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ANKARA: Irtemcelik: Armenians Know That There Was No Genocide

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  • ANKARA: Irtemcelik: Armenians Know That There Was No Genocide

    Turkish Press
    April 25 2005

    Irtemcelik: Armenians Know That There Was No Genocide


    MILLIYET- A bill on the Armenian `genocide' issue will be voted on
    Germany's Parliament after Prime Minister Gerhard Schroeder's visit
    to Ankara next week. German parties have already agreed to replace
    the word `genocide' mentioned in the bill with `emigration and mass
    murder.' The bill is expected to pass after these changes have been

    Turkish Ambassador to Germany Mehmet Ali Irtemcelik has long been
    working to inform the German Parliament and the public on what really
    happened. `The Armenians know there was no genocide,' said
    Irtemcelik. `But they have ruined our ability to make our voice heard
    in the international arena. Since their claims are untrue, they
    reject our offer to assemble a group of historians from both sides to
    investigate the issue. Their first aim is to make Turkey apologize
    for the `genocide,' and next they will demand money and land from us.
    The Ottoman archives are open to everyone, whereas the Armenians keep
    theirs closed. That's part of their strategy. Before Turkish-Armenian
    relations can be normalized, the Armenians must recognize Turkey's
    territorial unity.'

    Irtemcelik noted that the Armenian `genocide' bill is full of
    intentional mistakes, and added, `It'd be sad to see that this bill
    passed by such a serious institution as the Bundestag.'

    Irtemcelik stressed that Turkey isn't trying to escape the truths of
    the past, because there's nothing in its past Turkey is afraid to
    face. `But no one should think that we will recognize the Armenian
    `genocide' claims just because some people want us to,' he added.
    `The Armenians must come to see that their designs on Turkey are both
    illegitimate and utterly futile'.