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Turkish Scientist: 'Either we'll become a healthy people or..."

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  • Turkish Scientist: 'Either we'll become a healthy people or..."

    AZG Armenian Daily #073, 23/04/2005

    Armenian Genocide


    Turkish Scientist Says

    Daily Azg has informed readers about the participation of Turkish scientists
    Murat Belge, professor of comparative literature at Bilgi University, and
    Baskin Oran, professor at the faculty of political science of Ankara
    University, in the "Ultimate Crime, Ultimate Challenge: Human Rights and
    Genocide" international conference. Only one of them, Mr. Belge, gave a
    report at the conference.

    He said that he bears no responsibility for the Genocide nor do the future
    generations but still is a citizen of a country where it was carried out and
    will feel responsible as long as his state denies the fact. "I am coming
    from a country where individuals have no memory, the state tells us what to
    remember and what to forget and we specialize in forgetfulness. Events are
    no more a secret for anyone. People certainly new about that all but that
    generation passed away and connection between the generations blurred", he

    Afterwards Belge spoke of creation of modern Turkey, said that the society
    is being shaped from above as in Soviet regime. He noted that the allies did
    not remind of nor condemned the year of 1915 as long as Turkey was valuable
    for NATO. Therefore the end of the Cold War was beneficial for the Armenians
    but not for Turks. He thinks that Turkey still lives with the Cold War
    feeling and, having no practice, is unable to establish normal relations
    with neighbors. The allies pose painful questions, including ones about the
    Genocide. In such situation Armenians turn into traitors for Turkey. He
    added at the end: "However, times have changed, Turkish society entered
    adulthood, lest there should be no barriers. Either we will enter EU and
    will become a healthy people or will remain ill".

    Baskin Oran in his turn drew parallel between the two peoples and said that
    their unity is not only limited to geographical location; they both have
    painful issues: for Turkey it is Northern Cyprus, for Armenia it is Nagorno
    Karabakh. "But they have common Western allies who tell the Armenians vote
    for us and we will adopt your resolution and tell us do as we say in order
    to get our denial of the resolution", he said.

    Oran expressed appreciation of Richard Hovhannisian's speech and noted that
    it said everything and there is nothing to add, afterwards he urged
    Armenians not to allow third parties to intervene because it stirs up
    opposition in Turkey and hinders activities of progressive Turkish
    intelligentsia who selflessly try to unveil before the Turkish society the
    suffering that the Armenian people underwent in early 19th century.

    Rounding off Oran added: "Turkey has many sins but it deserves praise as it
    has Akcam, Berktay, Belge, Dinq and Mahtchupian. How many Armenians are so
    diligently studying Turkey as they studied Armenia? Do not let the third
    party to intervene and try to help us".

    By Hakob Chakrian