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Moscow: Armenia Remembers Victims of Genocide

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  • Moscow: Armenia Remembers Victims of Genocide

    Moscow Times, Russia
    April 25 2005

    Armenia Remembers Victims of Genocide

    YEREVAN, Armenia -- Hundreds of thousands of people clutching tulips,
    carnations and daffodils climbed a hill in Armenia's capital on
    Sunday to lay wreaths and remember the 1.5 million they say were
    killed 90 years ago in Ottoman Turkey.

    >From the top, the crowds could see the heights of Mount Ararat, now
    in eastern Turkey, the region where Armenia says its people were
    slaughtered in a deliberate genocide during the chaos surrounding the
    disintegration of the Ottoman Empire.

    At the memorial, local families mixed with members of Armenia's
    diaspora, who had flown from Europe and the United States to remember
    friends and relatives who had died between 1915 and 1923.

    "I am happy that I, my husband and my two sons are here in Yerevan
    today. A large part of my husband's family died in the genocide,"
    said Rubina Peroomian, a 66-year-old teacher from Los Angeles.

    Armenia wants the world -- and Turkey -- to admit that what happened
    was genocide. Ottoman authorities began rounding up intellectuals and
    other influential Armenians in Istanbul on April 24, 1915, as
    violence and unrest grew, particularly in the eastern parts of the

    Turkey acknowledges that large numbers of Armenians died, but says
    Armenians were among many victims of a partisan war that also claimed
    Turkish lives. Ankara earlier this month called for the two countries
    to jointly research the killings.

    Turkey's Oct. 3 start date for European Union entry talks has brought
    attention to the issue. France, home to 400,000 Armenians, promised
    to seek a Turkish admission of genocide. France, Russia and many
    other countries have already declared the killings were genocide.

    In Istanbul, Bulent Aktug, a Turkish engineer, said: "I think it is
    wrong to describe what happened in 1915 as a genocide. There was a
    lot of killing by both sides at that time."

    The commemorations in Yerevan began on Saturday night when thousands
    of people held a torchlight vigil at the massive, hilltop memorial,
    where a flame has burned since 1965. Yerevan residents planned to
    place candles on their windowsills in memory of the victims.

    On Sunday, tens of thousands of people, waving flags and carrying
    flowers, streamed through Yerevan toward the memorial to hear
    speeches and prayers. Weeping mourners filed into the circular block
    memorial, laying carnations on a flat surface surrounding a burning
    flame. A choir in black sang hymns as the crowd filed past.

    The organizers said they expected 1.5 million people, equivalent to
    half the country's population, to join Sunday's demonstrations.

    "Today we bow our heads in remembrance of those who died, filled with
    grief, but also in the certainty that the government of Armenia is a
    guarantee of the safety and eternal nature of Armenians," said a
    statement from Armenian President Robert Kocharyan, who laid a wreath
    on Sunday morning.

    Photo: High school students preparing to release 90 doves at the
    Armenian Apostolic Church in northern Moscow on Sunday during
    commemorations for the 1.5 million people that Armenia says were
    killed 90 years ago in Ottoman Turkey. More than 1,000 people
    attended the ceremony.