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F18News: Turkmenistan - Will registration end harassment of religiou

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  • F18News: Turkmenistan - Will registration end harassment of religiou

    FORUM 18 NEWS SERVICE, Oslo, Norway

    The right to believe, to worship and witness
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    Friday 22 April 2005

    Amid continuing international pressure, five Protestant Churches are being
    granted registration, though no Armenian Apostolic, Lutheran, Jewish,
    Yezidi or Jehovah's Witness activity is yet allowed (all unregistered
    religious activity remains illegal). Pastor Viktor Makrousov of the Full
    Gospel Church told Forum 18 News Service he still has to go to 20 offices
    to complete the registration process. He will work to regain his
    confiscated church. He hopes harassment - such as threats to
    Pentecostals in early April - will come to an end. Meanwhile all
    four imprisoned Jehovah's Witness conscientious objectors were freed by
    presidential decree in mid-April, but not former chief mufti, Nasrullah
    ibn Ibadullah, serving a 22-year sentence.


    By Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service

    More than ten months after first applying for state registration, the
    Greater Grace Church in the capital Ashgabad [Ashgabat] is among five
    religious communities that have nearly completed the registration process,
    Forum 18 News Service has leant. The Church's pastor Vladimir Tolmachev
    told Forum 18 on 22 April that his church still had to get a registration
    number from the state registry and inform the Interior Ministry's sixth
    department (which handles religious affairs, terrorism and drug crime) of
    his church's legal status "so that they won't have complaints against
    us". Then, he hopes, the church will be able to start renting a hall
    to hold legal worship services for the first time in more than eight

    The five newly-approved religious communities - the Church of Christ, the
    Full Gospel Pentecostal Church in Ashgabad, Light of the East Pentecostal
    Church in the northern city of Dashoguz, and the New Apostolic Church in
    Ashgabad - join four other minority faiths (Baha'is, Baptists, Hare
    Krishna and Adventists) registered last year. "It was more than six
    months after the Baptists got registration before they were able to rent
    premises for services," Pastor Tolmachev told Forum 18. "I hope
    it will be quicker for us."

    Also hoping for improvements for his community is Pastor Viktor Makrousov,
    who leads the Full Gospel church. "We're happy we've at last got
    registration," he told Forum 18 from Ashgabad on 22 April. "They
    suddenly phoned up last Sunday [17 April] and told me to come in urgently
    as we were getting registration, though just three days earlier when we
    phoned them they had no progress to report. Perhaps they had an order from
    above. But we still have to go to about twenty offices to complete the

    Makrousov said he hopes the church will soon be able to rent premises for
    worship as soon as the registration process is complete. "Meeting in
    private flats is cramped, but we've got nowhere else to meet. We'll also
    get working on trying to regain our Ashgabad church confiscated in
    2001." He also hopes that harassment of church members - such
    as the summoning and threatening of several Pentecostals in the Caspian
    port city of Turkmenbashi (formerly Krasnovodsk) in early April -
    will come to an end.

    The New Apostolic Church has also confirmed to Forum 18 that its church in
    Ashgabad is being given registration. In the wake of insistence by
    officials that religious activity was illegal, the Church chose to abide
    by the law and officially halted all its religious and communal activity.

    However, the activity of registered communities remains restricted, with
    officials insisting that no religious meetings can be held in private
    homes. Registered congregations are also pressured to subscribe to the
    grotesque cult of personality around the country's president, Saparmurat
    Niyazov, which focuses particularly on the two-volume book the Ruhnama
    (Book of the Soul) which he claims to have written (see F18News 1 March

    Significantly, all five religious communities to receive registration are
    Protestant churches, adding to widespread belief that the arbitrary
    granting of legal status was the result of intense pressure from the
    international community. The Armenian Apostolic Church has seen no
    progress so far in registering a community or regaining its historical
    church in Turkmenbashi. No Jewish, Lutheran, Catholic, Jehovah's Witness
    or Yezidi community has been registered. No progress appears to be in
    sight over the hundreds of Muslim communities stripped of registration in
    the wake of the 1996 amendments to the religion law. (Last year a number
    of mosques were demolished - see F18News 31 January 2005

    When the Catholics tried to lodge their registration application with the
    Adalat (Justice) Ministry in mid-April, officials refused to accept the
    documents as Fr Andrzej Madej, the Polish priest who heads the mission in
    Ashgabad, was listed as the leader. "Officials told us the leader has
    to be a local citizen," the Catholic community told Forum 18 on 22
    April. "We can only have Fr Andrzej as the leader - that is our
    rule. We hope the government will be able to accept this."

    Jehovah's Witnesses reported that they have not yet applied for
    registration. Given the continuing ban on unregistered religious activity
    in Turkmenistan, this means any activity they undertake is illegal.
    "We are still facing minor problems, but nothing serious of
    late," one Jehovah's Witness told Forum 18 on 22 April.

    At the same time the Hare Krishna community in Ashgabad - which was
    given registration last summer - has reportedly been prevented from
    meeting for worship. Members of a Baptist congregation in the eastern city
    of Turkmenabad (formerly Charjou) were fined in March and two families were
    evicted from their hostels in punishment for meeting for worship, despite
    being part of a registered church (see F18News 31 March 2005

    All four known Jehovah's Witness prisoners - Begench Shakhmuradov,
    Atamurat Suvkhanov, Mansur Masharipov and Vepa Tuvakov - were freed
    last weekend in the wake of a surprise presidential decree and are now
    back at home with their families, Jehovah's Witnesses have told Forum 18.
    The four were all named in the 16 April decree, though significantly the
    decree did not reveal that all four had been sentenced for rejecting
    compulsory military service on grounds of religious conscience.

    Three of the four had been sentenced by Dashoguz court - Masharipov on 28
    May 2004, Tuvakov on 3 July 2004 and Suvkhanov on 17 December 2004 - while
    Shakhmuradov had been sentenced by Azatlyk court in Ashgabad on 10 February
    2005 (see F18News 17 February 2005 All were sentenced
    under Article 219 of the Criminal Code, which punishes refusal to serve in
    the armed forces. Turkmenistan offers no non-combat alternative to those
    who cannot serve in the military on grounds of conscience.

    Their release leaves one known religious prisoner, the 57-year-old former
    chief mufti, Nasrullah ibn Ibadullah, who was arrested after falling out
    with President Niyazov and is now serving a 22-year sentence on charges
    the Turkmen government refuses to make public. There are also believed to
    be several imams in internal exile.

    For more background, see Forum 18's Turkmenistan religious freedom survey

    A printer-friendly map of Turkmenistan is available at as/index.html?Parent=asia&Rootmap=turkme

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