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90th Anniversary of Armenian Genocide marked in Germnay

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  • 90th Anniversary of Armenian Genocide marked in Germnay

    AZG Armenian Daily #073, 23/04/2005

    Armenian Genocide


    The Central Board of Germany's Armenians and the Armenian diocese of Germany
    will hold the main commemorative ceremony dedicated to the 90th anniversary
    of the Armenian Genocide at Paulskirche in Frankfurt, April 24.
    Representatives of Germany's politics, culture and science are invited to
    the ceremony. Writer and publicist Ralf Giordano is the main reporter of the
    day. RA ambassador to Berlin, Karine Ghazinian, president of the Central
    Board of Germany's Armenians, Shavarsh Hovasapian, and few others will make
    reports as well. The speech of Archbishop Karekin Bekjanian will close the
    ceremony. Actress Anita Iseli, violinist Sergey Khachatrian and pianist
    Irina Hovhannisian will perform at the ceremony.

    The Central Board together with the Armenian clergy of Germany and Armenian
    community representatives will keep a vigil at downtown Berlin from 12 a.m.
    to 2.40 p.m., April 23. Another commemorative arrangement will be held in
    German capital at 6 a.m. Dr Michael Jeismann will deliver a speech at the
    sitting's hall of Berlin Chamber of Deputies, the chairman of the Chamber as
    well as Walter Momper from SPD and the representative of the Armenian
    community of Berlin, Vardges Aljanaq. At 4 p.m. April 24, Grigor Pehlivan, a
    Cologne Armenian, will stage his "Axis of Memories: Flowers and Names"
    performance in front of the Cologne Cathedral. He will throw 90 tulips into
    the Rhine River.

    Wolfgang Huber, president of the Council of Evangelical Church of Germany,
    will serve a requiem mass at the Berlin Cathedral at 3 p.m. April 23 and a
    Brandenburg deputy Stefan Reische will make a speech at the St. Sahak Mesrop
    Armenian church of Cologne.

    Turks' resentment this year is visibly rampant this year. One example: the
    April 20 issue of Die Welt informed that the Initiative of Turkish
    Organizations made an appeal to compatriots to express their complaint via
    emails for the commemoration of the 90th anniversary at the Chamber of
    Deputies on April 23. Such provocations breach the peace of the city and
    spur polarization, speaker of the Initiative, Jatkin, said and labeled
    tragic the readiness of Walter Momper to hold forth at the arrangement of
    the Armenians.

    By Anahit Hovsepian in Germany

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress