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ANKARA: Armed Forces Plan to Modenize, Reorganize, Reduce Numbers

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  • ANKARA: Armed Forces Plan to Modenize, Reorganize, Reduce Numbers

    The New Anatolian
    April 23 2005

    Turkish Armed Forces plans to modenize and reorganize by reducing

    Evren Deger

    Chief of General Staff Gen. Hilmi Ozkok says four brigades to be
    eliminated under Turkish Armed Forces' modernization and
    reorganization project

    The brigades abolished are the 10th Infantry Brigade (Van-Ercis), the
    Ninth Armored Brigade (Cankiri), the Seventh Mechanized Brigade
    (Kars-Kagizman) and the 33rd Mechanized Brigade (Kirklareli). The
    28th Division Corps in the town Sarikamis in Kars will also be
    disbanded, reducing the number of brigades to 46, and corps to three

    The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) is continuing efforts to reform its
    vintage Cold War-era structure into a more flexible and efficient
    military by abolishing four brigadesand a corps.

    In his speech at the Turkish War College on Wednesday, Chief of
    General Staff Gen. Hilmi Ozkok indicated that the reorganization of
    the TSK was being carried out under a project called Force-2014. The
    brigades and division corps set to be abolished under Force-2014 are
    the 10th Infantry Brigade (Van-Ercis), the Ninth Armored Brigade
    (Cankiri), the Seventh Mechanized Brigade (Kars-Kagizman), and the
    33th Mechanized Brigade (Kirklareli). The number of Turkish military
    brigades will thus fall to 46. The 28th Division Corps in the town
    Sarikamis in Kars will also be disbanded. Therefore, the number of
    corps will fall to three, with two in Cyprus and a training corps in

    Reasons for reorganization

    Military officials stress that the modernization and reorganization
    of the army will continue. "The goal of the Turkish military is to
    reorganize our military units, which are dispersed around a wide area
    according to the requirements of the Cold War, and to prepare them
    for immediate mobilizations to crisis areas," said one official.

    The officials also indicated that further restructuring will follow
    the abolition of the brigades and the division corps.

    Defense officials underlined that eliminating the two brigades based
    in Van and Kars reflect a change in Turkey's perception of the threat
    from Armenia.

    Gen. Ozkok's speech

    General Ozkok's speech touched on the status of the Force-2014
    project, saying that the project had been prepared with recent
    regional developments and the shift in Turkey's perception of its
    threats in mind. "Under the reorganization, the army shrunk these
    four brigades last year. This year, we will abolish the brigades
    outright and also reduce the size of our division corps' forces,"
    said Ozkok.

    He stressed that force reduction in the military could only be
    achieved as part of a carefully planned modernization program.
    "Unplanned reordering could cause disasters, thus our goal is not
    only to abolish the division corps and brigades, but also to increase
    our remaining units' preparation and combat capabilities," he said.
    "The abandoned barracks will be used by universities and other bodies
    for educational purposes."