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ANKARA: Turkish PM Erdogan: We will account for our history

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  • ANKARA: Turkish PM Erdogan: We will account for our history

    Journal of Turkish Weekly
    April 27 2005

    Turkish PM Erdogan: We will account for our history

    source: Hurriyet

    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, participating in the
    "Turkish Government" round table part of the the Economist Conference
    sponsored by the The Economist Group, called on the countries who
    have recognized the so-called Armenian genocide to consider their

    Said Erdogan: "I am saying clearly: we have opened all of our
    government archives. Let the Armenians open theirs too. And if
    there's any other country which would like to, let them open their
    archives too."

    Said Erdogan further, "If we have to account for our history here, we
    will do so. But let the things which should be accounted for
    accounted for. No one has the right to hold our past under suspicion.
    We cannot say 'yes' to this."

    Let there be no ill will

    Erdogan had harsh words for the now 15 countries which have
    recognized the Armenian genocide. "We don't appreciate the steps
    which have been taken on this subject. Unfortunately, the decisions
    made by these parliaments are provoking hatred and ill will in the
    world. The future of the world cannot be built on a foundation of
    hatred and ill will. There are now 15 national parliaments which have
    taken a decision on the Armenian genocide. We will tell them each
    individually our feelings on this matter."

    Plans for centennial in the works

    Yesterday, Turkish PM Erdogan met at Istanbul's Ciragan Hotel with
    Australian President John Howard. Reportedly, the theme of their
    meetings was joint Turkish-Australian recognition of the centennial
    of the War at Gallipoli, coming up in 2015.