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German CDU/CSU calls on Turkey to deal with Armenian "genocide"uncon

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  • German CDU/CSU calls on Turkey to deal with Armenian "genocide"uncon

    German CDU/CSU calls on Turkey to deal with Armenian "genocide" unconditionally

    ddp news agency, Berlin
    21 Apr 05

    Berlin (ddp): Ninety years after the deportations and massacres of
    Armenians had started in Turkey on 24 April 1915, the Bundestag [lower
    chamber of the German parliament] on Thursday [21 April] dealt with
    the relationship between Turks and Armenians. In this connection,
    the CDU/CSU [Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union]
    had presented a motion to the parliament, calling on the Federal
    Government to urge "Turkey to unconditionally deal with its past and
    present role with regard to the Armenian people".

    In its motion, the CDU/CSU points out that, according to independent
    calculations, the deportations and mass murders of that time had
    claimed between 1.2 and 1.5 million Armenian victims. However, Turkey,
    as the legal successor of the Ottoman Empire, has so far denied that
    these crimes were committed systematically, the motion says. The
    incidents of that time are regarded as the first genocide of the
    20th century.

    "Apart from the Ottoman Empire, the state that was most deeply involved
    in these incidents was the Ottoman Empire's main military ally during
    World War I, the German Empire," the motion continues. At the same
    time, it calls on Germany to contribute to "a settlement between
    Turks and Armenians on the basis of reconciliation and forgiveness
    of historical guilt".

    At the beginning of the debate, CDU Deputy Christoph Bergner called
    the "almost complete destruction of a century-old culture on Armenian
    soil a tragedy at the beginning of the 20th century". Ninety years
    ago, in the Ottoman Empire, hundreds of thousands of Armenians were
    "brutally deported" and "killed systematically, often with unrestrained
    cruelty", he said.

    The impending 90th anniversary is probably the last major anniversary
    where eyewitnesses of the incidents of that time are still alive,
    Bergner added. At the same time, he expressed his hope that the
    committee consultations on the CDU/CSU motion will lead to a joint
    resolution supported by various parliamentary groups.