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ANCA: Pallone & Schumer Call for Justice for the Armenian Genocide

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  • ANCA: Pallone & Schumer Call for Justice for the Armenian Genocide

    Armenian National Committee of America
    888 17th St., NW, Suite 904
    Washington, DC 20006
    Tel: (202) 775-1918
    Fax: (202) 775-5648
    E-mail: [email protected]

    April 27, 2005
    Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
    Tel: (202) 775-1918


    "There must be recognition, there must be restitution,
    there must be reparations for the Armenian Genocide."

    -- Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ), speaking at the
    Time Square Rally Marking the 90th Anniversary
    of the Armenian Genocide

    NEW YORK, NY - Speaking before a crowd of over eight thousand at an
    April 24th Times Square rally marking the 90th anniversary of the
    Armenian Genocide, Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairman Frank
    Pallone (D-NY) and Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) issued powerful
    calls for international recognition and justice for the Armenian
    Genocide, reported the Armenian National Committee of America
    (ANCA). Moving remarks were also offered by Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-
    NY), as well as His Eminence Oshagan Choloyan, Prelate of the
    Armenian Apostolic Church, Eastern U.S. and His Eminence Khajag
    Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church,
    Eastern U.S.

    "Armenian Americans from around the nation welcome the principled
    remarks of Senator Schumer and Congressman Pallone in support of
    full U.S. recognition and Turkish acceptance of responsibility for
    the Armenian Genocide, and - most significantly - a just resolution
    of this crime that restores to the Armenian nation, to the extent
    possible, what was so brutally taken during the Genocide and in the
    years that have followed," said ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian.

    Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairman Frank Pallone, in remarks
    welcomed by sustained applause, argued forcefully for the
    recognition of the Armenian Genocide and the just resolution of the
    crime committed against the Armenian nation. The New Jersey
    Congressman closed his remarks with the following statement:

    "I was reading the New York Times that the Turkish envoy said that
    not only did the Genocide never occur, but he suggested that the
    reason why Armenians want to recognize the Armenian Genocide today
    - want the Congress and the other countries to be on record - is
    because they wanted restitution and they wanted reparations. And I
    say to that 'Yes, we do!' It is important not only to recognize
    the genocide but we have to make it clear that those who committed
    it pay restitution. There has to be reparations because if there
    is no pain, if there is no consequence of genocide recognition,
    then that all would be futile. There must be recognition, there
    must be restitution, there must be reparations for the Armenian

    In moving remarks to Armenians gathered in New York from around the
    nation, Sen. Schumer stressed: "The persecution of Armenia
    continues today, in part because we do not recognize that Genocide.
    There is still a Turkish blockade of Armenia. There are continued
    desecrations of Armenian buildings and churches in the occupied
    lands. But what rubs salt in the wounds of those who have suffered
    is the refusal of the world to recognize their suffering and to
    recognize that a 'genocide' occurred. That is the ultimate

    The New York Senator went on to note the importance of ensuring
    that the victims of genocide receive justice: "If despots in the
    dark corners of the world think that they can commit atrocity with
    out fear of punishment, then they will be encouraged to commit
    those atrocities. And so I say to all of you, we must prick the
    conscience of our nation and the world. We must never rest until
    the Armenian Genocide is recognized."