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California Courier Online, April 28, 2005

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  • California Courier Online, April 28, 2005

    California Courier Online, April 28, 2005

    1 - Commentary
    Pres. Bush's April 24 Statement...
    >From Bad to Worse

    By Harut Sassounian
    California Courier Publisher
    2 - 2006 San Francisco
    Film Festival
    Calls for Entries
    3 - SOAD on SNL
    4 - Armenian Church in Singapore
    To Celebrate 170th Anniversary
    5 - Application Deadlines Near for
    Travel Fellowships to Armenia
    6 - After 80 Years, Looted Church Artifacts
    To be Returned to Armenian Church
    7 - Armenian Professionals Install
    2005 Executive Board Officers
    8 - Plans Underway for Pontifical
    Visit by Catholicos Karekin II
    ************************************************** ***********************
    1 - Commentary
    Pres. Bush's April 24 Statement...
    >From Bad to Worse

    By Harut Sassounian
    Publisher, The California Courier

    I did not support George Bush's re-election last year knowing full well
    that the neo-cons (neo-conservatives) occupying some of the top echelons of
    the Bush administration would never allow him to utter the words "Armenian
    Nevertheless, seeing the growing anti-American hysteria in Turkey in recent
    months, some Armenians naively believed that Pres. Bush would teach the
    Turks a lesson by using the term "Armenian Genocide" in this year's April
    24 statement.
    Last Sunday, Pres. Bush issued another one of his infamous "Armenian
    Remembrance Day" statements (his fifth in as many years in office), even
    though every year we ask him not to say anything at all, if he cannot say
    A close reading of the President's statement reveals that things have
    gotten much worse than we had realized. The issue is no longer whether he
    uses the term genocide or not. It turns out that the neo-cons in the Bush
    administration are actually exploiting the commemoration of the Armenian
    Genocide in order to pursue their sinister political aims.
    This administration has reached such a low point that neo-cons in control
    of the White House are basically willing to ignore every principle this
    country was founded on to ingratiate themselves to the Turks for the sake
    of pursuing their own narrow agenda in the Middle East, despite the fact
    that the Prime Minister of Turkey does not hesitate to accuse the U.S.
    troops of committing genocide in Iraq!
    Once again, the President's handlers have put in his statement just about
    every euphemism in the English language to avoid saying genocide, such as
    forced exile, mass killings, terrible event, Great Calamity, horrible loss
    of life, human tragedy, and suffering.
    Besides resorting to verbal gymnastics, the President, in his April 24
    statement, makes unrelated and inappropriate references to the war in Iraq
    and calls on "the Government of Armenia to advance democratic freedoms...."
    He then goes on to talk about his commitment to a "peaceful settlement of
    the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict" and "a deeper partnership with Armenia that
    includes security cooperation...." The President forgets that the recognition
    of the Armenian Genocide has nothing to do with Iraq, Karabagh or U.S.
    security arrangements.
    The most sinister part of the President's message is his indirect reference
    to the Turkish Armenian Reconciliation Commission (TARC) and his more
    direct reference to a study the latter commissioned on the Armenian
    Genocide. The President said: "I applaud individuals in Armenia and Turkey
    who have sought to examine the historical events of the early 20th century
    with honesty and sensitivity. The recent analysis by the International
    Center for Transitional Justice did not provide the final word...."
    The neo-cons and others in the Bush administration are still pushing the
    dead carcass of TARC. Despite their elaborate efforts to deceive Armenians
    into accepting a fake reconciliation, the overwhelming majority of
    Armenians did not fall for their trick. Before there can be reconciliation,
    there has to be truth and justice - both of which are absent from the
    agenda of the neo-cons and their cohorts! The President, in his desperate
    efforts to avoid using the term Genocide, is caught in the ironic situation
    of describing the
    ICTJ study as not "the final word," even though his own government paid for
    TARC which in turn paid the ICTJ to commission a study on the Armenian
    Genocide. The ICTJ found that the Turks did commit genocide against the
    Armenians. By applauding those involved in TARC and ICTJ, the President
    cannot but accept the conclusion of this study. David Philips and others
    involved in TARC and ICTJ should be concerned that the President of the
    United States is impugning their credibility!
    To make matters worse, Pres. Bush, in his April 24 statement, is endorsing
    the new Turkish ploy of setting up yet another group to study what took
    place in 1915, by expressing the "hope that Prime Minister Erdogan's recent
    proposal for a joint Turkish-Armenian commission can help advance these
    The Foreign Minister of Armenia as well as all Armenians immediately
    rejected this latest attempt by the Turks to shop for a new venue that
    would provide a cover for their lies. The historical record is clear. There
    have been Turkish tribunals and countless reports and studies by the United
    Nations, the European Parliament, the independent Permanent Peoples'
    Tribunal in Paris, and many statements by hundreds of genocide and
    holocaust scholars. The Armenian Genocide is a proven fact of history. What
    is needed is the moral courage to face the truth, not more studies, ad
    Back in 1981, Pres. Reagan issued a Presidential proclamation which used
    the term "Armenian Genocide." Therefore, Pres. Bush would not be saying
    anything new, should he use those words again. In fact, Pres. Bush does not
    need to make a statement recognizing the Armenian Genocide. Let's not fall
    for the Turkish/neo-con trick and get eternally stuck on the issue of
    trying to prove the facts of the Genocide over and over again. Let's just
    go directly to the next stage: our demands for reparation and return of
    Finally, as far as the Turkish leaders are concerned, if they have any
    sense of shame at all, they would have no reason to celebrate, just because
    Pres. Bush avoided using the word genocide in his April 24 statement. No
    self-respecting nation would be happy, when the President of the United
    States issues a formal declaration accusing it of "the forced exile and
    mass killings of as many as 1.5 million Armenians."
    ************************************************** ************************
    2 - 2006 San Francisco
    Film Festival
    Calls for Entries
    SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. - Continuing on their outstanding success in San
    Francisco and New York in 2004, the Armenian Film Festival committee
    presents the "San Francisco Armenian Film Festival 2006." The event is
    scheduled for February 2006 at the Delancey Street Theater.
    The film festival presents Armenian culture from around the world, in all
    its living diversity. The festival is committed to screening high quality
    films and videos produced by or about Armenians in every cultural,
    linguistic, and geopolitical setting.
    All forms of work -- narrative and experimental, documentary and fiction,
    features and shorts by and/or about Armenians, are welcome. In addition to
    U.S. filmmakers, foreign filmmakers are invited to submit their work.
    The deadline for submissions to arrive is June 15, 2005.
    There is no entry fee for submission of films to the festival.
    The Festival does not pay screening fees for selected films and videos.
    Send VHS tape or DVD (NTSC preferred where possible), promotional package,
    and contact information to: The SF Armenian Film Festival, c/o Film Arts
    Foundation, 145 9th St, #101, San Francisco, CA 94103. E-mail address is:
    [email protected]
    ************************************************** ***************
    3 - SOAD on SNL
    LOS ANGELES - System of A Down Band have been confirmed as the musical
    guest on "Saturday Night Live" on Saturday, May 7. This will be the band's
    first-ever appearance on the show, where they will perform two songs -
    "B.Y.O.B." and "Chop Suey." Johnny Knoxville ("Jackass") will be hosting
    the program, which airs on NBC.
    System of A Down staged its annual Souls benefit, in memory of Armenian
    genocide victims, on April 24 at the Universal Amphitheatre in Los Angeles.
    A full North American tour is tentatively slated for
    August and September.
    ************************************************** ************************
    4 - Armenian Church in Singapore
    To Celebrate 170th Anniversary
    SYDNEY, Australia - The Armenian Church in Singapore will celebrate its
    170th anniversary in ceremonies, Nov. 10-13, announced Archbishop Aghan
    Baliozian, Primate of Australia and New Zealand and Pontifical Legate of
    India and the Far East.
    These dates will mark the celebration of the very first church in
    Singapore, built by the Armenian Community in 1835 and dedicated to St
    Gregory the Illuminator.
    The 170th anniversary celebration of this historic church will be
    officiated by the Pontifical Visit of Catholicos Karekin II, accompanied by
    Archbishop Baliozian.
    The celebration will include a program of religious and cultural events
    that are currently in the planning.
    "In this special year of commemoration for Armenians, on the dual occasions
    of the 90th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and the 1600th anniversary
    of the founding of the Armenian Alphabet, we invite all Armenians and
    friends of Armenians to attend this momentous function to share a renewal
    of faith and culture in a Diasporan Community so far from our ancestral of
    home," Primate Baliozian said.
    The Armenian Apostolic Church of St Gregory the Illuminator is the oldest
    church in Singapore.
    Further information of this event can be requested from the Armenian
    Consulate in Bangkok, Thailand at e-mail: [email protected] , Tel.
    662-661-8477, Fax. 662-661-8479.
    ************************************************** ************************
    5 - Application Deadlines Near for
    Travel Fellowships to Armenia
    WYNNEWOOD, PA - Following its inaugural success in 2004, Birthright Armenia
    is currently ramping up for another summer filled with educational
    activities in Armenia for diasporan youth worldwide.
    Birthright Armenia is planning a very rich and exciting summer calendar of
    support services for the eligible volunteers it will be sponsoring. This
    sponsorship is available to any young diasporan, 18-32 years old, who is
    traveling to Armenia with one of 24 different youth-oriented programs, and
    is willing to meet a minimum threshold of an eight-week stay.
    Birthright's sponsorship includes weekly forums and excursions, Armenian
    language instruction and united "havak" sessions at no cost to
    participants, plus reimbursement of each volunteer's roundtrip airfare to
    Armenia, all in exchange for an eight-week commitment of community service
    in the Homeland.
    >From day one, Birthright Armenia's goal was not only to support existing
    organizations offering youth programs in Armenia, but also to encourage the
    creation of new programs, in order to increase the numbers of youth
    experiencing the Homeland for work and study opportunities. Already from
    the original seven programs that were part of the inaugural year of
    Birthright Armenia, the number of programs has grown to 24.
    "We generated a lot of publicity this past winter for all the
    youth-oriented programs currently available in Armenia, and raised young
    people's consciousness in terms of better understanding the importance and
    timeliness of their active involvement in the Homeland," says Linda
    Yepoyan, executive director of Birthright Armenia. "We've already received
    applications from diasporan youth in Australia, Canada, England, France and
    the U.S., who want to be a part of the movement to Armenia this summer,"
    she added.
    A list of all organizations offering youth oriented programs in Armenia is
    available at Each organization
    has its own eligibility criteria, application procedures and deadlines, and
    associated costs, all of which are listed in summary form on the Birthright
    Armenia site. Once accepted into one of the programs on the list,
    volunteers can then apply to Birthright Armenia to become eligible for a
    travel fellowship, which constitutes a reimbursement of their roundtrip
    airfare once they have successfully completed their program.
    For anyone interested in applying for a travel fellowship from Birthright
    Armenia, applications must be received by the May 15, 2005 deadline.
    Applications are currently being accepted by email, fax or by mail.
    All students who are applying to the California State University Fresno
    (CSUF) study abroad program at Yerevan State University are also eligible
    for travel fellowships from Birthright Armenia. For this maiden program,
    scheduled to launch in September, there is a deadline for applications of
    June 1, 2005.
    For those interested in learning more about Birthright Armenia, visit or email: [email protected].
    ************************************************** ************************
    6 - After 80 Years, Looted Church Artifacts
    To be Returned to Armenian Church
    By Genevieve Karakashian
    GLENDALE - During a recent visit to South Africa I was given an original
    handwritten letter and two large religious candlestick holders by a family
    named Combrinks, who received them recently from the family of a British
    Army officer, Major M. Dudding, who was stationed in Syria in 1919.
    The Combrinks have been friends of my family for 40 years, and knowing we
    are Armenians, knew we would like to see the candlestick holders returned
    to the Armenian Church. The family held onto the religious artifacts for 80
    years and sought to hand it over to the Armenians. I will do this.
    The information written on this document is amazing. It is an account of
    the massacre of Armenians and the destruction of the Armenian Church in
    Aleppo during 1919.
    I wish to have this published and placed on record. This is a letter
    written by a British Officer who was in service during that time and his
    family who are now living in South Africa have held on to it for over 80
    Below is the account of the letter handwritten by Major M. Dudding in 1960,
    explaining the provenance of the artifacts:
    1960 - Brass Candlesticks
    In 1919 The Turks indulged in one of their lucrative industries - an
    Armenian Massacre in Aleppo - capital of Syria ...Approx 300 miles North
    of Jerusalem.
    The remainder of the civilized World looked upon it as a crime - not so the
    Turks - just- your money or your life! The country was under marshal law &
    I happened to be the representative of the Provost Marshal (stationed in
    Cairo), When the massacre subsided & 350 Turks had been arrested some of
    the remaining Turks started looting & at the time during a routine ride
    around the Town I noticed Turks emerging from an Armenian Church bearing
    these & other candlesticks from Alter tables& instructed my police orderly
    to confiscate them. The Church had been used by the British troops for
    divine services..
