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Toronto: Hundreds Demand Justice on 90th Anniversary of The Genocide

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  • Toronto: Hundreds Demand Justice on 90th Anniversary of The Genocide

    Armenian National Committee of Toronto
    45 Hallcrown Place
    North York Ontario
    Contact: Vahan Ajamian
    Tel: 416.491.2900
    Fax: 416.491.2211
    E-mail: [email protected]

    TORONTO, ON ? Approximately 500 people attended the commemoration of the
    ninetieth anniversary of the Armenian Genocide which took place at the
    Armenian Community Centre on Sunday, April 17, 2005. Also participating in
    the commemoration were political dignitaries and community leaders

    Jack Layton ? Leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada & MP,
    The Hon. Jim Karygiannis ? MP, Scarborough-Agincourt
    Yasmin Ratansi ? MP, Don Valley East
    Derek Lee ? MP, Scarborough-Rouge River
    Susan Kadis ? MP, Thornhill
    The Hon. Gerry Phillips ? MPP, Scarborough-Agincourt
    The Hon. David Caplan ? MPP, Don Valley East
    The Hon. Tony Wong ? MPP, Markham
    Brad Duguid ? MPP, Scarborough Centre
    Mario Racco ? MPP, Thornhill
    Frank Klees ? MPP, Oak Ridges
    Michael Prue ? MPP, Beaches-East York
    Shelley Carol ? Toronto City Councillor, Ward 33 - Don Valley East
    Mike Del Grande ? Toronto City Councillor, Ward 39 - Scarborough-Agincourt
    Adam Giambrone ? Toronto City Councillor, Ward 18 - Davenport

    The keynote speaker for the event was Dr. Gerald Caplan, an author of
    several articles and public policy studies, including the 300-page report
    ?Rwanda: The Preventable Genocide?. Dr. Caplan discussed his experience in
    covering the Rwandan Genocide and how it motivated him to continue covering
    critical issues in Africa today ? such as the state of Africa?s children
    and the AIDS epidemic.

    Regarding the Armenian Genocide, Dr. Caplan said he felt outraged that ?the
    central message of this anniversary remains the relentless effort to
    persuade our own government in Ottawa, the government of the United States
    and? the government of Israel to perform a simple act of justice.? He
    explained that ?we must continue to insist that they officially recognize
    that in 1915 a classic genocide, totally consistent with the definition set
    down 35 years later in the United Nations Convention For The Punishment And
    Prevention For The Crime of Genocide, was deliberately inflicted upon the
    Armenian people living in Turkey by the Turkish government, its army and
    its proxies.? Given their similar experiences with genocide, Dr. Caplan
    stressed the need for the Armenian, Jewish and Rwandan communities to
    create stronger ties and work together in what he termed ?the solidarity of
    sorrow and the solidarity of victims.?

    In his remarks to the crowd Jack Layton, Leader of the federal NDP,
    discussed the work performed by the NDP in securing the recognition of the
    Armenian Genocide. ?I?m proud that our party was able to support the
    motion (M-380) that came before the House last year? We wanted that motion
    to pass the House of Commons, and that motion has passed the House of
    Commons. And it?s because of the hard work of each and every one of you
    here who worked so hard to achieve that very positive result.?

    The Honourable Jim Karygiannis, Member of Parliament for
    Scarborough-Agincourt deeply touched the crowd when he spoke of how
    genocide by the Ottoman Empire had affected him personally and his
    experience being born in a refugee camp. ?We talk on a daily basis of what
    happened to us. History, ladies and gentlemen, can not be changed. Those
    people that want to change it, those people that deny it, they?re stealing
    from us? our history? our identity? and our future.? He later stressed his
    commitment to continue to support the Armenian cause.

    Messages for the events received from politicians who could not be present
    were read by representatives from the Armenian National Committee of
    Toronto. Messages were received from: His Excellency Ara Babian, Armenia's
    Ambassador to Canada; Stockwell Day, Official Opposition Foreign Affairs
    Critic; Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario & David Miller - Mayor of
    Toronto. But the largest applause came during the reading of the message
    from Stephen Harper, Leader of Her Majesty?s Official Opposition & Leader
    of the Conservative Party of Canada, when he declared ?On April 24th, we
    honour the one and a half million victims of the Armenian Genocide whose
    lives were taken from 1915 to 1922.? When it was announced that the Prime
    Minister, The Right Honourable Paul Martin, had failed to provide a message
    to the community on this occasion, the crowd responded with boos and cries
    of ?Shame!?

    A further surprise announcement during the commemoration came from Mr.
    Frank Klees, Member of Provincial Parliament for Oak Ridges. ?I will, this
    week, ask for unanimous consent in the provincial legislature that as a
    provincial legislature we pass a resolution calling on the federal
    government not only to allow a vote on this, but to ensure that the federal
    government take action and recognize the genocide in the way that it is
    appropriate to do.? Mr. Klees received a standing ovation from the crowd
    for his pledge ? which he followed up the subsequent day at Queen?s Park.

    The message from the ARF Youth Organization of Canada?s Toronto ?Simon
    Zavarian? chapter was given by executive member Hovig Saraphanian. Mr.
    Saraphanian explained that the youth of today, having grown up with
    Canadian values of tolerance and compassion, demanded justice for the crime
    of the Armenian Genocide. He concluded his speech with the words, ?As
    Canadian-Armenians our demands are simple: Justice, recognition and
    restitution for the one and a half million martyrs who perished during
    World War I and the systematic massacres beforehand all undertaken by the
    Ottoman Turks. We reaffirm our pledge that we will not rest until their
    memory is rightly honoured by all.?

    The Republic of Armenia as well as Armenian communities around the globe
    are holding various events marking the 90th anniversary of the Armenian
    Genocide. The official commemoration on April 17, 2005, was only one of
    several Toronto events planned for April 2005. For a schedule of other
    events contact the Armenian National Committee of Toronto at
    [email protected]
