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Al-Jazeera: Syrian pullout evokes mixed feelings

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  • Al-Jazeera: Syrian pullout evokes mixed feelings, Qatar
    April 26 2005

    Syrian pullout evokes mixed feelings
    By Cilina Nasser in the Bekaa Valley, eastern Lebanon

    Syria has officially informed the United Nations that it has
    completed its withdrawal from Lebanon, but for some, there are some
    memories that continue to linger.

    Lebanese soldiers have slowly started to fill in the vacuum left by
    Syrian troops and intelligence units who in recent weeks have packed
    up and vacated buildings they inhabited for most of the past 29

    A paper plastered at the entrance of a Syrian military intelligence
    office in the eastern town of Anjar - 58km from Beirut and close to
    the Syrian borders - and signed by the Lebanese Army reads: "This is
    a military centre. It is not allowed to enter the building or get
    close to it."

    A construction contractor points his finger at the two-storey
    building, covered with graffiti, and says: "This is the Prophet Yusuf
    Centre. That's where the Syrians tortured people."

    The Syrian military intelligence headquarters had been located just
    beside the famous ruins of the Islamic Umayyad Dynasty in Anjar since

    There were joyous scenes as
    Syria completed its pullout

    Now, several Lebanese soldiers are stationed outside this former
    detention centre, banning journalists from snooping around.

    Bitter memories

    But the Anjar military intelligence office may be a place were some
    memories will never leave.

    The construction contractor claims he still remembers the screaming
    of detainees whom he heard once when he took his truck to do some
    digging work about 20 metres away from the Centre, which was named
    after the Syrian officer in charge there, Yusuf Abdu.

    "They were screaming from pain," he recalls. "I finished my work
    quickly to get away from there."

    Remon Bouban, a commercial driver, remembers the seven days he spent
    at the centre in 1986. He was then transferred to Syria where he was
    moved from one detention facility to another in the course of 12

    "I hate the Syrian regime. I hate it more than you can imagine," he
    states. "I was tortured for years and years and was thrown in prison
    because of a fake accusation," he alleges.

    He claims he was tortured and forced to confess to anti-Syrian
    activities he maintains he did not commit.

    The use of torture to obtain confessions is a violation of
    international law.

    Syrian-Lebanese fraternal ties

    Still, Bouban says he will never forget the friendships he has made
    in prison with Syrian inmates.

    "The Syrian people are very simple and good people," he says. "Every
    time one of them used to receive a family visit, he would invite me
    to share the food his family brought him."

    Rafi Tamourian, 25, told he was happy to see the
    Syrians leave as his mother kept interrupting him in Armenian
    obviously trying to protect her son from questions involving Syria.

    Armenians are the main inhabitants in Anjar.

    "Maybe they are our brothers, but they have treaded on our hearts for
    a long time now," he said.

    Residents in the Hizb Allah stronghold of Yahfufa, a small village
    tucked in a valley and surrounded by a spectacular view of mountains,
    supported Syria, saying it has backed the armed resistance in forcing
    Israel to pull out its troops from Lebanon in May 2000.

    "It's true Syria is getting out of the country, but our relations
    must and will become stronger," a Hizb Allah guard told

    Honouring Syrian dead

    In the neighbouring village of Riyak, a cornerstone for a monument to
    honour Syrian soldiers killed in Lebanon's wars was laid during a
    farewell celebration which included a military parade for separate
    Lebanese and Syrian battalions.

    "It's true Syria is getting out of the country, but our relations
    must and will become stronger"

    "Let's remember our martyrs," a commander shouted. The Lebanese and
    Syrian soldiers roared three times in unison: "We will never forget

    "Mabruk," a congratulating salute surprisingly came from a Syrian
    journalist covering the farewell celebration as he addressed his
    Lebanese colleagues. "I'm happy. I don't want oppression to be
    practiced against the Lebanese in my name," he said, adding he hoped
    his country would continue to go through changes under the leadership
    of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

    On the main road at the border town of Masnaa, a Syrian army officer
    filmed green military buses filled with soldiers and lorries crammed
    with their belongings as they headed back to Syria. "The filming is
    just to keep the memory," he told He came from
    Damascus especially to film his retreating colleagues. Asked if they
    were happy, he said: "I don't think anybody wants to leave Lebanon
    this way."