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Museum of Armenian Genocide in Washington

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  • Museum of Armenian Genocide in Washington

    AZG Armenian Daily #074, 26/04/2005

    Armenian Genocide


    Planning Works to begin Soon

    Ruben Adalian, head of the Armenian National Institute, held a speech
    entitled "Contributing to Recognition of the Armenian Genocide by a Third
    Side" at the genocide congress. Mr. Adalian gave an interview to Azg in
    which he told about the current stage of the establishment of the Genocide
    Museum in Washington.

    "The most important thing is that Anoush Matevosian, Hrayr Hovnanian and
    Gerard Gafeschian, three benevolent-founders of the museum, helped us to
    enlarge the area envisaged for the museum. Thus, the programs, concerning
    the museum, were enlarged too. We envisage to create a working group by
    getting in touch with the heads of the Armenian museums and make the first
    steps for the implementation of the project, i.e. choose an architect, begin
    planning, etc. The specialists think that the establishment of the museum
    will last 5-7 years, at least," he said.

    Mr. Adalian believes that the history of the Armenian Genocide is already
    recognized in the United States. The whole matter is to achieve the
    political recognition of the Genocide. This process has reached its
    culmination. Each year, on April 24, the American Armenians are waiting for
    the president of the country to use the term "genocide" at last but it
    doesn't happen and we remain being disappointed.

    "Turkey's position concerning the genocide has already been smashed. Nobody
    believes that, even the Turks themselves, but they don't look for another
    way out. The Turks avoid using the term "genocide," while the Turkish press
    has been literally flooded with this word. They can escape from that. Being
    a powerful country, they have no courage to recognize the Armenian

    The scholars expressed the opinion at the congress that the establishment of
    the Genocide Museum in Washington will greatly contribute to the political
    recognition of the issue. Professor Yehuda Bauer from Israel expressed the
    idea that such a museum should open in Ankara, as well, bringing the example
    of the Holocaust Museum in Germany.

    "It goes without saying that the museum will play an essential role in the
    recognition of the Genocide, as it will help all the nations living in the
    US be thoroughly informed about the massacres of the Armenians," Ruben
    Adalian added.

    He also said that very frequently the leading American mass media and press
    touch upon the issue of the Armenian Genocide. One could hardly imagine
    something like that 10 years ago. They used to avoid using the term
    "genocide" to describe the massacres of the Armenians in 1915. Today, this
    word prevails in almost all the publications.

    By Ruzan Poghosian