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BBC: European press review

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  • BBC: European press review

    BBC News

    Monday, 25 April, 2005, 04:26 GMT 05:26 UK

    European press review


    Turkey's EU woes

    With Turkey's bid for EU membership being a major EU referendum issue,
    Paris' Le Monde notes that President Jacques Chirac, for the first
    time in his ten years in office, attended a ceremony held in Paris by
    the Armenian community to mark the 90th anniversary of what the paper
    calls the 1915 "genocide" of Armenians by Turkish troops.

    President Chirac, it remarks, "was accompanied by the President of
    Armenia, Robert Kocharian, who chose the symbolic date to spend a few
    days in France".

    [Caption: "Turkey must admit that certain things are non-negotiable" -

    Liberation also considers the significance of the occasion, saying
    that "remembrance of this dark episode has a bearing on Europe because
    the anniversary has come up during the referendum campaign".

    "In putting forward its bid for EU membership," it argues, "Turkey
    must admit that certain things are non-negotiable".

    The paper points out that in the process of building Europe other EU
    members have owned up to past misdeeds, and therefore asking the Turks
    to do the same towards the Armenians is merely "to treat them like
    everyone else, as they themselves have demanded".

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress