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ANC NEWS: California Commemorates Armenian Genocide

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  • ANC NEWS: California Commemorates Armenian Genocide

    Armenian National Committee of America - Western Region
    104 North Belmont Street, Suite 200
    Glendale, California 91206
    Phone: 818.500.1918 Fax: 818.246.7353
    [email protected]

    For Immediate Release: Thursday, April 21, 2005

    Contact: Armen Carapetian
    Tel: (818) 500-1918

    -- Gov. Schwarzenegger signs Poochigian's SB 424 into law
    -- Sen. Jackie Speier delivers SJR 2 to a rally of nearly 2000

    SACRAMENTO, CA - This afternoon, California Governor Arnold
    Schwarzenegger invited leaders of the Armenian-American community
    in California along with State Senators Jackie Speier and Charles
    Poochigian and Assemblyman Greg Aghazarian to his chambers to
    commemorate the Armenian Genocide. Armenian National Committee
    (ANC)Western Region Chairman Steven Dadaian and Sacramento Chapter
    Chairman Hovanes Boghossian were among those at the special
    occasion. Prior to visiting the Governor, the ANC organized the
    Armenian Genocide 90th Anniversary Commemorative Committee of
    California's day of remembrance in the Golden State's capital.

    The day began with the last leg of the March for Humanity from
    the Sacramento Armenian Apostolic Church to the State's Capitol
    building. Over 500 members of the California Armenian American
    community joined Senator Jackie Speier and State Assembly Majority
    Leader Dario Frommer and walked with the marchers in concluding their
    215-mile, 19-day journey that began in Fresno on April 2nd. The
    procession was met at the Capitol steps by legislators, including
    Sen. Poochigian, and leaders of the California's Armenian American
    community and welcomed into the Senate as it took up SJR 2 - the
    resolution that marks April 24, 2005 the California day of remembrance
    led by Sen. Speier.

    With an overflow crowd of March for Humanity supporters attending the
    day's Senate session, His Eminenece Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian
    gave the invocation in commemoration of the Armenian Genocide.

    "This week we commemorate the 90th anniversary of this most atrocious
    massacre perpetrated by the Turkish Government," said Archbishop
    Mardirossian during his opening prayer. "Bless our Governor, our State
    Senators, State Assemblymen, and all those elected officials who are
    staunch supporters for truth and justice," stated the Archbishop.

    Sen. Speier, who is Armenian American, gave a heartfelt account of
    the Armenian Genocide for the Senate's record. Many Senators gave
    statements in support of Sen. Speier's resolution, and passed the
    resolution unanimously.

    Following the Senate's conclusion of its commemoration of the Armenian
    Genocide, the Armenian-American group made up of approximately 30
    community leaders, including the clergy, the Armenian Consul General
    of Los Angeles, and the March for Humanity, left the floor of the
    Senate to be introduced on the floor of the State Assembly for the
    consideration of SB 424 -the bill that permanently designates the
    week of April 24 California's week of remembrance of the Armenian
    Genocide authored by Sen. Poochigian. After supportive speeches
    by Assemblymembers Greg Aghazarian, Dario Frommer, Juan Arambula,
    Carol Liu, Jerome Horton, and Jackie Goldberg, the Assembly voted
    unanimously 70-0 to pass the Poochigian Bill.

    Following the sessions, leaders of California's legislature joined
    the Rally for Humanity on the South Steps of the Capitol. Master of
    Ceremonies and ANC-Western Region Chairman Steven Dadaian welcomed
    the crowd of almost 2,000, who turned out from communities in the
    San Francisco Bay Area, San Joaquin Valley, and Southern California
    to thank California on its principled leadership on the issue of the
    Armenian Genocide recognition. Dadaian then introduced legislators
    Poochigian, Speier, Scott, Alquist, Simitian, Yee, Frommer, Aghazarian,
    Liu, Villines, as well as Controller Steve Westly, who all addressed
    the gathering, demanding that the US Congress and the Administration
    acknowledge the Armenian Genocide properly and require that Turkey
    atone for this monumental crime against humanity.

    "We call on Turkey to stop its shameful campaign of denial of the
    Armenian Genocide, and we are proud that we are joined unanimously by
    the entire government of the State of California," expressed Dadaian.

    After the signing ceremony with the Governor, Hovanes Boghossian stated
    "In all my years in Sacramento I have never seen so many Armenians
    so motivated as they were today."

    The ANCA is the largest and most influential Armenian American
    grassroots political organization. Working in coordination with a
    network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the United
    States and affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCA actively
    advances the concerns of the Armenian-American community on a broad
    range of issues.

    Editor's note: Photo available upon request. Photo caption: from left
    to right, Sen. Poochigian, Archbishops Mardirossian and Derderian,
    Sen. Speier, and Assemblyman Aghazarian. Gov. Schwarzenegger in


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress