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Armenians mark 90th anniveersary of Ottoman massacres

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  • Armenians mark 90th anniveersary of Ottoman massacres

    ONASA News Agency
    April 24, 2005


    YEREVAN, April 24 (ONASA - AFP) - Armenians across Europe - from
    their capital Yerevan to the Ukrainian city of Lviv to the southern
    French port of Marseille - Sunday commemorated the 90th anniversary
    of the mass killings of their forebears by Ottoman Turks. Hundreds of
    thousands of Armenians live in Europe, North and South America and
    the Middle East and played a major role in keeping the memory of the
    massacres alive through the years of Soviet rule in Armenia when the
    subject was taboo. Today they have influential communities in many
    Western countries, some of which have officially acknowledged the
    Armenian massacres as genocide. The issue is believed to have played
    a role in the Armenians' ability to retain their language and culture
    after almost a century in exile. On April 24, 1915 the Ottoman
    Turkish authorities arrested some 200 Armenian community leaders in
    the start of what Armenia and many other countries contend was an
    organized genocidal campaign to eliminate ethnic Armenians from the
    Ottoman Empire. Armenians say up to 1.5 million of their kinsmen
    perished in the killings between 1915 and 1917 as the Muslim Ottoman
    Empire, the predecessor of modern Turkey, was falling apart. Ankara
    counters that 300,000 Armenians and thousands of Turks were killed in
    "civil strife" during World War I when Armenians rose against their
    Ottoman rulers and sided with invading Russian troops. In Paris, the
    Notre Dame cathedral hosted a requiem mass Sunday and many other
    gatherings took place across the country. Some 350,000 ethnic
    Armenians live in France. Armenian religious and community leaders
    headed a procession of around 1,000 people in the western Ukrainian
    city of Lviv carrying candles and red carnations. Greece recognized
    the massacres as a genocide in 1997 and in Athens a crowd of 500
    including diplomats and Greek officials placed a wreath at a war
    memorial. In Yerevan itself Sunday tens of thousands of Armenians
    including the president and top officials filed through the city's
    towering Genocide Memorial to mark the anniversary. A silent
    procession headed by President Robert Kocharian laid flowers at an
    eternal flame as Armenia's chief clergymen sang an emotional
    Gregorian Apostolic requiem service beneath the baking sun. Armenians
    observed a minute of silence at 7:00 pm (1400 GMT) in commemoration.
    It was preceded by an ecumenical liturgy in St. Gregory cathedral in
    which prayers were read by Roman Catholics, Anglicans, Greek and
    Russian Orthodox as well as Armenian Apostolic priests. In the run-up
    to the anniversary, Armenia, the world's first Christian nation, has
    pulled out all the stops in an effort to make Turkey acknowledge the
    massacres as genocide and officials have estimated that 1.5 million
    people -- the number of the victims -- will visit the memorial
    through Sunday. Many members of the Armenian diaspora worldwide have
    converged on Yerevan for the ceremonies. "As we live on, we must show
    Turkey, which tried to annihilate us, that they were wrong," said
    Vaagn Ovnanian, an American-born millionaire who has invested heavily
    in the Armenian economy. Meanwhile, Kocharian made a conciliatory
    gesture towards Ankara, saying his government would not ask for
    financial compensation for the killings if Turkey recognized them as
    genocidal. "We are not talking about compensation, this is only about
    a moral issue," Kocharian told Russia's Rossiya television, which is
    also broadcast in Armenia. The row over whether or not to call the
    killings genocide has embarrassed Turkey as it readies for the start
    of European Union accession talks later this year. Armenians hope
    that their mass commemoration on Sunday will increase the pressure.
    On Friday, French President Jacques Chirac accompanied Kocharian to a
    Paris monument for victims of the massacre, and in Germany members of
    parliament from across the political spectrum appealed to Turkey to
    accept the massacre of Armenians as part of its history, saying this
    would help its EU aspirations. On Tuesday, Poland joined a list of 15
    countries that have officially acknowledged the killings as genocide.
    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently proposed the
    creation of a joint Armenian-Turkish commission to review the issue,
    though officials expressed confidence that the study would confirm
    Turkey's current position.