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French Min. accuses Turkey of revisionism over Armenian "genocide"

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  • French Min. accuses Turkey of revisionism over Armenian "genocide"

    French minister accuses Turkey of revisionism over Armenian "genocide"

    Sources: Europe No 1 radio, Paris, in French 1100 gmt 24 Apr 05;
    French news agency AFP, Paris, in French 0857 gmt, 1622 gmt 24 Apr 05

    With regard to the commemoration of the Armenian genocide in 1915,
    tens of thousands of people have been meditating since this morning in
    Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, in front of the monument to the
    victims. [Passage omitted]

    This morning Trade Minister Patrick Devedjian [title as heard - is in
    fact minister-delegate in charge of industry], whom we mentioned a
    short while ago and who is of Armenian origin, denounced state
    revisionism on the part of Turkey.

    [The French news agency AFP reported earlier that Patrick Devedjian
    had "denounced Turkey's 'state revisionism'" during the programme
    Parlons-en (Let's talk about it) of the parliamentary TV channel
    LCP. The agency quoted the minister as saying that it was not a
    question of "recognizing Turkey's guilt but the fact that a genocide

    In a later report, AFP quoted Socialist Party leader Francois Hollande
    as saying that the opposition Socialist group in the National Assembly
    was going to "propose a law making denial of the Armenian genocide

    According to AFP, in an address to an audience of 3,000 French people,
    mostly of Armenian origin, Francois Hollande added that "if there is
    no recognition of the genocide, there won't be any accession of Turkey
    to Europe. This is a clear, unambiguous position."]