Robert
    Kocharian, RA President, opened the conference. "We became victims
    of World War I even though we were not the initiators of that war,"
    Mr. Kocharian said.

    Kocharian strongly emphasized the importance of "condemnation of the
    genocides committed in the past". "Countries are more determined in
    responding to a threat or attempt to commit genocide in any part of
    the world. However, all this did not protect the humanity from new
    genocides. Yugoslavia, Rwanda, East Timor, Sumgait - in all these
    places once again innocent people were slaughtered."

    "The Armenian people, due to the genocide, were displaced, became a
    refugee people and were scattered across the globe. International
    recognition of the Armenian Genocide and necessity of restoration
    of historic injustice were sacrificed to the grand politics. Most
    of the criminals who planned and implemented the genocide escaped
    the punishment. Moreover, the remains of Taleat pasha who was
    assassinated in Berlin, were returned to Turkey and buried with honors
    in Istanbul. It was a sad evidence of carrying on the baton in relay
    race of impunity. The humanity pays a tremendously high price for
    forgetting such crimes," Mr. Kocharian said.

    He emphasized the importance of the recognition of the Armenian
    Genocide for prevention of future possible genocides. He added that
    recognition is important for Armenian-Turkish relations, since it could
    give answers to many questions that exist between our two peoples,
    it would allow to look ahead.

    "We remember the past with pain, but without hatred. For us it is
    difficult to comprehend the response of the Turkish side, which
    is represented not only by the denial of the past, but also by the
    blockade of nowadays Armenia. We have come across a paradox that still
    needs to be apprehended. The perpetrator, not the victim is furious
    with the past. We are confident that international recognition of
    the Genocide will help Turkey to come to the terms with its own past
    and to overcome the complex which is inherited from generation to
    generation and which creates additional complexities in the relations
    of our neighboring nations," RA President said.

    The International Conference dedicated to the Commemoration of 80th
    anniversary of the Armenian Genocide took place ten years ago. Levon
    Ter-Petrosian represented his approaches to the Armenian Genocide
    in 7 points, two of which referred ARF Dashnaktsiutiun. In fact, a
    political meaning was imparted to that conference, it was imparted an
    inner political meaning, as ARF Dashnaktsiutiun was also condemned in
    the Armenian Genocide. The activities of ARF Dashnaktsiutiun were
    stopped in Armenia few months before that, the newspapers of the
    party were closed, a part of the party's leaders were in the prison.

    In the first point of his speech, Ter-Petrosian found it groundless
    to explain the Armenian Genocide with the religious, ethnic and racial
    antagonism. A number of scholars objected this idea at the conference.

    "The Armenian nation lost the last opportunity to avoid the disastrous
    consequences of the genocide in 1914, when by the decree of 8th
    Congress of ARF Dashnaktsiutiun held in Erzroum, the Armenian people
    undertook the commitment of participating in the general recruitment
    in the Ottoman Empire," Levon Ter-Petrosian said. Besides, in 1920,
    "the authorities of Armenia failed to estimate in the right way the
    new situation created as a result of the strengthening of Russian
    and Turkey. That's why they lost both the independence of Armenia
    and the greater part of its territories."

    "Today, Armenia and Turkey, as neighboring countries, should establish
    naturally beneficial trade economic relations and friendly relations
    and gradually overcome the historical contradictions and restore the
    mutual trust between the Armenian and the Turkish peoples. In order
    to achieve this goal, the sides should have political will and moral
    position", Ter-Petrosian said ten years ago.

    By Tatoul Hakobian