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Turkish organizations condemn 1915 massacre - Armenian agency

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  • Turkish organizations condemn 1915 massacre - Armenian agency

    Turkish organizations condemn 1915 massacre - Armenian agency

    24 Apr 05


    Representatives of a number of Turkish public organizations are
    handing out leaflets outside the Tsitsernakaberd memorial to the
    victims of the Armenian genocide in Ottoman Turkey, demanding that
    Turkey recognize the Armenian genocide.

    The leader of the confederation of Turkish workers of Europe (FOIKA),
    Ozgul Cem, told journalists that apart from his organization, the
    action has also been joined by a number of other Turkish

    The leaflets handed out to Armenian citizens and foreign guests
    visiting Tsitsernakaberd today condemn the genocide and demand that
    Turkey unconditionally recognize and condemn it. "We regard Turkey as
    a fascist state because it conceals historical facts. We are in favour
    of recognizing and condemning the Armenian genocide," Ozgul Cem said,
    adding that the members of the organizations participating in today's
    action have been declared persona non grata in Turkey for their
    repeated demands to recognize the Armenian genocide.

    "The Turkish people has a normal attitude to the issue of recognizing
    the genocide," he said.

    We should point out that Yezids are also participating in today's