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NKR: Claims Need To Be Grounded Scientifically

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  • NKR: Claims Need To Be Grounded Scientifically


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]
    25 April 05

    On these days together with Armenians all over the world Artsakh
    commemorates the 90th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Although
    these days are days of sorrow for the Armenian nation, we have stepped
    into a new stage when itis possible to present our claims at a
    scientific level. The scientific conference at Artsakh State
    University on April 22 with participants from Armenia, besides the
    chronology of the Armenian Genocide, put forward forceful arguments
    for its international recognition. In his address the NKR minister of
    education, science and culture A. Ghulian said during 70 years of
    Soviet rule the issue of the Armenian Genocide was neglected at a
    governmental level although the pain continued to live in the memory
    of the nation. A new genocide was prevented on the eve of the 21st
    century owing to the existence of an Armenian statehood, which means
    that the two independent and free states have assumed the role of
    assuring nation preservation. The director of the RA National Archive
    A. Virabian, Ph.D., presented the materials of the RA National
    Archive on the Armenian Genocide containing true documents about the
    massacres of Armenians perpetrated by the Turks against the Armenian
    nation. Everybody can have access to the archive materials,
    including. The vice rector of Yerevan State University, Professor
    Doctor A. Simonian reported on the steps taken in the past ninety
    years at condemning the genocide, and the actions to be taken to reach
    its final recognition. The subject of the report presented by the
    scientific secretary of the Institute of History of the National
    Academy of Sciences K. Khachatrian was the continuity of the Turkish
    policy of Armenian Genocide in 1894 â=80` 1922. The reports of the
    historians of Artsakh State University referred to the different
    stages of the Armenian genocide, including the crimes committed by
    Azerbaijan against the people of Karabakh and the approaches of the
    international community towards the issue. The report of the
    researcher H. Harutyunian from Artsakh entitled `Armenian Massacres
    According to Epitaphs on Tombstones in Shushi' aroused great interest
    among the scholars from Armenia. Themood dominating in the reports was
    that we must seek for the recognition, condemnation and prevention of
    the genocide and, of course, restitution. Along with this we must
    pursue the international recognition of NKR as well. The conference
    will make its contribution to the idea of unacceptability of genocide
    and join the unalterable call for making the 21st century a century of
    development and prosperity of nations.
