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Al-Jazeera: Armenian genocide issue still haunts Turkey

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  • Al-Jazeera: Armenian genocide issue still haunts Turkey, Qatar
    April 24 2005

    Armenian genocide issue still haunts Turkey
    By Christian Henderson

    Sunday 24 April 2005, 21:39 Makka Time, 18:39 GMT

    Armenians mark what they call the genocide anniversary

    On 24 April 1915 Turkish Ottoman authorities arrested and deported
    250 Armenian leaders marking the start of what Armenians say was a
    genocide that killed 1.5 million of their kin.

    Armenians say they were victims of an ethnic-cleansing campaign
    planned by Turkish nationalists as the Ottoman Empire crumbled amid
    the first world war.

    They say between 1915 and 1923 hundreds of thousands of Armenians
    were forcibly marched through the Mesopotamian desert where they died
    of dehydration and starvation.

    Turkey denies this. It says thousands of Armenians and Turks died in
    a civil conflict that erupted after Armenians sided with invading
    Russian forces.

    To this day, the historical events surrounding the killings remain
    hotly contested.

    Fierce debate

    Many academics say the Armenian version of events holds water.

    "Among most bona fide historians this is non-debate. Turkish
    nationalist historians still reject this," Donald Bloxham, a history
    lecturer at Edinburgh University, said.

    Historian Bernard Lewis (R) has
    backed Turkey's view of events

    Bloxham, who has just completed a book entitled The Great Game of
    Genocide: Imperialism, Nationalism and the Destruction of the Ottoman
    Armenians, said: "The Turkish version just doesn't stand on any

    On the other hand, there are several historians, such as Middle
    Eastern scholar Bernard Lewis, whose works support the Turkish
    account of events.

    "There is an explainable, understandable history of a two-sided
    conflict. It was not genocide," Justine McCarthy of the University of
    Louisville wrote in the Turkish Daily News in 2001.

    Pressure growing

    However, there is increasing international and domestic pressure on
    Turkey to recognise the killings as a genocide, suggesting that, in
    this instance, history is not on Turkey's side.

    Last week a record 32 US senators and more than 100 legislators wrote
    to US President George Bush asking him to recognise the genocide.

    "The memory of the Armenian genocide underscores our responsibility
    to help convey our cherished tradition of respect for fundamental
    human rights and opposition to mass slaughters. It is in the best
    interests of our nation and the entire global community to remember
    the past," the senators wrote.

    Armenians hope George Bush
    will use the term 'genocide'

    The Armenian lobby in the US is hoping Bush will use the word
    genocide in a speech commemorating the anniversary of the 1915

    "The overall aim of the community is to get recognition of the
    genocide," Elizabeth Chouldijian of the Armenian National Committee
    of America said.

    Whether Bush is willing to offend an important strategic ally in
    order to appease a relatively weak domestic lobby, remains to be
    seen. Turkey has traditionally been an important Nato ally and a key
    military partner with the US.

    "The president speaks of moral clarity over international issues and
    we ask him to have moral clarity over this issue too," Chouldijian

    European voices

    Pressure on Turkey is also growing elsewere.

    The Polish parliament and the Russian Duma have adopted resolutions
    that will call on the international community to recognise the
    genocide. In Germany, officials have said they will urge Turkey to
    acknowledge the incident as such.

    France's Jacques Chirac visited a
    memorial to the dead in Paris

    In France, home to the largest Armenian community in Europe, French
    President Jacques Chirac accompanied Armenian President Robert
    Kocharian to a monument for victims of the killings in Paris on

    In Belgium, the parliament voted on Saturday to make denying the
    Armenian genocide illegal.

    In addition to international pressure, there are an increasing number
    of Turkish intellectuals and academics who are breaking a taboo and
    calling for the events to be recognised as genocide.

    The Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk received death threats after he
    recently told a Swiss newspaper that "no one dares say that a million
    Armenians and 30,000 Kurds were killed in Turkey".

    Tense relations

    The issue has strong resonance in the foreign affairs of both Turkey
    and Armenia.

    Relations between the two countries are tense. Ankara refuses to
    establish relations with Yerevan because of the genocide row and
    Turkey closed its border with Armenia in 1993 because of its war with
    Azerbaijan, depriving the tiny, landlocked country of a key trade

    Armenia says that as long as Turkey fails to recognise the genocide,
    then it will feel threatened by its neighbour.

    "Without recognition of the fact of genocide and an admission that it
    was wrong, we cannot trust our neighbour, which has a tangible
    military weight," Armenia's foreign minister, Vardan Oskanyan, said.

    Harry Tamrazian, head of the Armenian service at Radio Free Europe,
    said: "This is very important for Armenia. The very fact Ankara
    refuses to recognise the Armenian genocide is very disturbing for
    Armenian security."

    Armenians say they want to seek compensation for the genocide,
    something that observers say unnerves Turkey.

    "When any genocide is committed, it is a crime and there must be
    repercussions. Once the genocide is recognised, then the next step is
    looking into what the consequences are according to international
    law," Chouldijian of the Armenian National Committee of America says.

    Crucial to EU talks

    Tamrazian echoes Chouldijian.

    "They are afraid of dealing with the consequences. Once you recognise
    the genocide, they think Armenians will ask for compensation," he

    As Turkey prepares for EU accession talks, the Armenian genocide is
    something Ankara cannot avoid.

    Turkey is a key US strategic
    partner and Nato ally

    "There is a European moral standard that says if you want to be a
    member of the Western world, then you have to allow a discussion, a
    debate, of the past, and second you have to be ready to rectify the
    wrongdoings of the past," Turkish historian Taner Akcam said at a
    recent conference on the genocide in Armenia.

    Some EU members say Turkey must examine its past before it joins the
    bloc, something that irks Turkey.

    To which Turkish President Ahmet Necdet Sezer responds: "It is wrong
    and unjust for our European friends to press Turkey on these issues.

    "These claims upset and hurt the feelings of the Turkish nation. What
    needs to be done is research and investigate and discuss history,
    based on documents and without prejudice."

    Turkey has offered to open its Ottoman archives to a joint commission
    of Turkish and Armenian historians to research the genocide issue,
    something that the Armenian government has dismissed, saying that
    incriminating documents have been removed.

    Kurdish issue

    The Armenian issue also raises questions over the nature of the
    Turkish state.

    "The Armenian genocide issue is a living one," says Edinburgh
    University's Bloxham.

    "Turkish ethnic nationalism was the ideology behind the genocide, it
    is this same ideology that has been behind its problems with the
    Kurdish population," he said.

    "So to question this ideology and the genocide would also confront
    ethnic nationalism, and Turkey would then have to confront its
    relationship with the Kurds."

    Hidden agenda?

    For their part, Turks say European countries are using the Armenian
    genocide issue to hinder Turkey's attempt to join the EU.

    Pulent Akargly, an MP with the Turkish National Party, says: "Turkey
    will never accept genocide allegations just because European and
    American parliaments say so."

    Armenians in Yerevan observe
    the anniversary of the events

    Akargly says Turkey has the strength to dismiss such demands.

    "They can make pressure but this will not have any serious impact on
    Turkey. Because Turkey is a country of 70 million with a strong army
    and a strong market in a strategic area, I believe that more and more
    the EU and the US need Turkey more than we need them."

    Akargly also accuses Europe and the US of gross hypocrisy, saying:
    "The Western world has to recognise genocide with what they have done
    in Latin America. Then what has been done during the Crusader period,
    then what has been done in black Africa and Arab Africa and during

    Different voices

    But as Turkey undergoes EU-driven reform, many in the country say
    that challenging the nationalist historiography will become easier.

    "I think we will hear different voices," Etyen Mahcupyan, a Turkish
    journalist of Armenian descent, recently told Radio Free Europe.

    "We will see that at least part of the public thinks differently -
    very differently, in fact - from the state. We will then obligatorily
    see a discussion take place between state and society. This is, in
    fact, democratisation."