    The usual ignorant critic will say that I should have returned them to the
    Church but unfortunately the personnel of the Church had all been
    Four similar candlesticks have been given to 2 churches on the Reef & these
    remaining two are given to someone interested or sympathetic to the East
    after 41 years in my possession.
    I had the satisfaction of hanging thirty-six Turks after trial & conviction
    though I had had no experience as a hangman.
    To the best of my knowledge - which is negligible - this was the last
    Armenian massacre on record.
    ************************************************** *************************
    7- Armenian Professionals Install
    2005 Executive Board Officers
    GLENDALE - Installation of new officers for the Armenian Professional
    Society 2005 Executive Board took place at the Women's City Club in
    Pasadena recently.
    The new officers are: President, Peggy Pailian, an architect with a degree
    from USC, project manager and designer with Roschen Van Cleve Architects;
    First Vice-President Robert Matigan, Engineer and Senior Technical
    Specialist at Integrated Systems: Second V-P, Haig Armaghanian, CEO of Haig
    Barrent, Inc., a mid-sized Los Angeles and London-based Management
    Consulting firm; Treasurer, Mihran Keunehlian, Tax Auditor; Scholarship
    chair, Stepan W. Baghdassarian, J.D., MBA, Founding partner of
    Baghdassarian & Behne, international law firm based in Southern California
    and Brazil, and Managing Director of BizHelp, Inc., a company representing
    foreign food and beverage companies in the US.
    Founded in 1958, the APS continues to promote its mission of advancing
    fellowship and education among the Armenian community. APS annual provides
    scholarships to graduate students and various Armenian colleges and
    universities, and also provides funds to other worthwhile Armenian cause,
    via the Helping Hands Fund.
    Membership to APS is open to all Armenians who have achieved at least a
    four-year degree from an accredited college or university.
    The APS meets monthly at various venues in Los Angeles County for many
    types of events ranging from mixers, lectures, to outdoor activities.
    APS's next event is a photo exhibit by Ara Oshagan, "Negotiating an
    Identity: Photographs from Los Angeles & Karabagh," scheduled for May 1,
    3:30 p.m. at the Downey Museum of Art.
    For reservations, e-mail [email protected]. For additional information on the
    event and on the PAS, visit the website
    ************************************************** ************************
    8 - Plans Underway for Pontifical
    Visit by Catholicos Karekin II
    LOS ANGELES - Plans are underway by the Western Diocese of the Armenian
    Church of North America in preparation for the Pontifical Visit of
    Catholicos Karekin II who will be visiting the Armenian faithful throughout
    California from June 1 to 20.
    One of the highlights during the visit will be a Gala Banquet to be held on
    June 4, at the Century Plaza Hotel. The Los Angeles Ballroom, accommodating
    approximately 1500 guests, has been reserved for this significant occasion.
    The banquet is Black Tie Optional, with the reception beginning at 6:30
    p.m., doors to the Ballroom opening at 7:15 p.m. and the Pontifical
    Processional Entrance at 7:45 p.m.
    Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese, expressed his
    joy and pride in the Committee which has been organized to plan and prepare
    the many public events and activities scheduled during the Pontifical
    visit. Archbishop Derderian proclaimed that the Armenian community will be
    spiritually rejuvenated and called upon them to come forward and greet the
    Catholicos on his second official Pontifical visit, "The Renaissance of
    Archbishop Derderian stated that "The visit of the Pontiff is a challenge
    for the faithful members of the community to be more organized, to be
    uplifted, thus creating a new awareness on the verge of the rebirth of
    their Christian spirituality."
    The Banquet Committee, chaired by Flora Dunaians and Lily Ring Balian, are
    committed to providing His Holiness with the opportunity to personally
    greet as many members of the community as possible.
    Reservations are being accepted for sponsorships of tables in categories of
    $25,000, $10,000, $5,000, and $1,500. Choice seating is still available and
    reservations for special tables can be made by contacting Cindy Norian at
    Under the Chairmanship of Richard Mushegian, Chair of the Diocesan Council,
    committees have been formed to administer and coordinate each specific
    event, including gatherings with the youth, official meetings with
    ecumenical and government representatives, celebrating the Pontifical
    Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, visits with
    Armenian Day School students, the Blessing of Foundation Stones for the new
    Cathedral, hospital visitations, and ground breaking ceremonies at Western
    Diocese churches.
    For further information regarding the events and activities scheduled for
    the Pontifical Visit, call the Western Diocese Offices at 818-558-7474.

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    From: Baghdasarian