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BAKU: Azeri agency reports anti-Armenian protest in Iran

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  • BAKU: Azeri agency reports anti-Armenian protest in Iran

    Azeri agency reports anti-Armenian protest in Iran

    Turan news agency
    25 Apr 05


    A protest against the so-called Armenian genocide in Ottoman Turkey
    was held in Tehran yesterday.

    The head of the Baku bureau of the National Revival Movement of South
    Azerbaijan (NRMSA), Huseyn Turkelli, has said that more than a
    thousand people marched from Vali Asr square to the (?Mariam) Armenian
    Church, expressing their protest at the falsification of history by

    The demonstrators chanted slogans condemning the Iranian authorities
    for cooperation with Armenia and urging Tehran to reconsider its
    relations with Yerevan.

    The demonstrators clashed with the police in the square outside the
    church. However, it was impossible to disperse the protesters as
    columns of demonstrators moved towards the St Sarkis Armenian
    Church. The action lasted about two hours.

    During the clashes, several people received injuries of varying degree
    of severity. A group of NRMSA members, including well-known activists
    (?Sahram and Mehdi Naimi), were arrested.

    However, the Iranian authorities have allowed ethnic Armenians to mark
    the "genocide day". They held their protest in the square outside
    Mariam Church.

    [Passage omitted: names of several Armenian spiritual leaders who took
    part in the protest]

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress